Az NKE-n 2021-ben megjelent minőségi publikációk
Az alábbiakban megosztásra kerülnek a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem kutatóinak 2021. évi publikációi, amelyeket a világ két vezető multidiszciplináris hivatkozási adatbázisa a Scopus és a Web of Science valamelyike indexel. Ezek a tudományos közlemények azok, amelyek jelentős mértékben hozzájárulnak az egyetemi kutatások eredményeinek nemzetközi láthatóságához.
A publikációk listájával szeretnénk bemutatni és elismerni az egyetem kutatóinak munkáját, valamint a nemzetközi tudományos közösség által elismert további közlemények írására motiválni.
Az itt megjelenített publikációk a következő feltételeknek felelnek meg:
- legalább egy szerző NKE-s és ezt az affiliációjában feltüntette
- a Scopus vagy a Web of Science (SCI, SSCI, AHCI, ESCI) adatbázisok indexelik
- tudományos közlemény (nem editorial, corrigendum, book review, stb)
A publikációs listát az NKE Tudományos Ügyek Iroda és az Egyetemi Könyvtár gondozza, és negyedévente frissíti. Amennyiben hiányosságot, vagy hibát észlel, kérjük, jelezze a e-mail-címen, hogy mielőbb helyesbíteni tudjuk.
(Név, Kar/Kutató Központ, cikkek sorszáma)
- Ács Éva (VTK) 12 46 81 88
- Ama Kissiwah Boateng (ÁNTK) 5
- Auer Ádám (ÁNTK) 153
- Bába Barnabás (VTK) 63
- Bata-Balog Amadea (ÁNTK) 135
- Bényi Beáta (VTK) 26 67 77 117
- Berényi László (ÁNTK) 92
- Béres Attila (ÁNTK) 84
- Bernek Ágnes (ÁNTK) 53
- Berzsenyi Dániel (HHK) 36
- Bíró Tibor (VTK) 54 17 81 129
- Budai Balázs Benjámin (ÁNTK) 64
- Christián László (RTK) 34
- Chronowski Nóra (RTK) 127
- Cimer Zsolt (VTK) 49 85 111
- Czeczeli Vivien (EJKK) 149 158
- Csath Magdolna (ÁNTK) 154
- Császár-Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) 105
- Csiki Varga Tamás (EJKK) 10
- Csurgai József (HHK) 89
- Dalkó Ilona (VTK) 17
- Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) 1 3 7 9 32 39 42 110 123 137 150
- Dobor József (RTK) 48 89
- Dobos Gábor (EJKK) 13
- Fazekas Ferenc (HHK) 122
- Ficsor Johanna (VTK) 30
- Fidrmuc Jarko (EJKK) 126 131
- Gambár Katalin (HHK) 116
- Gellén Márton (ÁNTK) 124
- Gombos Katalin (ÁNTK) 69 165
- Gyulai Attila (EJK) 109
- Haig Zsolt (HHK) 78
- Halmai Péter (ÁNTK 148
- Herendy Csilla (ÁNTK) 64
- Hettyey András (ÁNTK) 8 55
- Horváth István (HHK) 71 108
- Hörcher Ferenc (EJKK) 156
- Huszár Viktor Dénes (HHK) 115
- Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK) 72 74 87
- Jiandong Shi (ÁNTK) 171
- Karches Tamás (VTK) 17 43 63
- Kátai-Urbán Lajos (RTK) 85 89
- Kavas László (HHK) 57
- Knisz Judit (VTK) 17
- Koch Dániel (VTK) 14
- Koller Boglárka (ÁNTK) 93 94 95 95
- Kolozsi Pál Péter (EJKK) 158
- Koltay András (ÁNTK) 164
- Korponai János (VTK) 107
- Kovács Éva Margit (ÁNTK) 16
- Kovács Olivér István (ÁNTK) 6 97
- Krasznay Csaba (ÁNTK) 79
- Kutasi Gábor (EJKK) 149 158
- Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) 45 104 132 133 139
- Lovászy László Gábor (ÁNTK) 76
- Majer Fruzsina (VTK) 14
- Makó Csaba (EJKK) 40 83
- Maróti Gergely (VTK) 17 18 20 38 54 75 114
- Marsai Viktor (ÁNTK) 21 106
- Marton Ádám (ÁNTK) 158 168
- Mátis Réka (ÁNTK) 37
- Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) 128
- Merkovity Norbert (ÁNTK) 52
- Molnár Anna (HHK) 28 44 136 142 159 170
- Mosavi Amir (EJKK) 101 102 121 125 134 145
- Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) 50
- Nagyernyei-Szabó Ádám Sándor (ÁNTK) 167
- Nagyné Rózsa Erzsébet (ÁNTK) 166
- Nyikos Györgyi (ÁNTK) 41 84
- Nyitrai Endre (RTK) 152
- Orbán Endre (ÁNTK) 146 155
- Óvári Gyula (HHK) 66
- Pallo József (RTK) 51
- Pap András László (RTK) 22 23
- Papp Bendegúz (RTK) 144
- Pásztor Szabolcs (ÁNTK) 62 169
- Pátzay György (RTK) 48 89
- Pintér Sándor (HHK) 157
- Restás Ágoston (RTK) 25 27 31 47 66 70 99
- Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK) 65 103 141
- Schweizer Gábor (ÁNTK) 163
- Simon Károly László (ÁNTK) 69
- Sorbán Kinga (EJKK) 112
- Szabó Zsolt (ÁNTK) 162
- Szalkai István (HHK) 66
- Szászi Ivett (HHK) 142
- Székely Gergely (HHK) 29 68
- Szente Zoltán (ÁNTK) 58 59 60 61 113 161
- Szente-Varga Mónika (ÁNTK) 19
- Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) 35 80 98 130 135 170
- Szerletics Antal (ÁNTK) 143
- Szigeti Ákos (RTK) 91
- Szűcs Anikó Edit (ÁNTK) 165
- Szűcs-Vásárhelyi Nóra (HHK) 118
- Takács Lili (HHK) 44 142 159
- Tamás Enikő Anna (VTK) 11
- Teleki Bálint (ÁNTK) 103
- Tóth Andras (HHK) 119 147
- Tóth Bence (HHK) 4
- Tóth József (HHK) 24
- Tóth Tamás (EJKK) 138
- Török Bernát (EJKK) 73
- Ujházi Lóránd (HHK) 151
- Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) 28 44 103 140 141
- Ürmösné Simon Gabriella (RTK) 152
- Vadász János Pál (EJKK) 82 100
- Vadkerti Edit (VTK) 17 81
- Vass Gyula (RTK) 85 89
- Vastag Gyula (ÁNTK) 2 15
- Wineroither David (ÁNTK) 90
- Zachar Péter Krisztián (ÁNTK) 160
- Zakir Hossain (ÁNTK) 56 86 120
- Ződi Zsolt (EJKK) 73 100
- Zsuffa István (VTK) 33
NKE publikációs kibocsátás a Scopus és a Web of Science adatbázisok adatai alapján
NKE Szerzők |
Közlemény |
Közlemény típusa |
Legjobb SJR besorolás |
Gold OA |
1 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Goyanes, M., López-López, P. C., & Demeter, M. (2021). Social Media in Ecuador: Impact on Journalism Practice and Citizens’ Understanding of Public Politics. Journalism Practice, 15(3), 366–382. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
2 |
Vastag Gyula (ÁNTK) |
Ladinig, T. B., Dhir, K. S., & Vastag, G. (2021). Sensemaking support system (S3) for manufacturing process improvement. International Journal of Production Research, 59(8), 2406–2425. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
3 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Demeter, M., & Goyanes, M. (2021). Antecedents of leaving the European Union: The role of nostalgia and attitudes towards diversity in Spain, Italy, and Greece. Mediterranean Politics, 26(4), 407–429. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
4 |
Tóth Bence (HHK) |
Tóth, B. G. (2021). The effect of attacks on the railway network of Hungary. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 29(2), 567–587. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
5 |
Ama Kissiwah Boateng (ÁNTK) |
Ampong-Ansah, F. B., Maloreh-Nyamekye, T., Otchere, L. N., Boateng, A. K., & Antwi-Boasiako, J. (2021). Partnership and collaboration in healthcare delivery in Ghana. Journal of Public Affairs, 21(2). | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
6 |
Kovács Olivér István (ÁNTK) |
Kovacs, O. (2021). The Hungarian eurology–the road to perdition? Post-Communist Economies, 33(4), 435–457. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
7 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Goyanes, M., Vaz-Álvarez, M., & Demeter, M. (2021). Political Pressures in TVE: Cascade Effects, Morphology of Manipulations and Professional and Personal Reprisals. Journalism Practice, 15(8), 1072–1088. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
