Az NKE-n 2022-ben megjelent minőségi publikációk
Az alábbiakban megosztásra kerülnek a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem kutatóinak 2022. évi publikációi, amelyeket a világ két vezető multidiszciplináris hivatkozási adatbázisa a Scopus és a Web of Science valamelyike indexel. Ezek a tudományos közlemények azok, amelyek jelentős mértékben hozzájárulnak az egyetemi kutatások eredményeinek nemzetközi láthatóságához.
A publikációk listájával szeretnénk bemutatni és elismerni az egyetem kutatóinak munkáját, valamint a nemzetközi tudományos közösség által elismert további közlemények írására motiválni.
Az itt megjelenített publikációk a következő feltételeknek felelnek meg:
- legalább egy szerző NKE-s és ezt az affiliációjában feltüntette
- a Scopus vagy a Web of Science (SCI, SSCI, AHCI, ESCI) adatbázisok indexelik
- tudományos közlemény (nem editorial, corrigendum, book review, stb)
A publikációs listát az NKE Tudományos Ügyek Iroda és az Egyetemi Könyvtár gondozza, és negyedévente frissíti. Amennyiben hiányosságot, vagy hibát észlel, kérjük, jelezze a e-mail-címen, hogy mielőbb helyesbíteni tudjuk.
(Név, Kar/Kutató Központ, cikkek sorszáma)
- Ács Éva (VTK) 2 15 73 226 226 237
- Alhosban Ahmad (HHK) 119
- Ama Kissiwah Boateng (ÁNTK) 170
- Auer Ádám (ÁNTK) 172
- Bagoly Zsolt (HHK) 175
- Bajnok Andrea (ÁNTK) 256
- Bakai Kristóf Péter (HHK) 210 217
- Bányász Péter (ÁNTK) 81
- Bayu Takele Bekele (ÁNTK) 9
- Bekalo Teketel Lemango (ÁNTK) 191
- Békési Bertold (HHK) 203
- Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) 11 177 182
- Bencsik Dániel (HHK) 45
- Bényi Beáta (VTK) 3 24 137 145 145 223
- Berek Lajos (HHK) 252 253
- Berek Tamás (HHK) 155 157
- Berényi László (ÁNTK) 195 196
- Bíró Tibor (VTK) 2 15 59 226 226 246
- Boda Mihály (HHK) 6
- Bojtor András (KTI) 198
- Bolek Zoltán Róbert (HHK) 222
- Boros Anita (ÁNTK) 42
- Bozsó Gábor (KTI) 198
- Cabada Ladislav (ÁNTK) 92
- Christián László (RTK) 23 93 235
- Chronowski Nóra (RTK) 43
- Czeczeli Vivien (ÁNTK) 114 126 149
- Császár-Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) 26 152 158
- Csutak Zsolt (HHK) 197
- Deák András György (EJKK) 57 228
- Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) 54 66 77 90 90 95 108 112 142 179 187 190 212 231 242 249 256
- Dobos Gábor (EJKK) 140
- Duleba Mónika (VTK) 226
- Erdélyi Katalin (RTK) 236
- Erdős Ákos (RTK) 93
- Eszteri Dániel (EJKK) 120
- Farkas Andrea (HHK) 1
- Fási Csaba (ÁNTK) 193
- Fehér Katalin (ÁNTK) 40
- Fekete Árpád (VTK) 171
- Fliegauf Gergely (RTK) 133
- Földi László (HHK) 75 150
- Gábor Szabolcs László (HHK) 224
- Gajdács László (HHK) 203
- Gambár Katalin (HHK) 207
- Gergi-Horgos Mátyás (ÁNTK) 247
- Gombos Katalin (ÁNTK) 31 167
- Halász Iván (ÁNTK) 123 214 219
- Haller József (RTK) 78 89 107
- Halmai Péter (ÁNTK) 87 144
- Háló Gergő (ÁNTK) 190
- Hárs András (ÁNTK) 169
- Hegedűs Ernő (HHK) 154
- Hegedűs Henrik (HHK) 165
- Herendy Csilla (ÁNTK) 112
- Hettyey András (ÁNTK) 238
- Hollán Miklós (RTK) 55 68
- Hornyák Beatrix (HHK) 67
- Horváth István (HHK) 50 175
- Horváth Kludia Gabriella (ÁNTK) 105
- Horváthné Varga Polyák Csilla (ÁNTK) 220
- Ivaskevics Krisztián (RTK) 78
- Jakusné Harnos Éva (HHK) 200
- Jámbor Krisztián (HHK) 203
- Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK) 8 41 71 104 104 147
- Kaiser Tamás (ÁNTK) 194
- Karches Tamás (VTK) 143 227
- Kerezsi Klára (RTK) 245
- Kis Norbert (ÁNTK) 62 206
- Kiss Keve Tihamér (VTK) 2
- Kiss Rebeka (ÁNTK) 239 240 254
- Klotz Péter (ÁNTK) 61
- Knisz Judit (VTK) 139
- Koller Boglárka (ÁNTK) 241
- Kolozsi Pál Péter (EJKK) 221
- Koltay András (ÁNTK) 62
- Kondor Zsuzsanna (ÁNTK) 110 202
- Korponai János (VTK) 15 72 106 237 237
- Kovács Éva (RTK) 156
- Kovács Gábor (EJKK) 230
- Kovács Olivér (ÁNTK) 10 83
- Kriskó Edina (ÁNTK) 256
- Kutasi Gábor (EJKK) 149
- Lajtai László (EJKK) 124
- László Gábor (ÁNTK) 81
- Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) 32 33 109 116 116 127 134 164 178 185 221
- Madai Sándor (ÁNTK) 255
- Magasvári Adrienn (RTK) 160
- Major Gábor (HHK) 203
- Makó Csaba (EJKK) 47 94 97 103 103 117 125 151 163 244
- Maróti Gergely (VTK) 111 139 148 258 258
- Marsai Viktor (ÁNTK) 74 122
- Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) 63 184 205
- Molnár Anna (HHK) 135 200
- Molnár István Jenő (RTK) 235
- Molnárné Balázs Ágnes (ÁNTK) 20
- Mosavi Amir (EJKK) 4 7 12 13 13 17 18 19 22 27 28 29 30 34 35 36 37 39 46 48 51 52 53 62 82 84 85 86 91 96 101 102 121 130 132 141 146 162 174 188 211 259
- Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) 26 118 232
- Nagy Vitéz (ÁNTK) 116 127
- Nagyernyei-Szabó Ádám Sándor (ÁNTK) 208
- Nagyné Rózsa Erzsébet (ÁNTK) 136 180
- Nagy-Takács Veronika (ÁNTK) 199
- Németh András (HHK) 224
- Németh Zsolt (VTK) 98
- Nesterowicz Krzysztof (ÁNTK) 100
- Nogel Mónika (EJKK) 229
- Nosratabadi Saeed (EJKK) 76
- Nyikos Györgyi (ÁNTK) 110 202 234
- Nyirkos Tamás (EJKK) 183
- Nyitrai Endre (RTK) 80 205
- Olexa Péter (RTK) 160
- Ondrék József (HHK) 201
- Orbán Endre (ÁNTK) 31 215
- Orgoványi Péter (VTK) 226
- Orosz Ágnes (ÁNTK) 88
- Padányi József (HHK) 201
- Papp Tekla (ÁNTK) 172 173
- Peres Zsuzsanna (ÁNTK) 218
- Pintér Sándor (HHK) 50
- Pócza Kálmán (EJKK) 65 168 251
- Rácz István (HHK) 50 175
- Répás József (HHK) 161 252 253
- Restás Ágoston (RTK) 14 79 181 213 213
- Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK) 186
- Schweitzer Gábor (ÁNTK) 123
- Schmidt Miklós (HHK) 252 253
- Siyum Berihu Asgele (ÁNTK) 44 159
- Smrcz Ádám (EJKK) 58 70
- Sótér Andrea (HHK) 67
- Suba László (RTK) 210 217
- Sütő Péter (EK) 204
- Syuhaini Abdul Wahi Nur (ÁNTK) 195
- Szabó Andrea (RTK) 160 210 217
- Szabó Mátyás (ÁNTK) 60
- Szabó Zsolt (ÁNTK) 166
- Szappanyos Melinda (ÁNTK) 250
- Székely Gergely (HHK) 21
- Szente Zoltán (ÁNTK) 56 131 216
- Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) 69 192
- Széplaki Valéria (ÁNTK) 115 128
- Szerletics Antal (ÁNTK) 129
- Szigeti Ákos (RTK) 138
- Szilvássy László (HHK) 203
- Szűcs-Vásárhelyi Nóra (HHK) 49
- Tamás Enikő Anna (VTK) 176
- Tari András (ÁNTK) 256
- Téglási András (ÁNTK) 189
- Tihanyi Miklós (RTK) 184
- Tóth András (HHK) 81 153
- Tóth Norbert (ÁNTK) 233
- Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK) 142 187
- Töreki Milán (ÁNTK) 225
- Török Bernát (EJKK) 47 97 151
- Trábert Zsuzsa (VTK) 226
- Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) 38 186 209 257 257
- Vadász János Pál (EJKK) 5 16 243
- Vadkerti Edit (VTK) 15 226
- Várpalotai Viktor (EJKK) 149
- Vecsey Mariann (HHK) 135
- Vértesy László (ÁNTK) 191
- Vilonya Martin (ÁNTK) 114 126
- Wineroither David (ÁNTK) 113
- Zakir Hossain (ÁNTK) 64 248
NKE publikációs kibocsátás a Scopus és a Web of Science adatbázisok adatai alapján
NKE Szerzők |
Közlemény |
Közlemény típusa |
Legjobb SJR besorolás |
Gold OA |
1 |
Farkas Andrea (HHK) |
Farkas, A., Mika, J., & Cirella, G. T. (2022). Environmental Safety in the Sustainable Development Goals: Public Survey. In G. T. Cirella (Ed.), Human Settlements (pp. 179–195). Springer Singapore. | könyvfejezet |
2 |
Bíró Tibor (VTK), Kiss Keve Tihamér (VTK), Ács Éva (VTK) |
Rusanov, A. G., Bíró, T., Kiss, K. T., Buczkó, K., Grigorszky, I., Hidas, A., Duleba, M., Trábert, Z., Földi, A., & Ács, É. (2022). Relative importance of climate and spatial processes in shaping species composition, functional structure and beta diversity of phytoplankton in a large river. Science of The Total Environment, 807, 150891. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
3 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Bényi, B. (2022). A Bijection for the Boolean Numbers of Ferrers Graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 38(1), 10. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
4 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Band, S. S., Ardabili, S., Mosavi, A., Jun, C., Khoshkam, H., & Moslehpour, M. (2022). Feasibility of soft computing techniques for estimating the long-term mean monthly wind speed. Energy Reports, 8, 638–648. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
5 |
Vadász János Pál (EJKK) |
Orosz, T., Vági, R., Csányi, G. M., Nagy, D., Üveges, I., Vadász, J. P., & Megyeri, A. (2021). Evaluating Human versus Machine Learning Performance in a LegalTech Problem. Applied Sciences, 12(1), 297. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
6 |
Boda Mihály (HHK) |
Boda, M. (2021). The Hungarian Theory of Just War Based on the Idea of the Holy Crown: A Historical Case of Just Mission. Journal of Military Ethics, 20(3–4), 269–280. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
7 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Farahani, S. D., Rabiee, A. H., Zakinia, A. M., & Mosavi, A. (2022). A comparison of the pulsating and steady jets on flow-induced vibrations and thermal behavior of a sprung cylinder inside an isothermal channel. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 30, 101761. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
8 |
Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK) |
Ramírez-Ávila, G. M., Depickère, S., Jánosi, I. M., & Gallas, J. A. C. (2022). Distribution of spiking and bursting in Rulkov’s neuron model. The European Physical Journal Special Topics. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
9 |
Bayu Takele Bekele (ÁNTK) |
