Kutatástámogatási tréningek
(Az oldal legutóbbi frissítése: 2025. március 25.)
Az alábbiakban az NKE kutatók érdeklődésére számot tartó adatbázishasználati bemutatók, publikálásmódszertani tréningek és és kutatástámogatási előadásokra szóló meghívók kerülnek megjelenítésre.
A folyóiratokon túl – sokrétű tartalom a Web of Science-ben2025. március 26. (szerda) - 10:00 (online) Nyelv: magyar Időtartam: 60 perc A kutatási világ folyamatosan fejlődik, és a releváns szakirodalom nyomon követése egyre összetettebbé válik. A Web of Science nemcsak a Web of Science Core Collection, hanem egyedi, értékes és változatos tartalmat kínál, amely segíthet Önnek mélyebb betekintést nyerni saját szakterületén. Ezen a webináriumon felfedezheti:
Csatlakozzon hozzánk, és ismerje meg, hogyan hozhatja ki a legtöbbet a Web of Science kínálta lehetőségekből, hogy versenyelőnyt szerezzen kutatásaiban! |
Oxford Academic AI Discovery Assistant26 March 2025 (Wednesday) - 11:00 (online) Lenght: 30 minutes Language: English The AI Discovery Assistant is now available on the Oxford Academic platform, making your discovery of scholarship quicker, whatever your specialism, as it identifies the books, journals, chapters, and articles most relevant to your research. In this session, we’ll explore the new Discovery Assistant and how it can help you navigate the resources on Oxford Academic. |
Introduction to Scopus1 April 2025 (Tuesday) - 10:30 (online) Language: English Scopus is the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. You have direct online access to content from over 7,000 publishers via discovery & analytical tools. It’s the perfect and easy way to track who is doing what research and where. In this session, we will show you how to use it to track your organization’s progress and impact with confidence with expert-curated affiliation profiles and help researchers showcase accomplishments, explore collaborators and inform funding and promotion proposals with best-in-class researcher profiles. |
Maximising Research Efficiency: Navigating Key Research Tools for Optimal Academic Content2 April 2025 (Wednesday) - 10:00 (online) Language: English We are pleased to invite you to an informative webinar hosted by Kirill Ivanov, Customer Success Manager in Central and Eastern Europe at Elsevier. This session will focus on using Elsevier's key research tools - ScienceDirect, Scopus, SciVal, and Mendeley - to identify and access the most relevant academic content for your research and studies. During this webinar, you will learn: - How to effectively use ScienceDirect to access full-text academic content across various disciplines. - Techniques for utilising Scopus to reference and validate academic sources and stay updated on new research. - Strategies to leverage SciVal for deep bibliometric analysis to identify significant research trends and benchmark your institution's performance. - The advantages of using Mendeley for reference management and collaboration with peers. Additionally, we will provide an overview of other valuable solutions Elsevier offers to support your research and academic work. |
Magyar Nyílt Tudományos Fórum XI. - az EOSC EU Node használatáról2025. április 3. (csütörtök) - 10:00 (online) A Pro-M Zrt. és a Debreceni Egyetem Egyetemi és Nemzeti Könyvtár (DEENK) 2025. április 3-án (csütörtökön) 10 órakor tizenegyedik alkalommal rendez online Nyílt Tudományos Fórumot. A fórum témája az EOSC EU Node használata. Az EOSC EU Node célja, hogy közös felületen biztosítson hozzáférést a kutatási adatokhoz kapcsolódó szolgáltatásokhoz, eszközökhöz és eredményekhez. Tervezett Program:
- 10:00 - 10:05 Köszöntés
- 10:05 - 10:30 Szegedi Péter: Az EOSC EU Node kínálta szolgáltatások áttekintése - 10:30 - 10:55 Angeliki Adamaki: Demonstration and experiences of using the EOSC EU Node - 10:55 - 11:05 Kérdések |
Scopus for authors: Journals, Metrics, and Research Impact3 April 2025 (Thursday) - 09:00 (online) Language: English Join us for an engaging webinar tailored for PhD candidates and researchers to unlock the full potential of Scopus. Learn actionable strategies to find the right journals, understand key metrics, and boost your research impact. This session will provide you with practical insights to effectively leverage Scopus for your academic writing and publishing success.