8 |
Hettyey András (ÁNTK) |
Hettyey, A. (2021). The Europeanization of Hungarian foreign policy and the Hungarization of European foreign policy, 2010-18. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 29(1), 125–138. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
9 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Demeter, M., & Goyanes, M. (2021). A world-systemic analysis of knowledge production in international communication and media studies: The epistemic hierarchy of research approaches. Journal of International Communication, 27(1), 38–58. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
10 |
Csiki Varga Tamás (EJKK) |
Budai, Á. (2021). The security perception and security policy of Hungary, 1989–2018. Defense and Security Analysis, 37(1), 9–22. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
11 |
Tamás Enikő Anna (VTK) |
Literák, I., Ovčiariková, S., Škrábal, J., Matušík, H., Raab, R., Spakovszky, P., Vysochin, M., Tamás, E. A., & Kalocsa, B. (2021). Weather-influenced water-crossing behaviour of black kites (Milvus migrans) during migration. Biologia, 76(4), 1267–1273. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
12 |
Ács Éva (VTK) |
Datki, Z., Acs, E., Balazs, E., Sovany, T., Csoka, I., Zsuga, K., Kalman, J., & Galik-Olah, Z. (2021). Exogenic production of bioactive filamentous biopolymer by monogonant rotifers. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
13 |
Dobos Gábor (EJKK) |
Dobos, G. (2021). Municipal splits and hidden amalgamations in Hungary. Miscellanea Geographica, 25(1), 37–45. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
14 |
Koch Dániel (VTK), Majer Fruzsina (VTK) |
Horvat, Z., Horvat, M., Koch, D., & Majer, F. (2021). Field measurements on alluvial watercourses in light of numerical modeling: Case studies on the Danube River. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193(1). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
15 |
Vastag Gyula (ÁNTK) |
Ladinig, T. B., & Vastag, G. (2021). Mapping quality linkages based on tacit knowledge. International Journal of Production Economics, 233. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
16 |
Kovács Éva Margit (ÁNTK) |
Hajnal, G., Jeziorska, I., & Kovács, É. M. (2021). Understanding drivers of illiberal entrenchment at critical junctures: Institutional responses to COVID-19 in Hungary and Poland. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 87(3), 612–630. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
17 |
Knisz Judit (VTK), Maróti Gergely (VTK), Karches Tamás (VTK), Dalkó Ilona (VTK), Vadkerti Edit (VTK), Bíró Tibor (VTK) |
Knisz, J., Shetty, P., Wirth, R., Maróti, G., Karches, T., Dalkó, I., Bálint, M., Vadkerti, E., & Bíró, T. (2021). Genome-level insights into the operation of an on-site biological wastewater treatment unit reveal the importance of storage time. Science of the Total Environment, 766. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
18 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Soós, V., Shetty, P., Maróti, G., Incze, N., Badics, E., Bálint, P., Ördög, V., & Balázs, E. (2021). Biomolecule composition and draft genome of a novel, high-lipid producing Scenedesmaceae microalga. Algal Research, 54. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
19 |
Szente-Varga Mónika (ÁNTK) |
Szente-Varga, M. (2021). Cold relations in the cold war: Hungary and nicaragua. Secuencia, 108. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
20 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Sváb, D., Falgenhauer, L., Horváth, B., Maróti, G., Falgenhauer, J., Chakraborty, T., & Tóth, I. (2021). Genome Analysis of a Historical Shigella dysenteriae Serotype 1 Strain Carrying a Conserved Stx Prophage Region. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
21 |
Marsai Viktor (ÁNTK) |
Marsai, V., & Szalai, M. (2021). The “Borderlandization” of the Horn of Africa in Relation to the Gulf Region, and the Effects on Somalia. Journal of Borderlands Studies. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
22 |
Pap András László (RTK) |
Pap, A. L. (2021). Conceptualizing and Operationalizing Identity, Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality by Law: An Introduction. Nationalities Papers, 49(2), 213–220. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
23 |
Pap András László (RTK) |
Pap, A. L. (2021). Neglect, Marginalization, and Abuse: Hate Crime Legislation and Practice in the Labyrinth of Identity Politics, Minority Protection, and Penal Populism. Nationalities Papers, 49(2), 221–239. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
24 |
Tóth József (HHK) |
Hidegh, G., Csemány, D., Vámos, J., Tóth, J., & Józsa, V. (2021). Mixture temperature-controlled combustion of various conventional and renewable fuels. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 83, 415–420. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
25 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Sykam, K., Försth, M., Sas, G., Restás, Á., & Das, O. (2021). Phytic acid: A bio-based flame retardant for cotton and wool fabrics. Industrial Crops and Products, 164. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
26 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Bényi, B., & Matsusaka, T. (2021). On the combinatorics of symmetrized poly-bernoulli numbers. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 28(1), 1–20. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
27 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Shanmugam, V., Babu, K., Garrison, T. F., Capezza, A. J., Olsson, R. T., Ramakrishna, S., Hedenqvist, M. S., Singha, S., Bartoli, M., Giorcelli, M., Sas, G., Försth, M., Das, O., Restás, Á., & Berto, F. (2021). Potential natural polymer-based nanofibres for the development of facemasks in countering viral outbreaks. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 138(27). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
28 |
Molnár Anna (HHK), Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) |
Molnár, A., & Urbanovics, A. (2021). Social Media Communication by Hungarian Anti-establishment Parties in the Context of Italian Movimento Cinque Stelle. In Visvizi A., Lytras M.D., & Aljohani N.R. (Eds.), Springer Proc. Complex. (pp. 661–673). Springer Science and Business Media B.V.; | konferencia tanulmány |
29 |
Székely Gergely (HHK) |
Madarász, J. X., Stannett, M. I. K. E., & Székely, G. (2021). Groups of Worldview Transformations Implied by Einstein’s Special Principle of Relativity over Arbitrary Ordered Fields. Review of Symbolic Logic. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
30 |
Ficsor Johanna (VTK) |