Bayu, T. B. (2022). Is Federalism the Source of Ethnic Identity-Based Conflict in Ethiopia? Insight on Africa, 14(1), 104–125. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
10 |
Kovács Olivér (ÁNTK) |
Kovacs, O. (2022). Inclusive Industry 4.0 in Europe—Japanese Lessons on Socially Responsible Industry 4.0. Social Sciences, 11(1), 29. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
11 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2022). Beyond the Global Mufti: Religious Authority as Political Action. Religions, 13(2), 100. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
12 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Ehteram, M., Panahi, F., Ahmed, A. N., Mosavi, A. H., & El-Shafie, A. (2022). Inclusive Multiple Model Using Hybrid Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting Evaporation. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 789995. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
13 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Iranmehr, H., Aazami, R., Tavoosi, J., Shirkhani, M., Azizi, A.-R., Mohammadzadeh, A., Mosavi, A. H., & Guo, W. (2022). Modeling the Price of Emergency Power Transmission Lines in the Reserve Market Due to the Influence of Renewable Energies. Frontiers in Energy Research, 9, 792418. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
14 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Restás, Á. (2022). Drone Applications Fighting COVID-19 Pandemic—Towards Good Practices. Drones, 6(1), 15. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
15 |
Bíró Tibor (VTK), Korponai János (VTK), Vadkerti Edit (VTK), Ács Éva (VTK) |
Buczkó, K., Trábert, Zs., Stenger-Kovács, Cs., Tapolczai, K., Bíró, T., Duleba, M., Földi, A., Korponai, J., Vadkerti, E., Végvári, Zs., & Ács, É. (2022). Rapid expansion of an aquatic invasive species (AIS) in Central-European surface waters; a case study of Achnanthidium delmontii. Ecological Indicators, 135, 108547. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
16 |
Vadász János Pál (EJKK) |
Csányi, G. M., Vági, R., Nagy, D., Üveges, I., Vadász, J. P., Megyeri, A., & Orosz, T. (2022). Building a Production-Ready Multi-Label Classifier for Legal Documents with Digital-Twin-Distiller. Applied Sciences, 12(3), 1470. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
17 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Rezaei, M. A., Nayeripour, M., Hu, J., Band, S. S., Mosavi, A., & Khooban, M.-H. (2022). A New Hybrid Cascaded Switched-Capacitor Reduced Switch Multilevel Inverter for Renewable Sources and Domestic Loads. IEEE Access, 10, 14157–14183. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
18 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Zhang, G., Davoodi, S., Band, S. S., Ghorbani, H., Mosavi, A., & Moslehpour, M. (2022). A robust approach to pore pressure prediction applying petrophysical log data aided by machine learning techniques. Energy Reports, 8, 2233–2247. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
19 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mani, V., Kavitha, C., Band, S. S., Mosavi, A., Hollins, P., & Palanisamy, S. (2022). A Recommendation System Based on AI for Storing Block Data in the Electronic Health Repository. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 831404. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
20 |
Molnárné Balázs Ágnes (ÁNTK) |
Sebők, M., M. Balázs, Á., & Molnár, C. (2022). Punctuated equilibrium and progressive friction in socialist autocracy, democracy and hybrid regimes. Journal of Public Policy, 1–23. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
21 |
Székely Gergely (HHK) |
Andréka, H., Madarász, J. X., Németi, I., & Székely, G. (2022). Complexity in the interdefinability of timelike, lightlike and spacelike relatedness of Minkowski spacetime. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 173(5), 103100. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
22 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Habibi, M., Chitsazzadeh, E., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Green Resources for Safety Improvement and Sustainable Landscape Design: The Case of a Dangerous Tehran-Dizin Road Bend. Resources, 11(2), 19. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
23 |
Christián László (RTK) |
Christián, L., Háló, G., & Demeter, M. (2022). Twenty Years of Law Journal Publishing: A Comparative Analysis of International Publication Trends. Publishing Research Quarterly, 38(1), 1–17. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
24 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Adell, J. A., Bényi, B., & Nkonkobe, S. (2022). On higher order generalized geometric polynomials with shifted parameters. Quaestiones Mathematicae, 1–17. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
25 |
Ződi Zsolt (EJKK) |
Ződi, Z. (2022). Algorithmic explainability and legal reasoning. The Theory and Practice of Legislation, 10(1), 67–92. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
26 |
Császár-Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Császár, N., & Bókkon, I. (2022). Gut Serotonin as a General Membrane Permeability Regulator. Current Neuropharmacology, 20(2), 269–271. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
27 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mahmoodi, S., Heydari, M., Ahmadi, K., Khwarahm, N. R., Karami, O., Almasieh, K., Naderi, B., Bernard, P., & Mosavi, A. (2022). The current and future potential geographical distribution of Nepeta crispa Willd., an endemic, rare and threatened aromatic plant of Iran: Implications for ecological conservation and restoration. Ecological Indicators, 137, 108752. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
28 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Amanlou, A., Suratgar, A. A., Tavoosi, J., Mohammadzadeh, A., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Single-Image Reflection Removal Using Deep Learning: A Systematic Review. IEEE Access, 10, 29937–29953. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
29 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Zhang, G., Band, S. S., Ardabili, S., Chau, K.-W., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Integration of neural network and fuzzy logic decision making compared with bilayered neural network in the simulation of daily dew point temperature. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 16(1), 713–723. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
30 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Ahmed, H. U., Abdalla, A. A., Mohammed, A. S., Mohammed, A. A., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Statistical Methods for Modeling the Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Mortar. Materials, 15(5), 1868. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
31 |
Gombos Katalin (ÁNTK), Orbán Endre (ÁNTK) |
Gombos, K., & Orbán, E. (2022). The Hungarian and German constitutional courts refused the ratification of the agreement on a Unified Patent Court. What’s next? Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 17(1), 35–44. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
32 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Lentner, C. (2022). Some Taxonomic Elements of the Internal Control of Public Finances and Experiences of Teaching them at the University of Public Service. Pénzügyi Szemle = Public Finance Quarterly, 67(Special edition 2022/1), 7–27. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
33 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Lentner, C. (2022). Az államháztartás belső ellenőrzésének egyes rendszertani elemei és oktatásának tapasztalatai a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetemen. Pénzügyi Szemle = Public Finance Quarterly, 67(Special edition 2022/1), 7–26. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
34 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Band, S. S., Karami, H., Jeong, Y.-W., Moslemzadeh, M., Farzin, S., Chau, K.-W., Bateni, S. M., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Evaluation of Time Series Models in Simulating Different Monthly Scales of Drought Index for Improving Their Forecast Accuracy. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 839527. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
35 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Jamil, S., Farooq, W., Ullah, N., Daud Khan, A., Khalil, U. K., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Large electromagnetic field enhancement in plasmonic nanoellipse for tunable spaser based applications. PLOS ONE, 17(3), e0263630. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
36 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Hamah Sor, N., Ali, T. K. M., Vali, K. S., Ahmed, H. U., Faraj, R. H., Bheel, N., & Mosavi, A. (2022). The behavior of sustainable self-compacting concrete reinforced with low-density waste Polyethylene fiber. Materials Research Express, 9(3), 035501. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
37 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Akhtar, S. M., Nazir, M., Saleem, K., Ahmad, R. Z., Javed, A. R., S. Band, S., & Mosavi, A. (2022). A Multi-Agent Formalism Based on Contextual Defeasible Logic for Healthcare Systems. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 849185. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