Why Attend:
Publishing Ethics 1019 April 2025 (Wednesday) - 10:00 (online) Language: English This session will provide an introduction to publishing ethics, including an overview on the common types of issues which can arise. We will discuss the role that publishers and editors play in ensuring the integrity of the scholarly record, and what authors need to know in order to avoid problems. The session will also provide an overview on when, why and how we can issue a Retraction notice, a Correction notice or an Expression of Concern notice. The responsibility of authors will be discussed, as well as tips on how to prevent problems from arising on submissions. |
How to Do Research and Get Published - How to Write a Systematic Review9 April 2025 (Wednesday) - 17:00 (online) Language: English In this webinar, we will provide a step-by-step roadmap for crafting a comprehensive systematic review, from defining your research question to synthesizing and interpreting the findings. Gain a clear understanding of what constitutes a systematic review, its purpose, and its significance in evidence-based research. Learn how systematic reviews differ from other types of literature reviews and the importance of methodological rigor. Learn why developing a detailed protocol is essential for ensuring transparency, reproducibility, and methodological rigor in your systematic review. We will guide you through the key components of a systematic review protocol and provide tips for writing an effective protocol. We will also highlight searching and screening, data extraction, interpretation, and navigating challenges. |
Kirill & Bartek Talks: AI in Research11 April 2025 (Friday) - 11:00 (online) Language: English Artificial intelligence is evolving rapidly, and access to it is becoming increasingly widespread. In response to the growing interest in this topic, Kirill and Bartek return over a year after their first webinar on generative AI in science to revisit and expand on this subject. This year's event is aimed at everyone interested in the application of AI in academia – from students and librarians to researchers.
Bartek and Kirill have over 10 years of experience in scientometrics, rankings, and supporting various stakeholders in the world of scientific research. During the webinar, they will discuss the latest trends in the application of artificial intelligence in science, with a special focus on the newly introduced ScienceDirect AI, which is transforming access to scientific knowledge. AI significantly impacts every stage of the research cycle – from data collection and analysis to hypothesis generation and publication of results. Kirill and Bartek will share practical tips on effectively utilising AI in these processes.
Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and inspiration. Register today and discover how AI can enhance your approach to scientific research.
Getting started with SciVal - An overview!15 April 2025 (Tuesday) - 10:30 (online) Not sure where to start with SciVal? This online training will introduce an overview and key features of Elsevier’s research intelligence platform SciVal, a tool that provides access to research analytics data. Used in the right context, SciVal can help you track Institutional Performance, track the impact of your Institutions publications and identify potential collaborators. The webinar will be useful for researchers and faculty members, as well as administrative staff members, research managers, and librarians, who would like to start using SciVal or to refresh their knowledge. |
Showcasing your Institution using SciVal22 April 2025 (Tuesday) - 10:30 (online) Language: English Used in the right context, SciVal can help you track Institutional performance and it's research impact. The webinar will be useful for researchers and faculty members, as well as administrative staff members, research managers, and librarians. |
Understanding open research for HSS23 April 2025 (Wednesday) - 13:00 (online) Language: English Research funders, institutions and publishers are increasingly talking about Open Research. As a broad term which encourages accessibility, transparency and reproducibility of research and supporting information, Open Research includes the practices of sharing data, code, preprints, methods, or working in new ways such as Registered Reports. In this webinar, aimed at researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), we will present the core tenets of open research and contextualise HSS within open research. We will then discuss the opportunities and challenges for HSS in moving to more open research practices, as well as how concepts of openness can apply to HSS research data. |