Pirkhoffer, E., Halmai, Á., Ficsor, J., Gradwohl-Valkay, A., Lóczy, D., Nagy, Á., Liptay, Z. Á., & Czigány, S. (2021). Bedload entrainment dynamics in a partially channelized river with mixed bedload: A case study of the Drava River, Hungary. River Research and Applications, 37(5), 699–711. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
31 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Babu, K., Das, O., Shanmugam, V., Mensah, R. A., Försth, M., Sas, G., Restás, Á., & Berto, F. (2021). Fire Behavior of 3D-Printed Polymeric Composites. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30(7), 4745–4755. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
32 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Demeter, M. (2021). Taking off camouflage identities: Why peripheral scholars strive to look like their Western peers in order to being recognized? Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 16(1), 53–68. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
33 |
Zsuffa István (VTK) |
Schneck, T., Telbisz, T., & Zsuffa, I. (2021). Precipitation interpolation using digital terrain model and multivariate regression in hilly and low mountainous areas of hungary. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 70(1), 35–48. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
34 |
Christián László (RTK) |
Láncos, P. L., & Christián, L. (2021). Domestic Soft Law Regulation during the COVID-19 Lockdown in Hungary: A Novel Regulatory Approach to a Unique Global Challenge. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 12(1), 77–92. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
35 |
Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) |
Bortlová-Vondráková, H., & Szente-Varga, M. (2021). Labor migration programs within the socialist bloc. Cuban guestworkers in late socialist Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Labor History, 62(3), 297–315. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
36 |
Berzsenyi Dániel (HHK) |
Beláz, A., & Berzsenyi, D. (2021). Hungary’s evolving cyber security strategy. In Routledge Companion to Global Cyber-Security Strategy (pp. 99–110). Taylor and Francis Inc.; | könyvfejezet |
Q1 |
37 |
Mátis Réka (ÁNTK), |
Folyovich, A., Mátis, R., Al-Muhanna, N., Jarecsny, T., Dudás, E., Jánoska, D., Pálosi, M., Béres-Molnár, A. K., & Toldi, G. (2021). Christmas, acute ischemic stroke and stroke-related mortality in Hungary. Brain and Behavior, 11(5). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
38 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Gitau, M. M., Farkas, A., Balla, B., Ördög, V., Futó, Z., & Maróti, G. (2021). Strain-specific biostimulant effects of chlorella and chlamydomonas green microalgae on medicago truncatula. Plants, 10(6). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
39 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Demeter, M., Jele, A., & Major, Z. B. (2021). The International Development of Open Access Publishing: A Comparative Empirical Analysis Over Seven World Regions and Nine Academic Disciplines. Publishing Research Quarterly, 37(3), 364–383. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
40 |
Makó Csaba (EJKK) |
Nosratabadi, S., Ardabili, S., Lakner, Z., Mako, C., & Mosavi, A. (2021). Prediction of food production using machine learning algorithms of multilayer perceptron and anfis. Agriculture (Switzerland), 11(5). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
41 |
Nyikos Györgyi (ÁNTK) |
Nyikos, G., & Ermasova, N. (2021). Public Capital Infrastructure Management: Cases of Germany, Hungary and the USA. International Journal of Public Administration. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
42 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Tóth, J., & Demeter, M. (2021). Prestige and independence-controlled publication performance of researchers at 14 hungarian research institutions between 2014 and 2018 – a data paper. KOME, 9(1), 41–63. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
43 |
Karches Tamás (VTK) |
Knolmar, M., Karches, T., & Balogh, N. (2021). Fluid flow model applied for environmental problems at a combined sewer structure. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 30(4), 3111–3116. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
44 |
Molnár Anna (HHK), Takács Lili (HHK), Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) |
Molnár, A., Takács, L., & Urbanovics, A. (2021). Strategic communication of EU CSDP missions – measuring the EU’s external legitimacy. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 15(3), 319–334. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
45 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Lentner, C., Vasa, L., & Hegedűs, S. (2021). A Comparative Analysis of the Debt Dynamics of Municipalities and their Municipally Owned Corporations in the EU Member States with a Special Focus on Hungary. Romanian Journal of European Affairs, 21(1), 134–153. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
46 |
Ács Éva (VTK) |
Toumi, M., Abbaszade, G., Sbaoui, Y., Farkas, R., Ács, É., Jurecska, L., & Tóth, E. (2021). Cultivation and molecular studies to reveal the microbial communities of groundwaters discharge located in Hungary. Water (Switzerland), 13(11). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
47 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Shanmugam, V., Mensah, R. A., Försth, M., Sas, G., Restás, Á., Addy, C., Xu, Q., Jiang, L., Neisiany, R. E., Singha, S., George, G., Jose E, T., Berto, F., Hedenqvist, M. S., Das, O., & Ramakrishna, S. (2021). Circular economy in biocomposite development: State-of-the-art, challenges and emerging trends. Composites Part C, 5. | folyóiratcikk |
48 |
Pátzay György (RTK), Dobor József (RTK) |
Pátzay, G., Dobor, J., Csonka, E., Lozsi, G., & Feil, F. (2021). Boron removal from aqueous solutions by strong base anion-exchange resin batch and column experiments. Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 65(3), 424–430. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
49 |
Cimer Zsolt (VTK) |
Lubloy, E., Takács, L. G., Enczel, D. I., & Cimer, Z. (2021). Examination of the effect of fire retardant materials on timber. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 12(4), 429–445. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
50 |
Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Nagy, N. (2021). Language rights of European minorities in the administration of justice, public administration and public services international developments in 2019. European Yearbook of Minority Issues, 18(1), 113–140. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
51 |
Pallo József (RTK) |
Pallo, J. (2021). The evolution of the Hungarian csemegi code from the aspect of early criminal policy (1908 – 1948). Journal on European History of Law, 12(1), 113–120. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
52 |
Merkovity Norbert (ÁNTK) |