38 |
Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) |
Sasvari, P., Bakacsi, G., & Urbanovics, A. (2022). Scientific career tracks and publication performance—Relationships discovered in the Hungarian academic promotion system. Heliyon, 8(3), e09159. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
39 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Zhang, X., Liu, X., Wang, X., Band, S. S., Bagherzadeh, S. A., Taherifar, S., Abdollahi, A., Bahrami, M., Karimipour, A., Chau, K.-W., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Energetic thermo-physical analysis of MLP-RBF feed-forward neural network compared with RLS Fuzzy to predict CuO/liquid paraffin mixture properties. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 16(1), 764–779. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
40 |
Fehér Katalin (ÁNTK) |
Feher, K., & Veres, Z. (2022). Trends, risks and potential cooperations in the AI development market: Expectations of the Hungarian investors and developers in an international context. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
41 |
Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK) |
Jánosi, I. M., Padash, A., Gallas, J. A. C., & Kantz, H. (2022). Passive tracer advection in the equatorial Pacific region: Statistics, correlations and a model of fractional Brownian motion. Ocean Science, 18(2), 307–320. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
42 |
Boros Anita (ÁNTK) |
Kinzhikeyev, S., Rohács, J., Rohács, D., & Boros, A. (2021). Simulation Model Based Response Management Related to Railway (Earthquake) Disaster. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
43 |
Chronowski Nóra (RTK) |
Chronowski, N. (2021). The post-2010 ‘Democratic Rule of Law’ practice of the Hungarian Constitutional Court under a rule by law governance. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 61(2), 136–158. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
44 |
Siyum Berihu Asgele (ÁNTK) |
Siyum, B. A. (2022). Practice and challenge of urban land governance: An empirical study in Tigrai, East Africa. Journal of Management and Governance. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
45 |
Bencsik Dániel (HHK) |
Bencsik, D., Takács, I., & Rosso, D. (2022). Dynamic alpha factors: Prediction in time and evolution along reactors. Water Research, 216, 118339. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
46 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Sarkar, S. K., Ansar, S. B., Ekram, K. M. M., Khan, M. H., Talukdar, S., Naikoo, M. W., Islam, A. R. T., Rahman, A., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Developing Robust Flood Susceptibility Model with Small Numbers of Parameters in Highly Fertile Regions of Northwest Bangladesh for Sustainable Flood and Agriculture Management. Sustainability, 14(7), 3982. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
47 |
Makó Csaba (EJKK), Török Bernát (EJKK) |
Ardabili, S., Abdolalizadeh, L., Mako, C., Torok, B., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Systematic Review of Deep Learning and Machine Learning for Building Energy. Frontiers in Energy Research, 10, 786027. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
48 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Liu, S., Bahrami, D., Kalbasi, R., Jahangiri, M., Lu, Y., Yang, X., Band, S. S., Chau, K.-W., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Efficacy of applying discontinuous boundary condition on the heat transfer and entropy generation through a slip microchannel equipped with nanofluid. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 16(1), 952–964. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
49 |
Szűcs-Vásárhelyi Nóra (HHK) |
Ragályi, P., Takács, T., Füzy, A., Uzinger, N., Dobosy, P., Záray, G., Szűcs-Vásárhelyi, N., & Rékási, M. (2022). Effect of Se-Enriched Irrigation Water and Soil Texture on Biomass Production and Elemental Composition of Green Pea and Carrot and Their Contribution to Human Se Intake. Agriculture, 12(4), 496. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
50 |
Horváth István (HHK), Rácz István (HHK), Pintér Sándor (HHK) |
Horvath, I., Racz, I. I., Bagoly, Z., Balázs, L. G., & Pinter, S. (2022). Does the GRB Duration Depend on Redshift? Universe, 8(4), 221. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
51 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Chen, W., Sharifrazi, D., Liang, G., Band, S. S., Chau, K. W., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Accurate discharge coefficient prediction of streamlined weirs by coupling linear regression and deep convolutional gated recurrent unit. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 16(1), 965–976. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
52 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Zhang, G., Bateni, S. M., Jun, C., Khoshkam, H., Band, S. S., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Feasibility of Random Forest and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines for Predicting Long-Term Mean Monthly Dew Point Temperature. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 826165. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
53 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Karami, H., DadrasAjirlou, Y., Jun, C., Bateni, S. M., Band, S. S., Mosavi, A., Moslehpour, M., & Chau, K.-W. (2022). A Novel Approach for Estimation of Sediment Load in Dam Reservoir With Hybrid Intelligent Algorithms. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 821079. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
54 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Goyanes, M., & Demeter, M. (2022). Beyond positive or negative: Understanding the phenomenology, typologies and impact of incidental news exposure on citizens’ daily lives. New Media & Society, 24(3), 760–777. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
55 |
Hollán Miklós (RTK) |
Hassannataj Joloudari, J., Azizi, F., Nematollahi, M. A., Alizadehsani, R., Hassannatajjeloudari, E., Nodehi, I., & Mosavi, A. (2022). GSVMA: A Genetic Support Vector Machine ANOVA Method for CAD Diagnosis. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 8, 760178. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
56 |
Szente Zoltán (ÁNTK) |
Szente, Z. (2022). Constitutional Changes in Populist Times. Review of Central and East European Law, 47(1), 12–36. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
57 |
Deák András György (EJKK) |
Deák, A., Szabo, J, Weiner C. (2022). New Dynamics of Great-Power Energy Politics in South-Eastern Europe: The EU versus the US and Russia? Politologický Časopis - Czech Journal of Political Science, XXIX(1), 32–49. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
58 |
Smrcz Ádám (EJKK) |
Smrcz, A. (2022). Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Ontology of Money in the Political Economies of David Hume and Adam Smith. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philosophia, 67(1), 117–128. | folyóiratcikk |
59 |
Bíró Tibor(VTK) |
Takács, S., & Bíró, T. (2022). Two seasons of deficit irrigation of processing tomato in Hungary. Acta Horticulturae, 1335, 657–664. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
60 |
Szabó Mátyás (ÁNTK) |
Szabó, M. (2022). Die juristische Bildung an der k.u.k. Konsularakademie, mit Fokus auf die staatsrechtlichen Studien. Právněhistorické Studie, 52(1), 53–76. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
61 |
Klotz Péter (ÁNTK) |
Klotz, P. (2022). The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship? Participatory Budgeting in Hungary. In M. S. De Vries, J. Nemec, & D. Špaček (Eds.), International Trends in Participatory Budgeting (pp. 149–162). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
62 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK), Koltay András (ÁNTK), Kis Norbert (ÁNTK) |
Mousavi, M., Manshadi, M. D., Soltani, M., Kashkooli, F. M., Rahmim, A., Mosavi, A., Kvasnica, M., Atkinson, P. M., Kovács, L., Koltay, A., Kiss, N., & Adeli, H. (2022). Modeling the efficacy of different anti-angiogenic drugs on treatment of solid tumors using 3D computational modeling and machine learning. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 146, 105511. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
63 |
Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) |
Szabolcs, M., Nagy-Tóth, N. Á., Dávid, L. D., Gogo, A. F. C., & Bujdosó, Z. (2022). The Role of Sports Policing and Tourism Safety at the Summer Olympics. Sustainability, 14(10), 5928. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
64 |
Zakir Hossain (ÁNTK) |
Hossain, A. N. M. Z. (2022). Geopolitics of Rohingya Refugee Crisis and Regional Security. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 12(2), 167–177. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
65 |
Pócza Kálmán (EJKK) |
Pócza, K., & Oross, D. (2022). From Deliberation to Pure Mobilisation? The Case of National Consultations in Hungary. Politics in Central Europe, 18(1), 79–109. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
