Kutatástámogatási tréningek

(Az oldal legutóbbi frissítése: 2024. május 13.)

Az alábbiakban az NKE kutatók érdeklődésére számot tartó adatbázishasználati bemutatók, publikálásmódszertani tréningek és és kutatástámogatási  előadásokra szóló meghívók kerülnek megjelenítésre.

Storytelling Strategies for Research Communication

2024. május 15. (szerda) - 17.00 (online)

Language: English

Practical storytelling strategies are vital for communicating research in story form. Participants will learn an orientation to storytelling that centers cultural humility while leveraging storytelling dynamics based in a longstanding tradition of professional storytelling.

You will learn techniques of story construction based on three classic narrative structures, with roots in folklore and narratology, that together provide a road map for weaving together information and emotion. You will learn a specific series of steps for practicing and refining stories with live audiences to develop their potential for impact. Finally, you will build confidence in transforming their ability to recognize a good story into skills for crafting a meaningful and memorable research story.



Excellence in peer review: how to be an effective peer reviewer

2024. május 22. (szerda) - 10.30 (online)

Language: English

Whether an article can be accepted or not depends on the opinions of the reviewers. However, even experienced reviewers may not always be clear on what to focus on during the peer review process. So, we hope that you can participate in this training, regardless of whether you are the author or the reviewer.

Here, we have summarized the opinions of various experts to help you sort out various aspects that need to be understood during the peer review process. Including:

  • An overview of the different types of peer review

  • The responsibilities of a peer reviewer

  • What are the reviewers focusing on in peer review

  • Ethical concerns in peer review

We offer certificates to participants who complete the workshop.

If you would like the opportunity to gain further experience as a reviewer and establish closer connections with journals, after attending this workshop, you can become a member of the Taylor & Francis Talent Pool.


Felelősségteljes, tudományos mesterséges intelligencia (AI) a Web of Science kutatói számára

2024. május 24. (péntek) - 10.00 (online)

Nyelv: magyar

A mesterséges intelligencia átalakítja a kutatást, oktatást és tanulást. A Clarivate gondoskodik arról, hogy biztonságosan és felelősségteljesen mozoghasson ezen az új tájon, miközben a kutatási kiválóságra törekszik.

Csatlakozzon ehhez a webináriumhoz, hogy többet tudjon meg a Web of Science legújabb és jövőbeli, mesterséges intelligencia által vezérelt fejlesztéseiről, beleértve a jelentős keresési fejlesztéseket és a hamarosan megjelenő, generatív AI-alapú Web of Science Research Assistant-t. Megvitatjuk, hogyan valósítjuk meg az AI-t, hogy segítsünk a kutatóknak minden szinten eligazodni az összetett kutatási feladatokban, és többet kihozni a világ legmegbízhatóbb hivatkozási adatbázisából – a Web of Science Core Collectionből.



Sage Research Methods és a Sage Journals

2024. május 30. (csütörtök) - 15.00 (online)

Language: English

A Sage Kiadó a próbahozzáféréshez kapcsolódva webináriumot szervez a próbahozzáférésben részt vevő és az adatbázist előfizető intézmények számára a Sage Research Methods és a Sage Journals adatbázisról.

This will be an one hour and  a half session, covering both Sage Research Methods and Journals, with a focus on  Sage Research Methods.

A small brake will be accommodated, in between the presentations of the 2 products.

Sage Research Methods offers a comprehensive guidance for the researcher in the field of study design, methods, statistics, and analysis. It includes:

•  An unparalleled library of resources to support every step of your project

• An in-depth explanation of key research methods of absolutely every field of study

• A step-by-step guidance on how to use all these resources, through every stage of the research process.

This bespoke training event will help you find out more about the Sage Research Methods database, including information on the content and the resources available to your university; this session will also offer information on how to navigate the platform and how to find useful information about the various tools and functions we offer, supporting you to use Sage Research Methods to its full potential.

We look forward to seeing you at the event!

If you have any questions related to the training session, please email Claudia Paicu:



Excellence in peer review: how to be an effective peer reviewer

2024. június 19. (szerda) - 10.30 (online)

Language: English

Whether an article can be accepted or not depends on the opinions of the reviewers. However, even experienced reviewers may not always be clear on what to focus on during the peer review process. So, we hope that you can participate in this training, regardless of whether you are the author or the reviewer.

Here, we have summarized the opinions of various experts to help you sort out various aspects that need to be understood during the peer review process. Including:

  • An overview of the different types of peer review

  • The responsibilities of a peer reviewer

  • What are the reviewers focusing on in peer review

  • Ethical concerns in peer review

We offer certificates to participants who complete the workshop.

If you would like the opportunity to gain further experience as a reviewer and establish closer connections with journals, after attending this workshop, you can become a member of the Taylor & Francis Talent Pool.