Merkovity, N., Bene, M., & Farkas, X. (2021). Hungary: Illiberal crisis management. In Political Communication and COVID-19: Gov. And Rhetoric in Times of Crisis (pp. 269–279). Taylor and Francis; | könyvfejezet |
Q1 |
53 |
Bernek Ágnes (ÁNTK), |
Bernek, A. (2021). Geopolitics of central and Eastern Europe in the 21st century: From the buffer zone to the gateway zone. In Geopolit. Of Cent. And East. Eur. In the 21st Century: From the Buffer Zone to the Gatew. Zone (Vol. 37, p. 239). Peter Lang AG; | monográfia |
Q1 |
54 |
Bíró Tibor (VTK), Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Shetty, P., Farkas, A., Pap, B., Hupp, B., Ördög, V., Bíró, T., Varga, T., & Maróti, G. (2021). Comparative and phylogenomic analysis of nuclear and organelle genes in cryptic Coelastrella vacuolata MACC-549 green algae. Algal Research, 58. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
55 |
Hettyey András (ÁNTK) |
Hettyey, A. (2022). The illusion of autonomy and new others: Role conflict and Hungarian foreign policy after 2010. Journal of International Relations and Development, 25(1), 260–294. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
56 |
Zakir Hossain (ÁNTK) |
Zakir Hossain, A. N. M. (2021). Preparedness for education to rohingya refugee children in bangladesh-potentials and challenges to citizenship education. Journal of Social Science Education, 20(2), 103–129. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
57 |
Kavas László (HHK) |
Hidegh, G., Csemány, D., Vámos, J., Kavas, L., & Józsa, V. (2021). Mixture Temperature-Controlled combustion of different biodiesels and conventional fuels. Energy, 234. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
58 |
Szente Zoltán (ÁNTK) |
Szente, Z. (2021). Populism and populist constitutionalism. In Populist Chall. To Constitutional Interpretation in Eur. And Beyond (pp. 3–28). Taylor and Francis; | könyvfejezet |
59 |
Szente Zoltán (ÁNTK) |
Gárdos-Orosz, F., & Szente, Z. (2021). Populist challenges to constitutional interpretation: An assessment. In Populist Chall. To Constitutional Interpretation in Eur. And Beyond (pp. 313–325). Taylor and Francis; | könyvfejezet |
Q1 |
60 |
Szente Zoltán (ÁNTK) |
Gárdos-Orosz, F., & Szente, Z. (2021). The art of constitutional interpretation. In Populist Chall. To Constitutional Interpretation in Eur. And Beyond (pp. 29–42). Taylor and Francis; | könyvfejezet |
Q1 |
61 |
Szente Zoltán (ÁNTK) |
Gárdos-Orosz, F., & Szente, Z. (2021). Populist challenges to constitutional interpretation: An assessment. In Populist Chall. To Constitutional Interpretation in Eur. And Beyond (pp. 313–325). Taylor and Francis; | monográfia |
Q1 |
62 |
Pásztor Szabolcs (ÁNTK) |
Kovacs, L., & Pasztor, S. (2021). How to breathe a new life into the global mortgage market? – An alternative solution. Journal of International Studies, 14(2), 181–193. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
63 |
Bába Barnabás (VTK), Karches Tamás (VTK) |
Bába, B., & Karches, T. (2021). Operation improvement of sequencing FED-batch wastewater treatment. Pollack Periodica, 16(2), 61–66. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
64 |
Herendy Csilla (ÁNTK), Budai Balázs Benjámin (ÁNTK) |
Csilla, H., & Benjámin, B. B. (2021). The connection between the professional testing and the usability of municipality web pages. Informacios Tarsadalom, 21(1), 88–124. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
65 |
Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK) |
Dobos, I., Michalkó, G., & Sasvári, P. (2021). The Publication Performance of Hungarian Economics and Management Researchers: A Comparison with the Visegrád 4 Countries and Romania. Regional Statistics, 11(2), 165–182. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
66 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK), Szalkai István (HHK), Óvári Gyula (HHK) |
Restás, Á., Szalkai, I., & Óvári, G. (2021). Drone application for spraying disinfection liquid fighting against the covid-19 pandemic—Examining drone-related parameters influencing effectiveness. Drones, 5(3). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
67 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Bényi, B., & Ramírez, J. L. (2022). On q-poly-Bernoulli numbers arising from combinatorial interpretations. Aequationes Mathematicae, 96(2), 465–487. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
68 |
Székely Gergely (HHK) |
Madarász, J. X., Stannett, M., & Székely, G. (2021). Groups of worldview transformations implied by isotropy of space. Journal of Applied Logics, 8(3), 809–876. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
69 |
Simon Károly László (ÁNTK), Gombos Katalin (ÁNTK) |
Simon, K. L., & Gombos, K. (2021). National Security Review of Foreign Investments in Hungary. Danube, 12(2), 77–91. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
70 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Das, O., Mensah, R. A., George, G., Jiang, L., Xu, Q., Neisiany, R. E., Umeki, K., Jose E, T., Phounglamcheik, A., Hedenqvist, M. S., Restás, Á., Sas, G., Försth, M., & Berto, F. (2021). Flammability and mechanical properties of biochars made in different pyrolysis reactors. Biomass and Bioenergy, 152. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
71 |
Horváth István (HHK) |
Tanvir, N. R., Le Floc’h, E., Christensen, L., Caruana, J., Salvaterra, R., Ghirlanda, G., Ciardi, B., Maio, U., D’Odorico, V., Piedipalumbo, E., Campana, S., Noterdaeme, P., Graziani, L., Amati, L., Bagoly, Z., Balázs, L. G., Basa, S., Behar, E., De Cia, A., … Zane, S. (2021). Exploration of the high-redshift universe enabled by THESEUS. Experimental Astronomy, 52(3), 219–244. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
72 |
Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK) |
Medjdoub, K., Janosi, I. M., & Vincze, M. (2021). Laboratory experiments on the influence of stratification and a bottom sill on seiche damping. Ocean Science, 17(4), 997–1009. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
73 |
Ződi Zsolt (EJKK), Török Bernát (EJKK) |
Ződi, Z., & Török, B. (2021). Constitutional values in the gig-economy? Why labor law fails at platform work, and what can we do about it? Societies, 11(3). | folyóiratcikk |
74 |
Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK) |
Pereszlényi, Á., Száz, D., Jánosi, I. M., & Horváth, G. (2021). A new argument against cooling by convective air eddies formed above sunlit zebra stripes. Scientific Reports, 11(1). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
75 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Wirth, R., Pap, B., Dudits, D., Kakuk, B., Bagi, Z., Shetty, P., Kovács, K. L., & Maróti, G. (2021). Genome-centric investigation of anaerobic digestion using sustainable second and third generation substrates. Journal of Biotechnology, 339, 53–64. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