66 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Tóth, T., Goyanes, M., Demeter, M., & Campos-Freire, F. (2022). Social Implications of Paywalls in a Polarized Society: Representations, Inequalities, and Effects of Citizens’ Political Knowledge. In J. Vázquez-Herrero, A. Silva-Rodríguez, M.-C. Negreira-Rey, C. Toural-Bran, & X. López-García (Eds.), Total Journalism (Vol. 97, pp. 169–179). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
Q4 |
67 |
Hornyák Beatrix (HHK), Sótér Andrea (HHK) |
Novák, A., Hornyák, B., Rázsó, Z., Szalánczi, S., Sótér, A., & Nyakas, C. (2022). Examination between the measured and estimated parameters of the participants in the Hungarian Defence Forces Body Composition Program. Journal of Health Sciences. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
68 |
Hollán Miklós (RTK) |
Boda, Z., Tóth, M., Hollán, M., & Bartha, A. (2022). Two Decades of Penal Populism – The Case of Hungary. Review of Central and East European Law, 47(1), 115–138. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
69 |
Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) |
Szente-Varga, M., & Sánchez Andrés, A. (2022). From the Normalization of Relations to Dwindling Interest and Indifference: Mexican–Hungarian Ties between 1974–1989. East Central Europe, 49(1), 71–95. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
70 |
Smrcz Ádám (EJKK) |
Smrcz, Á. (2021). Nature in Progress – Tocqueville and the Transformation of Natural Law. Ruch Filozoficzny, 1–11. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
71 |
Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK) |
Takács, P., Slíz-Balogh, J., Horváth, Á., Horváth, D., Jánosi, I. M., & Horváth, G. (2022). How the morning-afternoon cloudiness asymmetry affects the energy-maximizing azimuth direction of fixed-tilt monofacial solar panels. Royal Society Open Science, 9(4), 211948. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
72 |
Korponai János (VTK) |
Magyari, E. K., Gasparik, M., Major, I., Lengyel, G., Pál, I., Virág, A., Korponai, J., Haliuc, A., Szabó, Z., & Pazonyi, P. (2022). Mammal extinction facilitated biome shift and human population change during the last glacial termination in East-Central Europe. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 6796. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
73 |
Ács Éva (VTK) |
Dömölki, B., Krakkó, D., Dobosy, P., Trabert, Z., Illés, Á., Stefán, D., Székács, A., Ács, É., & Záray, G. (2022). Sorption of selected pharmaceuticals on river benthic biofilms formed on artificial substrata. Ecological Indicators, 138, 108837. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
74 |
Marsai Viktor (ÁNTK) |
Marsai, V., & Tarrósy, I. (2022). The Potential for Violent Extremist Organizations in Africa to Take Advantage of the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis in Ungoverned Spaces: The Cases of al-Shabaab and Boko Haram. African Security, 15(2), 163–185. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
75 |
Földi László (HHK) |
Farkas, C. B., Dudás, G., Babinszky, G. C., & Földi, L. (2022). Analysis of the Virus SARS-CoV-2 as a Potential Bioweapon in Light of International Literature. Military Medicine. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
76 |
Nosratabadi Saeed (EJKK) |
Erboz, G., Abbas, H., & Nosratabadi, S. (2022). Investigating supply chain research trends amid Covid-19: A bibliometric analysis. Management Research Review. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
77 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Goyanes, M., Demeter, M., Cheng, Z., & de Zúñiga, H. G. (2022). Measuring publication diversity among the most productive scholars: How research trajectories differ in communication, psychology, and political science. Scientometrics, 127(6), 3661–3682. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
78 |
Ivaskevics Krisztián (RTK), Haller József (RTK) |
Ivaskevics, K., & Haller, J. (2022). Risk Matrix for Violent Radicalization: A Machine Learning Approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 745608. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
79 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Hybská, H., Osvaldová, L. M., Horvathová, M., Hýrošová, T., & Restás, Á. (2022). Firewater toxicity after extinguishing natural-based insulation materials. BioResources, 17(2), 1988–2002. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
80 |
Nyitrai Endre (RTK) |
Nyitrai, E. (2022). A magyar nemzeti adatvagyon jelentősége a bűnüldöző szervek munkája során. Információs Társadalom, 22(1), 67. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
81 |
Bányász Péter (ÁNTK), Tóth András (HHK), László Gábor (ÁNTK) |
Bányász, P., Tóth, A., & László, G. (2022). A koronavírus oltással kapcsolatos állampolgári attitűd vizsgálata szentimentanalízis segítségével. Információs Társadalom, 22(1), 99. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
82 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Dehghan Manshadi, M., Alafchi, N., Tat, A., Mousavi, M., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning and Numerical Modeling for Combined Heat Transfer in Polymethylmethacrylate. Polymers, 14(10), 1996. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
83 |
Kovács Olivér István (ÁNTK) |
Kovács, O. (2022). Zombification and Industry 4.0—Directional Financialisation against Doomed Industrial Revolution. Social Sciences, 11(5), 218. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
84 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Das, T., Shahfahad, Naikoo, M. W., Talukdar, S., Parvez, A., Rahman, A., Pal, S., Asgher, M. S., Islam, A. R. Md. T., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Analysing Process and Probability of Built-Up Expansion Using Machine Learning and Fuzzy Logic in English Bazar, West Bengal. Remote Sensing, 14(10), 2349. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
85 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mahmoudi, M. R., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Cyclocopula Technique to Study the Relationship Between Two Cyclostationary Time Series with Fractional Brownian Motion Errors. Fractals, 2240137. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
86 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Q1 |
87 |
Halmai Péter (ÁNTK) |
Halmai, P. (2022). Responsibility Versus Solidarity? Key Issues for the EMU Reform. Romanian Journal of European Affairs, 22(1), 85–103. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
88 |
Orosz Ágnes (ÁNTK) |
Chybalski, F., Orosz, A., & Kurach, R. (2022). (No) country for old men? Intergenerational welfare distribution across welfare state regimes. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
89 |
Haller József (RTK) |
Haller, J. (2022). Glucocorticoids and Aggression: A Tripartite Interaction. In K. A. Miczek & R. Sinha (Eds.), Neuroscience of Social Stress (Vol. 54, pp. 209–243). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
Q1 |
90 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Agha, S., & Demeter, M. (2022). ‘No difference between journalism and suicide’: Challenges for journalists covering conflict in Balochistan. Media, War & Conflict, 17506352221101258. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
91 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Khan, M. B. S., Atta-ur-Rahman, Nawaz, M. S., Ahmed, R., Khan, M. A., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Intelligent breast cancer diagnostic system empowered by deep extreme gradient descent optimization. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 19(8), 7978–8002. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
92 |
Cabada Ladislav (ÁNTK) |
Popaleny, P., & Cabada, L. (2022). 100 Years of the Communist Party in the Czech Lands: A Comparison of the Inter-War and Post-Transition Situation. Journal of Comparative Politics, 15(2), 4–23. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
93 |
Christián László (RTK), Erdős Ákos (RTK) |
Christián, L., Erdős, Á., & Háló, G. (2022). The Background and repercussions of the George Floyd case. Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1), 2082094. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
94 |
Makó Csaba (EJKK) |
Jafarizadeh, F., Rajabi, M., Tabasi, S., Seyedkamali, R., Davoodi, S., Ghorbani, H., Alvar, M. A., Radwan, A. E., & Csaba, M. (2022). Data driven models to predict pore pressure using drilling and petrophysical data. Energy Reports, 8, 6551–6562. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
95 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Demeter, M., Pelle, V., Mikulás, G., & Goyanes, M. (2022). Higher Quantity, Higher Quality? Current Publication Trends of the Most Productive Journal Authors on the Field of Communication Studies. Publishing Research Quarterly. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
96 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Band, S. S., Ardabili, S., Danesh, A. S., Mansor, Z., AlShourbaji, I., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Colonial competitive evolutionary Rao algorithm for optimal engineering design. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 61(12), 11537–11563. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
97 |
Makó Csaba (EJKK), Török Bernát (EJKK) |
Band, S. S., Ardabili, S., Sookhak, M., Chronopoulos, A. T., Elnaffar, S., Moslehpour, M., Csaba, M., Torok, B., Pai, H.-T., & Mosavi, A. (2022). When Smart Cities Get Smarter via Machine Learning: An In-Depth Literature Review. IEEE Access, 10, 60985–61015. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
98 |
Németh Zsolt (VTK) |
Lublóy, É., Biró, A., Hlavička, V., Németh, Z., & Csanaky, J. (2022). Effect of bulk density on flame resistance of rockwool in combined fire-resistant facings. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
99 |
Székely Gergely (HHK) |
Madarász, J. X., Stannett, M., & Székely, G. (2022). Investigations of isotropy and homogeneity of spacetime in first-order logic. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 173(9), 103153. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
100 |
Nesterowicz Krzysztof (ÁNTK) |
Nesterowicz, K., Bayramova, U., Fereshtehnejad, S.-M., Scarlat, A., Ash, A., Augustyn, A. M., & Szádeczky, T. (2022). Gamification Increases Completion Rates in Massive Open Online Courses: International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 18(1), 1–12. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
101 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Wang, G. C., Zhang, Q., Band, S. S., Dehghani, M., Chau, K. wing, Tho, Q. T., Zhu, S., Samadianfard, S., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Monthly and seasonal hydrological drought forecasting using multiple extreme learning machine models. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 16(1), 1364–1381. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
102 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Rahmani, A. M., Ali, S., Malik, M. H., Yousefpoor, E., Yousefpoor, M. S., Mousavi, A., khan, F., & Hosseinzadeh, M. (2022). An energy-aware and Q-learning-based area coverage for oil pipeline monitoring systems using sensors and Internet of Things. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 9638. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
103 |
Makó Csaba (EJKK) |
Roshanianfard, A., Noguchi, N., Ardabili, S., Mako, C., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Autonomous Robotic System for Pumpkin Harvesting. Agronomy, 12(7), 1594. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
104 |
Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK) |
Tserendorj, D., Szabó, K. Z., Völgyesi, P., Nguyen, T. C., Hatvani, I. G., Jánosi, I. M., Abbaszade, G., Salazar-Yanez, N., & Szabó, C. (2022). Activity concentration of 137Cs in undisturbed attic dust collected from Salgótarján and Ózd (northern Hungary). Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 251–252, 106950. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
105 |
Horváth Kludia Gabriella (ÁNTK) |
Agoston, G., Pongracz, F., Horvath, K. G., & Bukodi, Z. (2022). Vertical farms and smart cities – identification of common research areas, Tungsram’s experience and vision in Central Europe. 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), 1–5. | konferencia tanulmány |
106 |
Korponai János (VTK) |
Tumurtogoo, U., Figler, A., Korponai, J., Sajtos, Z., Grigorszky, I., Berta, C., & Gyulai, I. (2022). Density and Diversity Differences of Contemporary and Subfossil Cladocera Assemblages: A Case Study in an Oxbow Lake. Water, 14(14), 2149. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
107 |
Haller József (RTK) |
Haller, J. (2022). Aggression, Aggression-Related Psychopathologies and Their Models. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16, 936105. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
108 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Demeter, M., Jele, A., & Major, Z. B. (2022). The model of maximum productivity for research universities SciVal author ranks, productivity, university rankings, and their implications. Scientometrics. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
109 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Toth, R., Kasa, R., & Lentner, C. (2022). The Impact of Financial Culture on the Operation of Hungarian SMEs before and during COVID-19. Risks, 10(7), 135. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
110 |
Nyikos Györgyi (ÁNTK), Kondor Zsuzsanna (ÁNTK) |
Nyikos, G., & Kondor, Z. (2022). The Involvement of National Development Banks Promoting Sustainable Finance. DETUROPE - The Central European Journal of Tourism and Regional Development, 14(1), 147–163. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
111 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Gitau, M. M., Farkas, A., Ördög, V., & Maróti, G. (2022). Evaluation of the biostimulant effects of two Chlorophyta microalgae on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Journal of Cleaner Production, 364, 132689. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
112 |
Herendy Csilla (ÁNTK), Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Demeter, M., Simon, S., & Goyanes, M. (2022). From local informalities to meritocracy. How Central and Eastern European social scientists perceive the norms of their field. Eastern Journal of European Studies, 13(1), 5–25. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
113 |
Wineroither David (ÁNTK) |
Wineroither, D. M., & Seeber, G. U. H. (2022). A New Chapter in the Evolution of Right-wing Populist Electoral Winning Formulas The Implementation and Impact of Portfolio Diversification in Austria. Politologický Časopis - Czech Journal of Political Science, 29(2), 167–188. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
114 |
Czeczeli Vivien (ÁNTK), Vilonya Martin (ÁNTK) |
Czeczeli, V., & Vilonya, M. (2022). Exchange Rate Developments of Cryptocurrencies Based on Event Study Analysis. Pénzügyi Szemle = Public Finance Quarterly, 67(2), 231–247. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
115 |
Széplaki Valéria (ÁNTK) |
Póra, A., & Széplaki, V. (2022). China, as the Sovereign Creditor of Emerging Markets and Developing Economies. Pénzügyi Szemle = Public Finance Quarterly, 67(2), 196–212. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
116 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK), Nagy Vitéz (ÁNTK) |
Boros, A., Lentner, C., & Nagy, V. (2022). New Aspects of Sustainability: Analysis of the European Practice of Non-Financial Reports. Pénzügyi Szemle = Public Finance Quarterly, 67(2), 181–195. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
117 |
Makó Csaba (EJKK) |
Gundoshmian, T. M., Ardabili, S., Csaba, M., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Modeling and optimization of the oyster mushroom growth using artificial neural network: Economic and environmental impacts. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 19(10), 9749–9768. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
118 |
Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Nagy, N. (2022). The Rights of European Minorities: Justice, Public Administration, Participation, Transfrontier Exchanges and Citizenship—International Developments in 2020. European Yearbook of Minority Issues Online, 19(1), 161–194. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
119 |
Alhosban Ahmad (HHK) |
Alhosban, A. (2022). Assessing Availability of GNSS-GBAS Landing Systems in GAST-D/F Performance. Advances in Military Technology, 17(1), 121–136. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
120 |
Eszteri Dániel (EJKK) |
Eszteri, D. (2022). Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence: Connecting Two Distinct Technologies to Comply with GDPR’s Data Protection By Design Principle. Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, 16(1), 59–88. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
121 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mahjoub, S., Golsorkhtabaramiri, M., Amiri, S. S. S., Hosseinzadeh, M., & Mosavi, A. (2022). A New Combination Method for Improving Parallelism in Two and Three Level Perfect Nested Loops. IEEE Access, 10, 74542–74554. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
122 |
Marsai Viktor (ÁNTK) |
Marsai, V. (2022). Go south! – The establishment of Hungarian–Ethiopian diplomatic relations in 1959-1960. Human Affairs, 32(3), 334–347. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
123 |
Halász Iván (ÁNTK), Schweitzer Gábor (ÁNTK) |
Halász, I., & Schweitzer, G. (2022). Dve Reštavrácie z 19. storočia: Ján Kalinčiak a Ignác Nagy. Slovenská Literatúra, 69(4), 402–414. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
124 |
Lajtai László (EJKK) |
Lajtai, L. L. (2021). Between Patriotism and Ethnicity. In G. Gyáni, K. Rácz, & B. Dent, The Creation of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (1st ed., pp. 149–173). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
125 |
Makó Csaba (EJKK) |
Alanazi, M., Alanazi, A., Memon, Z. A., Csaba, M., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Hill Climbing Artificial Electric Field Algorithm for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaics. Frontiers in Energy Research, 10, 905310. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
126 |
Czeczeli Vivien (ÁNTK), Vilonya Martin (ÁNTK) |
Czeczeli, V., & Vilonya, M. (2022). A kriptovaluták árfolyamának alakulása eseményelemzés alapján. Pénzügyi Szemle = Public Finance Quarterly, 67(2), 235–251. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