76 |
Lovászy László Gábor (ÁNTK) |
Lovászy, L. G. (2021). What if: Human Rights vs Science – or Both? In V. G. Duffy (Ed.), Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. AI, Product and Service (pp. 220–238). Springer International Publishing; | konferencia tanulmány |
Q3 |
77 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Bényi, B., & Josuat-Vergès, M. (2021). Combinatorial proof of an identity on genocchi numbers. Journal of Integer Sequences, 24(7). | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
78 |
Haig Zsolt (HHK) |
Haig, Z. (2021). Relationships between cyberspace operations and information operations. Advances in Military Technology, 16(1), 91–105. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
79 |
Krasznay Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Krasznay, C., & Gyebnar, G. (2021). Possibilities and Limitations of Cyber Threat Intelligence in Energy Systems. In Jancarkova T., Lindstrom L., Visky G., & Zotz P. (Eds.), Int. Conf. Cyber Confl., CYCON (Vols 2021-May, pp. 171–188). NATO CCD COE Publications; | konferencia tanulmány |
80 |
Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) |
Szente-Varga, M. (2021). Hungarian Football Coaches in Latin America in the Interwar Period. International Journal of the History of Sport, 38(5), 492–510. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
81 |
Bíró Tibor (VTK), Vadkerti Edit (VTK), Ács Éva (VTK) |
Duleba, M., Földi, A., Micsinai, A., Várbíró, G., Mohr, A., Sipos, R., Szabó, G., Buczkó, K., Trábert, Z., Kiss, K. T., Bíró, T., Vadkerti, E., & Ács, É. (2021). Applicability of diatom metabarcoding in the ecological status assessment of Hungarian lotic and soda pan habitats. Ecological Indicators, 130. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
82 |
Vadász János Pál (EJKK) |
Csányi, G. M., Nagy, D., Vági, R., Vadász, J. P., & Orosz, T. (2021). Challenges and open problems of legal document anonymization. Symmetry, 13(8). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
83 |
Makó Csaba (EJKK) |
Illéssy, M., Huszár, Á., & Makó, C. (2021). Technological development and the labour market: How susceptible are jobs to automation in hungary in the international comparison? Societies, 11(3). | folyóiratcikk |
84 |
Nyikos Györgyi (ÁNTK), Béres Attila (ÁNTK) |
Nyikos, G., Soha, B., & Beres, A. (2021). Entrepreneurial resilience and firm performance during the COVID-19 crisis—Evidence from Hungary. Regional Statistics, 11(3), 29–59. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
85 |
Cimer Zsolt (VTK), Vass Gyula (RTK), Kátai-Urbán Lajos (RTK) |
Cimer, Z., Vass, G., Zsitnyányi, A., & Kátai-Urbán, L. (2021). Application of chemical monitoring and public alarm systems to reduce public vulnerability to major accidents involving dangerous substances. Symmetry, 13(8). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
86 |
Zakir Hossain (ÁNTK) |
Zakir Hossain, A. N. M. (2021). Local government response to COVID-19: Revitalizing local democracy in Bangladesh. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 16(4), 701–712. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
87 |
Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK) |
Jánosi, I. M., Medjdoub, K., & Vincze, M. (2021). Combined wind-solar electricity production potential over north-western Africa. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 151. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
88 |
Ács Éva (VTK) |
Yaqoob, M. M., Berta, C., Szabó, L. J., Dévai, G., Szabó, S., Nagy, S. A., Bácsi, I., Simon, A., Nagy, J., Somlyai, I., Ács, É., & Grigorszky, I. (2021). Changes in Algal Plankton composition and physico-chemical variables in a shallow oxbow lake. Water (Switzerland), 13(17). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
89 |
Pátzay György (RTK), Csurgai József (HHK), Vass Gyula (RTK), Kátai-Urbán Lajos (RTK), Dobor József (RTK) |
Pátzay, G., Nyőgér, J., Zsille, O., Csurgai, J., Feil, F., Vass, G., Urbán, L. K., & Dobor, J. (2021). ILT20 – an upgraded computer program for evaluation of accelerated leach test data of LLW in the hungarian NPP paks. Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 65(4), 550–558. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
90 |
Wineroither David (ÁNTK) |
Wineroither, D. M., & Metz, R. (2021). A Tale of Odds and Ratios: Political Preference Formation in Postindustrial Democracies. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 62(3), 519–541. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
91 |
Szigeti Ákos (RTK) |
Parti, K., & Szigeti, A. (2021). The Future of Interdisciplinary Research in the Digital Era: Obstacles and Perspectives of Collaboration in Social and Data Sciences—An Empirical Study. Cogent Social Sciences, 7(1). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
92 |
Berényi László (ÁNTK) |
Berényi, L., & Deutsch, N. (2021). Corporate social responsibility and business philosophies among hungarian business students. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(17). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
93 |
Koller Boglárka (ÁNTK) |
Koller, B. (2021). The euro and the collective identities of Central and Eastern European nationals. In The Political Economy of the Eurozone in Central and Eastern Europe: Why In, Why Out? (pp. 56–81). Taylor and Francis Inc.; | könyvfejezet |
Q1 |
94 |
Koller Boglárka (ÁNTK) |
Arató, K., Koller, B., & Pelle, A. (2021). The Political Economy of the Eurozone in Central and Eastern Europe: Why In, Why Out? Taylor and Francis Inc. | monográfia |
95 |
Koller Boglárka (ÁNTK) |
Arató, K., Koller, B., & Pelle, A. (2021). Central and Eastern Europe and the euro in the 2020s: What is on the horizon? In The Political Economy of the Eurozone in Central and Eastern Europe: Why In, Why Out? (pp. 275–279). Taylor and Francis Inc.; | könyvfejezet |
Q1 |
96 |
Koller Boglárka (ÁNTK) |
Arató, K., Koller, B., & Pelle, A. (2021). Seventeen years in the European Union: The questions of monetary integration in Central and Eastern Europe. In The Political Economy of the Eurozone in Central and Eastern Europe: Why In, Why Out? (pp. 3–10). Taylor and Francis Inc.; | könyvfejezet |
Q1 |
97 |
Kovács Olivér István (ÁNTK) |
Kovács, O. (2021). The Hungarian eurolessness: From eulogy to neutrality and beyond. In The Political Economy of the Eurozone in Central and Eastern Europe: Why In, Why Out? (pp. 198–215). Taylor and Francis Inc.; | könyvfejezet |
Q1 |
98 |
Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) |
Szente-Varga, M. (2021). A mismatch between migrant identities and consular representations. Migration from east central Europe to Latin America, 1867-1945. Journal of Migration History, 7(2), 170–189. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