127 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK), Nagy Vitéz (ÁNTK) |
Boros, A., Lentner, C., & Nagy, V. (2022). A fenntarthatóság új szempontjai: A nem pénzügyi jelentések európai gyakorlatának elemzése. Pénzügyi Szemle = Public Finance Quarterly, 67(2), 186–200. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
128 |
Széplaki Valéria (ÁNTK) |
Póra, A., & Széplaki, V. (2022). Kína mint a feltörekvő piacok és fejlődő országok szuverénhitelezője. Pénzügyi Szemle = Public Finance Quarterly, 67(2), 201–216. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
129 |
Szerletics Antal (ÁNTK) |
Szerletics, A. (2022). Conceptualizing Human Rights Remarks on the ‘Genus’ and Distinguishing Features of Human Rights. The Age of Human Rights Journal, 18, 507–521. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
130 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Najafi, Z., Zare, K., Mahmoudi, M. R., Shokri, S., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Inference and Local Influence Assessment in a Multifactor Skew-Normal Linear Mixed Model. Mathematics, 10(15), 2820. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
131 |
Szente Zoltán (ÁNTK) |
Szente, Z., & Gárdos-Orosz, F. (2022). The impact of populism on constitutional interpretation in the EU Member States. The International Journal of Human Rights, 26(7), 1141–1159. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
132 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Atta-Ur-Rahman, Nasir, M. U., Gollapalli, M., Zubair, M., Saleem, M. A., Mehmood, S., Khan, M. A., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Advance Genome Disorder Prediction Model Empowered With Deep Learning. IEEE Access, 10, 70317–70328. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
133 |
Fliegauf Gergely (RTK) |
Fliegauf, G. (2022). Introduction of a Hungarian prison drawing from 2013. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal, 174165902211188. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
134 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Sági, J., & Lentner, C. (2022). Key issues in the effectiveness of public financial tools to support childbearing the example of Hungary during the COVID-19 crisis. PLOS ONE, 17(8), e0273090. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
135 |
Molnár Anna (HHK), Vecsey Mariann (HHK) |
Molnár, A., & Vecsey, M. (2022). The EU’s Missions and Operations from the Central Mediterranean to West Africa in the Context of the Migration Crisis. International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, 15(1), Article 1. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
136 |
Nagyné Rózsa Erzsébet (ÁNTK) |
Csicsmann, L., & Rozsa, E. N. (2022). Authoritarian Resilience and Political Transformation in the Arab World: Lessons from the Arab Spring 2.0. International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, 15(1), Article 1. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
137 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Bényi, B., Nkonkobe, S., & Shattuck, M. (2022). Unfair Distributions Counted by the Generalized Stirling Numbers. Integers, 22, A79. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
138 |
Szigeti Ákos (RTK) |
Szigeti, Á. (2022). Távolról is olvasható? A szövegbányászat perspektívája a szociológiai kutatásban. Szociológiai Szemle, 32(2), 91–100. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
139 |
Knisz Judit (VTK), Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Gősi, P., Rátkai, S., Shetty, P., Wirth, R., Maróti, G., Oszvald, F., & Knisz, J. (2022). Prediction of long-term localized corrosion rates in a carbon steel cooling water system is enhanced by metagenome analysis. Engineering Failure Analysis, 141, 106733. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
140 |
Dobos Gábor (EJKK) |
Dobos, G. (2022). Hungary: The expansion and the limits of national politics at the local level. In A. Gendźwiłł, U. Kjaer, & K. Steyvers, The Routledge Handbook of Local Elections and Voting in Europe (1st ed., pp. 293–302). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
141 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Wang, K., Band, S. S., Ameri, R., Biyari, M., Hai, T., Hsu, C.-C., Hadjouni, M., Elmannai, H., Chau, K.-W., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Performance improvement of machine learning models via wavelet theory in estimating monthly river streamflow. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 16(1), 1833–1848. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
142 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK), Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Goyanes, M., de-Marcos, L., Demeter, M., Toth, T., & Jordá, B. (2022). Editorial board interlocking across the social sciences: Modelling the geographic, gender, and institutional representation within and between six academic fields. PLOS ONE, 17(9), e0273552. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
143 |
Karches Tamás (VTK) |
Karches, T. (2022). Fine-Tuning the Aeration Control for Energy-Efficient Operation in a Small Sewage Treatment Plant by Applying Biokinetic Modeling. Energies, 15(17), 6113. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
144 |
Halmai Péter (ÁNTK) |
Halmai, P. (2022). COVID-19 Crisis and Supply Side Bottlenecks in the EU. Shorter and Longer Term Prospects. Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 18(4). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
145 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Benyi, B., Mansour, T., & Ramirez, J. L. (2022). Set partitions and non-crossing partitions with l-neighbors and l-isolated elements. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 84, 325–340. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
146 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Nejad, H. D., Nazari, M., Nazari, M., Mardan, M. M. S., Mohammadzadeh, A., Vu, M. T., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Fuzzy State-Dependent Riccati Equation (FSDRE) Control of the Reverse Osmosis Desalination System With Photovoltaic Power Supply. IEEE Access, 10, 95585–95603. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
147 |
Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK) |
Jánosi, I. M., Kantz, H., Gallas, J. A. C., & Vincze, M. (2022). Global coarse-grained mesoscale eddy statistics based on integrated kinetic energy and enstrophy correlations. Ocean Science, 18(5), 1361–1375. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
148 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Papp, M., Békési, L., Farkas, R., Makrai, L., Judge, M. F., Maróti, G., Tőzsér, D., & Solymosi, N. (2022). Natural diversity of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) gut bacteriome in various climatic and seasonal states. PLOS ONE, 17(9), e0273844. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
149 |
Kutasi Gábor (EJKK), Czeczeli Vivien (EJKK), Várpalotai Viktor (EJKK) |
Kutasi, G., Czeczeli, V., & Várpalotai, V. (2022). The link between EU households’ digitalization and growth factors. What does data (not) reveal? Society and Economy, 44(3), 277–294. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
150 |
Földi László (HHK) |
Kuti, R., Könczöl, F., Csapó, L., Földi, L., & Tóth, Á. D. (2022). Detection of the possible engine damages in case of a continuous track military vehicles with tribological investigations. FME Transactions, 50(3), 526–534. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
151 |
Makó Csaba (EJKK), Török Bernát (EJKK) |
Pap, J., Mako, C., Illessy, M., Dedaj, Z., Ardabili, S., Torok, B., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Correlation Analysis of Factors Affecting Firm Performance and Employees Wellbeing: Application of Advanced Machine Learning Analysis. Algorithms, 15(9), 300. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
152 |
Császár-Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Majnik, J., Császár-Nagy, N., Böcskei, G., Bender, T., & Nagy, G. (2022). Non-pharmacological treatment in difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis. Frontiers in Medicine, 9, 991677. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
153 |
Tóth Andras (HHK) |
Toth, A. (2022). Information Security Challenges and Solutions in Smart Nations. In T. A. Kovács, Z. Nyikes, & I. Fürstner (Eds.), Security-Related Advanced Technologies in Critical Infrastructure Protection (pp. 123–132). Springer Netherlands. | könyvfejezet |
154 |
Hegedűs Ernő (HHK) |
Hegedűs, E. (2022). Use of Airbridges in Support of Encircled Forces and the Role of Airfields. In T. A. Kovács, Z. Nyikes, & I. Fürstner (Eds.), Security-Related Advanced Technologies in Critical Infrastructure Protection (pp. 417–432). Springer Netherlands. | könyvfejezet |
155 |
Berek Tamás (HHK) |
Berek, T. (2022a). Challenges for the Energy Sector in the Light of Climate Change. In T. A. Kovács, Z. Nyikes, & I. Fürstner (Eds.), Security-Related Advanced Technologies in Critical Infrastructure Protection (pp. 195–204). Springer Netherlands. | könyvfejezet |
156 |
Kovács Éva (RTK) |
Kovács, É., & Kovács, T. (2022). Identification and Authentication Potentials Based on Limited Biometric Data. In T. A. Kovács, Z. Nyikes, & I. Fürstner (Eds.), Security-Related Advanced Technologies in Critical Infrastructure Protection (pp. 391–404). Springer Netherlands. | könyvfejezet |
157 |
Berek Tamás (HHK) |
Berek, T. (2022b). Tasks of the Implementation of Physical Security System of the CBRN Laboratories. In T. A. Kovács, Z. Nyikes, & I. Fürstner (Eds.), Security-Related Advanced Technologies in Critical Infrastructure Protection (pp. 315–330). Springer Netherlands. | könyvfejezet |
158 |
Császár-Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Császár-Nagy, N., Bob, P., & Bókkon, I. (2022). A Multidisciplinary Hypothesis about Serotonergic Psychedelics. Is it Possible that a Portion of Brain Serotonin Comes From the Gut? Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 21(5), 148. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
159 |
Siyum Berihu Asgele (ÁNTK) |
Siyum, B. A. (2022). University instructors’ burnout: Antecedents and consequences. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
160 |
Magasvári Adrienn (RTK), Olexa Péter (RTK), Szabó Andrea (RTK) |
Magasvári, A., Olexa, P., & Szabó, A. (2022). Research Results Enhancing the Employer Branding Efforts of the Hungarian Tax and Customs Administration. World Customs Journal, 15(2), 83–96. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
161 |
Répás József (HHK) |
Répás, J., & Berek, L. (2023). Security and Safety Systems on Modern Vehicles. In K. Jármai & Á. Cservenák (Eds.), Vehicle and Automotive Engineering 4 (pp. 84–100). Springer International Publishing. | konferencia tanulmány |
Q4 |
162 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Khan, Md. S. I., Rahman, A., Debnath, T., Karim, Md. R., Nasir, M. K., Band, S. S., Mosavi, A., & Dehzangi, I. (2022). Accurate brain tumor detection using deep convolutional neural network. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 20, 4733–4745. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
163 |
Makó Csaba (EJKK) |
Hosseini, F. S., Choubin, B., Bagheri‐Gavkosh, M., Karimi, O., Taromideh, F., & Mako, C. (2022). Susceptibility Assessment of Groundwater Nitrate Contamination Using an Ensemble Machine Learning Approach. Groundwater, gwat.13258. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
164 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Tóth, R., Kása, R., & Lentner, C. (2022). Identifying the Influencing Factors of Financial Literacy Across Pre-and “Post” Pandemic Times at the Hungarian SMEs. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 19(8), 9–29. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
165 |
Hegedűs Henrik (HHK) |
Pató, B. Sz. G. & al. (2022). Coronavirus crisis challenges and HR responses – Hungary 2020 – framework of domestic research. Journal of East European Management Studies, 27(3), 552–578. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
166 |
Szabó Zsolt (ÁNTK) |
Szabó, Z. (2022). Ethnic conciliation in parliaments: Western Balkans v. Western Europe. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
167 |
Gombos Katalin (ÁNTK) |
Gombos, K., & Pomeisl, A. J. (2022). Consumer Enforcement Opportunities – New Approaches and Trends in Hungarian Procedural Laws. International and Comparative Law Review, 22(1), 73–86. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
168 |
Pócza Kálmán (EJKK) |
Pócza, K., Papp, Z., Dobos, G., & Gyulai, A. (2022). Do constitutional courts restrict government policy? The effects of budgetary implications and bloc-politics in the Hungarian Constitutional Court’s decisions between 1990 and 2018. East European Politics, 1–23. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
169 |
Hárs András (ÁNTK) |
Hárs, A. (2022). AI and international law – Legal personality and avenues for regulation. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 62(4), 320–344. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
170 |
Ama Kissiwah Boateng (ÁNTK) |
Boateng, A. K. (2022). Localising centralised climate policies in Ghana: Insights from 3 local governments. Urban Research & Practice, 1–13. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
171 |
Fekete Árpád (VTK) |
Fekete, Á. (2022). Markov chain analysis of the probability of days in a heat wave period. Időjárás, 126(3), 375–386. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
172 |
Auer Ádám (ÁNTK), Papp Tekla (ÁNTK) |
Auer, Á., & Papp, T. (2022). The Solution of Hungarian Company Law in Connection with Duty of Care and Duty of Loyalty. AUC IURIDICA, 68(3), 49–61. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
173 |
Papp Tekla (ÁNTK) |
Papp, T. (n.d.). Goose-stepping? The concept of the Hungarian public administration contract from a private law point of view. Juridical Tribune, 12(3), 368–386. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
174 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Sabzehali, M., Rabiee, A. H., Alibeigi, M., Farahani, S. D., & Mousavi, A. (2022). Predicting the energy and exergy performance of F135 PW100 turbofan engine via deep learning approach. Energy Conversion and Management, 265, 115775. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
175 |
Bagoly Zsolt (HHK), Horváth István (HHK), Rácz István (HHK) |
Bagoly, Z., Horvath, I., Racz, I. I., Balázs, L. G., & Tóth, L. V. (2022). The Spatial Distribution of Gamma-Ray Bursts with Measured Redshifts from 24 Years of Observation. Universe, 8(7), 342. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
176 |
Tamás Enikő Anna (VTK) |
Tadić, L., Tamás, E. A., Mihaljević, M., & Janjić, J. (2022). Potential Climate Impacts of Hydrological Alterations and Discharge Variabilities of the Mura, Drava, and Danube Rivers on the Natural Resources of the MDD UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Climate, 10(10), 139. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
177 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2022a). Secularism as Equality: French Islamic Discourses on Laïcité. Religions, 13(10), 927. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
178 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Lentner, C., Hegedűs, S., & Nagy, V. (2022). Correlations of Taxation and Macroeconomic Indicators in the OECD Member Countries from 2014 to the First Year of the Crisis Caused by COVID-19. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(10), 464. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
179 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Kohus, Z., Demeter, M., Kun, L., Lukács, E., Czakó, K., & Szigeti, G. P. (2022). A Study of the Relation between Byline Positions of Affiliated/Non-Affiliated Authors and the Scientific Impact of European Universities in Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Sustainability, 14(20), 13074. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
180 |
Nagyné Rózsa Erzsébet (ÁNTK) |
Rózsa, E. N. (2022). Iranian Communities on the Arab Side of the Persian Gulf. Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 1–12. | folyóiratcikk |
181 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Madondo, R., Mutingwende, N., Shwababa, S., Bayne, R. J., Restás, Á., & Tandlich, R. (2022). Analyses of Trends in the Fire Losses and the Fire-Brigade Call-Outs in South Africa between 2004 and 2017. Geographia Technica, 17(2/2022). | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
182 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2022b). Loyalty and Identity Formation: Muslim Perceptions of Loyalty in France. Religions, 13(11), 1060. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
183 |
Nyirkos Tamás (EJKK) |
Nyirkos, T. (2022). Conservative orators in Restoration France: Bonald vs. Chateaubriand. European Review of History: Revue Européenne d’histoire, 29(5), 763–777. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
184 |
Tihanyi Miklós (RTK), Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) |
North Western Branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Rakhmanova, E. N., Tihanyi, M., University of Public Service, Szabolcs, M., & University of Public Service. (2022). The legal and organizational basis of ensuring safety of sports activities in Hungary. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 13(3), 759–770. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
185 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Lentner, C., & Zsamoczai, SandorJ. (2022). Sustainability and environmental conservation in strategy of National Bank of Hungary in 2020s. 2022 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), 000213–000218. | konferencia tanulmány |
186 |
Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK), Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) |
Sasvári, P., & Urbanovics, A. (2022). Subject Area Risk Assessment of Four Hungarian Universities with a View to the QS University Rankings by Subject. Journal of Data and Information Science, 7(4), 61–80. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
187 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK), Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Goyanes, M., Demeter, M., Grané, A., Tóth, T., & de Zúñiga, H. G. (2023). Research patterns in communication (2009–2019): Testing female representation and productivity differences, within the most cited authors and the field. Scientometrics, 128(1), 137–156. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