99 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Jiang, L., Mensah, R. A., Asante-Okyere, S., Försth, M., Xu, Q., Ziggah, Y. Y., Restás, Á., Berto, F., & Das, O. (2021). Developing an artificial intelligent model for predicting combustion and flammability properties. Fire and Materials. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
100 |
Vadász János Pál (EJKK), Ződi Zsolt (EJKK) |
Vadász, P., & Ződi, Z. (2021). The Accountability of Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies in Information Search Activities. In N. Edelmann, C. Csáki, S. Hofmann, T. J. Lampoltshammer, L. Alcaide Muñoz, P. Parycek, G. Schwabe, & E. Tambouris (Eds.), Electronic Participation (pp. 210–220). | konferencia tanulmány |
Q3 |
101 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Meiabadi, M. S., Moradi, M., Karamimoghadam, M., Ardabili, S., Bodaghi, M., Shokri, M., & Mosavi, A. H. (2021). Modeling the producibility of 3d printing in polylactic acid using artificial neural networks and fused filament fabrication. Polymers, 13(19). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
102 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mahmoudi, M. R., Rayisyan, M., Vaghefi, R., Band, S. S., & Mosavi, A. H. (2022). A novel approach to compare the spectral densities of some uncorrelated cyclostationary time series. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 61(6), 4995–5001. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
103 |
Teleki Bálint (ÁNTK), Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK), Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) |
Teleki, B., Sasvari, P., & Urbanovics, A. (2021). Evaluating the scientific performance of researchers at the field of EU agencification from a bibliometric approach. Advances in Business Related Scientific Research Journal, 12(1), 59–77. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
104 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Daragmeh, A., Lentner, C., & Sági, J. (2021). FinTech payments in the era of COVID-19: Factors influencing behavioral intentions of “Generation X” in Hungary to use mobile payment. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 32. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
105 |
Császár-Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Császár, N., Scholkmann, F., & Bókkon, I. (2021). Implications on hypnotherapy: Neuroplasticity, epigenetics and pain. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 131, 755–764. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
106 |
Marsai Viktor (ÁNTK) |
Marsai, V. (2021). The youth and the clans: Somali society and al-Shabaab. In Afr. In a Multilater. World: Afropolitan Dilemmas (pp. 125–136). Taylor and Francis Inc.; | könyvfejezet |
Q1 |
107 |
Korponai János (VTK) |
Pozsgai, G., Lövei, G. L., Vasseur, L., Gurr, G., Batáry, P., Korponai, J., Littlewood, N. A., Liu, J., Móra, A., Obrycki, J., Reynolds, O., Stockan, J. A., VanVolkenburg, H., Zhang, J., Zhou, W., & You, M. (2021). Irreproducibility in searches of scientific literature: A comparative analysis. Ecology and Evolution, 11(21), 14658–14668. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
108 |
Horváth István (HHK) |
Ciolfi, R., Stratta, G., Branchesi, M., Gendre, B., Grimm, S., Harms, J., Lamb, G. P., Martin-Carrillo, A., McCann, A., Oganesyan, G., Palazzi, E., Ronchini, S., Rossi, A., Salafia, O. S., Salmon, L., Ascenzi, S., Capone, A., Celli, S., Dall’Osso, S., … Zhang, B. (2021). Multi-messenger astrophysics with THESEUS in the 2030s. Experimental Astronomy, 52(3), 245–275. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
109 |
Gyulai Attila (EJK) |
Gyulai, A., & Ujlaki, A. (2021). The political AI: A realist account of AI regulation. Informacios Tarsadalom, 21(2), 29–42. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
110 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK), |
Zsolt, P., Tóth, T., & Demeter, M. (2021). We are the ones who matter! Pro and anti-Trumpists’ attitudes in Hungary. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
111 |
Cimer Zsolt (VTK) |
Lubloy, E., Enczel, D. I., Takács, L. G., Cimer, Z., & Biró, A. (2021). Effects of faults in the application of fire retardants in correlation with the efficiency of fire retardant materials on fire performance. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
112 |
Sorbán Kinga (EJKK) |
Sorbán, K. (2021). Ethical and legal implications of using AI-powered recommendation systems in streaming services. Informacios Tarsadalom, 21(2), 63–82. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
113 |
Szente Zoltán (ÁNTK) |
Szente, Z. (2021). Stepping into the Same River Twice? Judicial Independence in Old and New Authoritarianism. German Law Journal, 22(7), 1316–1326. | folyóiratcikk |
114 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Tóth, A. G., Csabai, I., Judge, M. F., Maróti, G., Becsei, Á., Spisák, S., & Solymosi, N. (2021). Mobile antimicrobial resistance genes in probiotics. Antibiotics, 10(11). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
115 |
Huszár Viktor Dénes (HHK) |
Huszár, V. D., & Adhikarla, V. K. (2021). Live spoofing detection for automatic human activity recognition applications. Sensors, 21(21). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
116 |
Gambár Katalin (HHK) |
Márkus, F., & Gambár, K. (2021). Minimum entropy production effect on a quantum scale. Entropy, 23(10). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
117 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Ayyer, A., & Bényi, B. (2021). Toppling on permutations with an extra chip. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 28(4). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
118 |
Szűcs-Vásárhelyi Nóra (HHK) |
Uzinger, N., Szécsy, O., Szűcs-Vásárhelyi, N., Padra, I., Sándor, D. B., Lončarić, Z., Draskovits, E., & Rékási, M. (2021). Short-term decomposition and nutrient-supplying ability of sewage sludge digestate, digestate compost, and vermicompost on acidic sandy and calcareous loamy soils. Agronomy, 11(11). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
119 |
Tóth Andras (HHK) |
Toth, A. (2021). Cloud of Things Security Challenges and Solutions. In Barath J., Dedera L., & Ockay M. (Eds.), Commun. Inf. Technol. Conf. Proc., KIT - Int. Sci. Conf. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.; | konferencia tanulmány |
Q1 |
120 |
Zakir Hossain (ÁNTK) |
Zakir Hossain, A. N. M. (2021). Sustainable development and livelihoods of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh: The effects of COVID-19. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 16(6), 1141–1152. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
121 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Farahani, S. D., Amiri, M., Majd, B. K., & Mosavi, A. (2021). Effect of magnetic field on heat transfer from a channel: Nanofluid flow and porous layer arrangement. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 28. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
122 |
Fazekas Ferenc (HHK) |
Fazekas, F. (2021). AI and Military Operations’ Planning. In A. Visvizi & M. Bodziany (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Its Contexts: Security, Business and Governance (pp. 79–91). Springer International Publishing; | könyvfejezet |
123 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Demeter, M. (2021). Development Studies in the World System of Global Knowledge Production: A Critical Empirical Analysis. Progress in Development Studies. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
124 |
Gellén Márton (ÁNTK) |
Gellen, M. (2021). Development through intervention? Revisiting criticism of Hungarian democracy. Public Administration Issues, 84–102. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
125 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Ahmed, H. U., Mohammed, A. A., Rafiq, S., Mohammed, A. S., Mosavi, A., Sor, N. H., & Qaidi, S. M. A. (2021). Compressive strength of sustainable geopolymer concrete composites: A state-of-the-art review. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(24). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
126 |
Fidrmuc Jarko (EJKK), |
Fiedler, P., Fidrmuc, J., & Reck, F. (2021). Automation, digitalization, and income inequality in Europe. Finance a Uver - Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 71(3), 203–219. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
127 |
Chronowski Nóra (RTK) |
Chronowski, N., & Vincze, A. (2021). The Hungarian Constitutional Court and the Central European University case: Justice Delayed is Justice Denied. European Constitutional Law Review, 17(4), 688–706. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
128 |
Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) |
Szabolcs, M. (2021). Talent geographic analyses in the Carpathian Basin. Teruleti Statisztika, 61(4), 466–502. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
129 |
Bíró Tibor (VTK) |
Takács, S., Csengeri, E., Pék, Z., Bíró, T., Szuvandzsiev, P., Palotás, G., & Helyes, L. (2021). Performance evaluation of aquacrop model in processing tomato biomass, fruit yield and water stress indicator modelling. Water (Switzerland), 13(24). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
130 |
Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) |
Andrés, A. S., & Szente-Varga, M. (2021). Mexican policy towards Central-Eastern Europe during the Cold War: The case of Hungary, 1941-1974. En-Claves del Pensamiento, 30. | folyóiratcikk |
131 |
Fidrmuc Jarko (EJKK), |
Horky, F., Tretter, N., & Fidrmuc, J. (2021). Are the pandemic and innovation twins? Perceived financial obstacles, innovations, and entrepreneurial success. Economic Research Guardian, 11(2), 236–254. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
132 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Lentner, C., & Horbulák, Z. (2021). Some State Financial Segments of the Childbirth and Family Support System in Slovakia. Public Finance Quarterly, 66(4), 482–500. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
133 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Lentner, C., & Horbulák, Z. (2021). A gyermekvállalási és családtámogatási rendszer egyes állampénzügyi szegmensei Szlovákiában. Public Finance Quarterly, 66(4), 494–512. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
134 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Shakibjoo, A. D., Moradzadeh, M., Din, S. U., Mohammadzadeh, A., Mosavi, A. H., & Vandevelde, L. (2022). Optimized Type-2 Fuzzy Frequency Control for Multi-Area Power Systems. IEEE Access, 10, 6989–7002. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
135 |
Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK), Bata-Balog Amadea (ÁNTK) |
Szente-Varga, M., & Bata-Balog, A. (2021). Return migration from Venezuela to Europe: Back to the Roots? Estudos Internacionais, 9(3), 75–95. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
136 |
Molnár Anna (HHK) |
Kasper, A., Osula, A.-M., & Molnár, A. (2021). EU cybersecurity and cyber diplomacy1. Revista de Internet, Derecho y Politica, 34. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
137 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Goyanes, M., & Demeter, M. (2021). Dr. Excellent: The Systemic and Personal Conditions for Being an Academic Star in Communication Studies. KOME, 9(2), 65–80. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
138 |
Tóth Tamás (EJKK) |
Tóth, T. (2021). Fractured implicitness. Why implicit populism matters? KOME, 9(2), 35–45. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
139 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Lentner, C., & Hegedűs, S. (2021). Certain issues of the sustainability of public services in municipalities on macro and micro levels, with special regard to the period of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis in Hungary. Economic Annals-XXI, 190(5), 149–161. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
140 |
Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) |
Urbanovics, A., & Teleki, B. (2021). The economic context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Mediterranean countries: A comparative analysis. Intersections East European Journal of Society and Politics, 7(3), 157–177. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
141 |
Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK), Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK) |
Dobos, I., Urbanovics, A., & Sasvári, P. (2021). A comparative analysis of business and economics publication performance in the Visegrad Group of countries, Austria and Romania. Teruleti Statisztika, 61(6), 739–768. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
142 |
Molnár Anna (HHK), Szászi Ivett (HHK), Takács Lili (HHK) |
Molnár, A., Szászi, I., & Takács, L. (2021). Security Sector Reform by Intergovernmental Organizations in Libya. International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, 14(1), 7–48. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
143 |
Szerletics Antal (ÁNTK) |
Szerletics, A. (2021). Paternalism vs. Autonomy? Substitute and supported decision-making in England and Hungary. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 62(1), 75–95. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
144 |
Papp Bendegúz (RTK) |
Papp, B., & Pal, I. (2021). In pursuit of a taxonomical definition of disaster diplomacy-An empirical scientometric analysis. In Disaster Resil. And Sustainability: Adaptation for Sustainable Development (pp. 685–703). Elsevier; | könyvfejezet |
145 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Safaei-Farouji, M., Band, S. S., & Mosavi, A. (2021). Oil Family Typing Using a Hybrid Model of Self-Organizing Maps and Artificial Neural Networks. ACS Omega. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
146 |
Orbán Endre (ÁNTK) |
Detre, L., & Orbán, E. (2021). Names beyond Gender-Based Borders. ICL Journal, 15(1), 107–113. | folyóiratcikk |
147 |
Tóth Andras (HHK) |
Toth, A. (2021). Internet of Things Vulnerabilities in Military Environments. Vojenské Rozhledy, 30(3), 045–058. | folyóiratcikk |
148 |
Halmai Péter (ÁNTK |
Halmai, P. (2021). COVID-crisis and economic growth: Tendencies on potential growth in the European Union. Acta Oeconomica, 71(S1), 165–186. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
149 |
Czeczeli Vivien (ÁNTK), Kutasi Gábor (EJKK) |
Czeczel, V., Kutasi, G., & Szabó, E. (2021). The assessment of government incentives on savings, Hungary 2006–2019. Acta Oeconomica, 71(4), 569–585. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
150 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Goyanes, M., Costa-Sánchez, C., & Demeter, M. (2021). The Social Construction of Spanish Public Television: The Role and Function of TVE in a Multiplatform Environment. International Journal of Communication, 15, 3782–3801. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
151 |
Ujházi Lóránd (HHK) |
Ujházi, L. (2021). El papel de los legados pontificios en la promoción de la paz. Ius Canonicum. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
152 |
Ürmösné Simon Gabriella (RTK), Nyitrai Endre (RTK) |
Ürmösné Simon, G., & Nyitrai, E. (2021). The phenomena of epidemic crime, deepfakes, fake news, and the role of forensic linguistics. Információs Társadalom, 21(4), 86. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
153 |
Auer Ádám (ÁNTK) |
Auer, I. (2021). Is the Authorisation of the Conclusion of a Contract an Interim or a Permanent Measure? European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 16(4), 295–304. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
154 |
Csath Magdolna (ÁNTK) |
Csath, M. (2021). Crisis situations: How should micro, small and medium enterprises handle them with a long term view? Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 35(3), 10–12. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
155 |
Orbán Endre (ÁNTK) |
Orbán, E. (2021). The EU-Member State Relationship as a Principal-Agent Problem. Perspectives on Federalism, 13(1), 61–90. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
156 |
Hörcher Ferenc (EJKK) |
Hörcher, F. (2021). The program of cultural refinement in 19th century Hungary: The Example of Count Széchenyi and Baron Kemény. ESPES. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics, 10(1), 42–50. | folyóiratcikk |
157 |
Pintér Sándor (HHK) |
Joó, A. P., Koncz, B., Pinter, S., & Tóth, L. V. (2021). Star Formation History in the Illustris TNG Simulation. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 17(S373), 318–321. | könyvfejezet |
Q4 |
158 |
Czeczeli Vivien (ÁNTK), Kolozsi Pál Péter (EJKK), Kutasi Gábor (ÁNTK), Marton Ádám (ÁNTK), |
Czeczeli, V., Kolozsi, P. P., Kutasi, G., & Marton, Á. (2021). Short-Term Impact of COVID-19 in the Clusters of EU Market Economies. In N. Vidaković & I. Lovrinović (Eds.), Macroeconomic Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 53–84). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
159 |
Molnár Anna (HHK), Takács Lili (HHK) |
Molnár, A., & Takács, L. (2021). The European Union’s Response to Mass Migration Through Mediterranean: A Shift from Humanitarian Foreign Policy Actor Towards a Pragmatist Foreign Policy Actor? In A. Tziampiris & F. Asderaki (Eds.), The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed (pp. 199–217). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
160 |
Zachar Péter Krisztián (ÁNTK) |
Zachar, P. K. (2021). Institutional Changes to Chambers of Industry and Commerce in Hungary after the Transition of 1989/1990. In D. Sack (Ed.), Chambers of Commerce in Europe (pp. 133–156). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
161 |
Szente Zoltán (ÁNTK) |
Szente, Z. (2021). The Twilight of Parliament – Parliamentary Law and Practice in Hungary in Populist Times. International Journal of Parliamentary Studies, 1(1), 127–145. | folyóiratcikk |
162 |
Szabó Zsolt (ÁNTK) |
Szabó, Z., & Küpper, H. (2021). Legislation and Legislative Process in Eastern Europe. International Journal of Parliamentary Studies, 1(1), 73–108. | folyóiratcikk |
163 |
Schweitzer Gábor (ÁNTK) |
Könczöl, M., & Schweitzer, G. (2021). Flags and Nation in Hungary. In A. Wagner & S. Marusek (Eds.), 8 (Vol. 1, pp. 191–210). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
164 |
Koltay András (ÁNTK) |
Koltay, A. (2021). On the Constitutionality of the Punishment of Scaremongering in the Hungarian Legal System. Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law, 9(1), 23–42. | folyóiratcikk |
165 |
Gombos Katalin (ÁNTK), Szűcs Anikó Edit (ÁNTK) |
Gombos, K., & Szűcs, A. E. (2021). State Aid in the Times of COVID-19 Pandemic. Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law, 9(1), 74–90. | folyóiratcikk |
166 |
Nagyné Rózsa Erzsébet (ÁNTK) |
Rózsa, E. (2021). Iran-India Relations Before and After the U.S. Withdrawal from the Nuclear Deal and the Consequent Sanctions. In F. J. B. S. Leandro, C. Branco, & F. Caba-Maria (Eds.), The Geopolitics of Iran (pp. 531–552). Springer Singapore. | könyvfejezet |
167 |
Nagyernyei-Szabó Ádám Sándor (ÁNTK) |
Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, & Szabó, Á. (2021). Mauric from Apahida (MAURICIUS ≈ MAURICUS). Acta Musei Napocensis, 58, 175–198. | folyóiratcikk |
168 |
Marton Ádám (ÁNTK) |
Marton, Á. (2021). Integrációs elméletek kvantitatív gazdaságtana – Fókuszban a mélyintegráció. Statisztikai Szemle, 99(10), 997–1004. | folyóiratcikk |
169 |
Pásztor Szabolcs (ÁNTK) |
Pásztor, S. (2021). Ahol a számbavétel lohol a növekedés után – Módszertani észrevételek az afrikai GDP-adatokhoz. Statisztikai Szemle, 99(1), 80–105. | folyóiratcikk |
170 |
Molnár Anna (HHK), Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) |
Molnár, A., & Szente-Varga, M. (2021). Teaching EU in Hungary. In A. Visvizi, M. Field, & M. Pachocka (Eds.), Teaching the EU: Fostering Knowledge and Understanding in the Brexit Age (pp. 149–165). Emerald Publishing Limited. | könyvfejezet |
171 |
Jiandong Shi (ÁNTK) |
Shi, J. (2021). The History Of Sino-US Trade. In US-China Trade: Perspectives and Impact on the Global Economy (pp. 103–125). | könyvfejezet |
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A legjobb SJR besorolás a Scimago Journal Ranking folyóiratértékelő indexben a közleményt publikáló folyóirat legmagasabb kvartilis besorolását jelenti (Q1-Q4 között). Ahol hiányzik ott nem folyóiratcikkről van szó, vagy nem indexeli a folyóiratot a Scimago adatbázis.
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Az adatok frissítve: 2024. fenruár 01.