188 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Hai, T., Li, H., Band, S. S., Shadkani, S., Samadianfard, S., Hashemi, S., Chau, K.-W., & Mousavi, A. (2022). Comparison of the efficacy of particle swarm optimization and stochastic gradient descent algorithms on multi-layer perceptron model to estimate longitudinal dispersion coefficients in natural streams. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 16(1), 2207–2221. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
189 |
Téglási András (ÁNTK) |
Kurunczi, G., & Téglási, A. (2022). Solutions and Challenges for Online Meetings of Electoral Bodies. Krytyka Prawa, 14(3). | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
190 |
Háló Gergő (ÁNTK), Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Háló, G., & Demeter, M. (2022). International VS National Academic Bibliographies. A Comparative Analysis of Publication and Citation Patterns in Scopus, Google Scholar, and the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 1–20. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
191 |
Vértesy László (ÁNTK), Bekalo Teketel Lemango (ÁNTK) |
Vértesy, L., & Lemango, T. B. (2022). Public Administration Developments in Ethiopia Under Three Different Regimes. Hrvatska i Komparativna Javna Uprava, 22(3), 403–430. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
192 |
Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) |
Szente-Varga, M. (2022). The Footprints of the Bear. Why does the Return of Russia to Latin America Matter? Iberoamericana – Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 51(1), 32–44. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
193 |
Fási Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Fasi, C. (2022). Application of Artificial Intelligence in Administrative Decision-making. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days, 147–152. | konferencia tanulmány |
194 |
Kaiser Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Kaiser, T. (2022). Empowering, transferring and downscaling: Three steps towards implementing smart village strategies. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days, 38–45. | konferencia tanulmány |
195 |
Syuhaini Abdul Wahi Nur (ÁNTK), Berényi László (ÁNTK) |
Nur Syuhaini, A. W., & Berényi, L. (2022). A Proposed Model for Assessing E-Government Adoption Among Civil Servants. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days, 60–64. | konferencia tanulmány |
196 |
Berényi László (ÁNTK) |
Berényi, L. (2022). Use of Moodle among public service students: Pandemic effects. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days, 18–24. | konferencia tanulmány |
197 |
Csutak Zsolt (HHK) |
Csutak, Z. (2022). Virtual universes: The various impacts of conspicuous alternative realities. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days, 69–72. | konferencia tanulmány |
198 |
Bojtor András (KTI), Bozsó Gábor (KTI) |
Bojtor, A., & Bozso, G. (2022). The main factors of successful adaptation of public sector institutions in the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Hungary. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days, 31–37. | konferencia tanulmány |
199 |
Nagy-Takács Veronika (ÁNTK), Berényi László |
Nagy-Takács, V., & Berényi, L. (2022). Information Security Management System Standards in Hungarian Public Administration. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days, 112–117. | konferencia tanulmány |
200 |
Molnár Anna (HHK), Jakusné Harnos Éva (HHK) |
Molnár, A., & Harnos, É. J. (2022). The Postmodernity of the European Union: A Discourse Analysis of State of the Union Addresses. The International Spectator, 1–17. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
201 |
Padányi József (HHK), Ondrék József (HHK) |
Padányi, J., & Ondrék, J. (2022). Miklós Zrínyi’s Efforts in Strengthening the Military Defenses of Međimurje, Hungary. International Journal of Historical Archaeology. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
202 |
Nyikos Györgyi (ÁNTK), Kondor Zsuzsanna (ÁNTK) |
Nyikos, G., & Kondor, Z. (2022). National Development Banks in Europe – A Contribution to Sustainable Finance. Central European Public Administration Review, 20(1), 135–165. | folyóiratcikk |
203 |
Békési Bertold (HHK), Szilvássy László (HHK), Major Gábor (HHK), Gajdács László (HHK), Jámbor Krisztián (HHK) |
Békési, B., Szilvássy, L., Major, G., Gajdács, L., & Jámbor, K. (2022). Working Drones in a Modern Airport’s Daily Life. 2022-October, 836–841. | konferencia tanulmány |
204 |
Sütő Péter (EK) |
Lencsés, Á., & Sütő, P. (2022). Challenges of Promoting Open Science within the NI4OS-Europe Project in Hungary. Publications, 10(4), 51. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
205 |
Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK), Nyitrai Endre (RTK) |
Mátyás, S., & Nyitrai, E. (2022). Spatial Nature and Geographical Characteristics of Drug Crime in Hungary. Laws, 11(6), 90. | folyóiratcikk |
206 |
Kis Norbert (ÁNTK) |
Pap, J., Mako, C., Illessy, M., Kis, N., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Modeling Organizational Performance with Machine Learning. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 8(4), 177. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
207 |
Gambár Katalin (HHK) |
Márkus, F., & Gambár, K. (2022). A Potential-Based Quantization Procedure of the Damped Oscillator. Quantum Reports, 4(4), 390–400. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
208 |
Nagyernyei-Szabó Ádám Sándor (ÁNTK) |
Szabó, Á. (2022). Source data for municipium Aelium Mogionibus (Környe, Komárom-Esztergom County, Hungary). Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 73(2), 163–167. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
209 |
Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) |
Urbanovics, A. (2022). State of Public Administration Scientific Research in the Visegrad Countries – A Bibliometric Analysis. NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, 15(2), 173–193. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
210 |
Bakai Kristóf Péter (HHK), Suba László (RTK) Szabó Andrea (RTK) |
Bakai, K. P., Suba, L., & Szabó, A. (2022). First Year Experience of the Abolition of the €22 Rule and the Introduction of the New e-Commerce Vat Laws. Pénzügyi Szemle = Public Finance Quarterly, 67(4), 585–600. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
211 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Rezaei, M. A., Fathollahi, A., Rezaei, S., Hu, J., Gheisarnejad, M., Teimouri, A. R., Rituraj, R., Mosavi, A. H., & Khooban, M.-H. (2022). Adaptation of a Real-Time Deep Learning Approach With an Analog Fault Detection Technique for Reliability Forecasting of Capacitor Banks Used in Mobile Vehicles. IEEE Access, 10, 132271–132287. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
212 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Kohus, Z., Demeter, M., Szigeti, G. P., Kun, L., Lukács, E., & Czakó, K. (2022). The Influence of International Collaboration on the Scientific Impact in V4 Countries. Publications, 10(4), 35. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
213 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Mensah, R. A., Vennström, A., Shanmugam, V., Försth, M., Li, Z., Restas, A., Neisiany, R. E., Sokol, D., Misra, M., Mohanty, A., Hedenqvist, M., & Das, O. (2022). Influence of biochar and flame retardant on mechanical, thermal, and flammability properties of wheat gluten composites. Composites Part C: Open Access, 9, 100332. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
214 |
Halász Iván (ÁNTK) |
Halász, I. (2022). The establishment of the institutional framework of comparative law in the socialist Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 63(3), 236–257. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
215 |
Orbán Endre (ÁNTK) |
Orbán, E. (2022). Constitutional identity in the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 63(2), 142–173. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
216 |
Szente Zoltán (ÁNTK) |
Szente, Z. (2022). Constitutional identity as a normative constitutional concept. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 63(1), 3–20. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
217 |
Bakai Kristóf Péter (HHK), Suba László (RTK), Szabó Andrea (RTK) |
Bakai, K. P., Suba, L., & Szabó, A. (2022). A 22 eurós szabály eltörlésének, az új e-kereskedelmi áfaszabályozás bevezetésének első évi tapasztalatai. Pénzügyi Szemle = Public Finance Quarterly, 67(4), 595–609. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
218 |
Peres Zsuzsanna (ÁNTK) |
Peres, Z. (2022). Petty offences Related to Smoking and Alcohol Consumption in Hungary in the Period before 1848. Forum Historiae, 16(2). | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
219 |
Halász Iván (ÁNTK) |
Halász, I. (2022). Representation of National and Ethnic Minorities in the Hungarian Parliament. Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 31(5), 67–84. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
220 |
Horváthné Varga Polyák Csilla (ÁNTK) |
Horváthné Varga Polyák, C. (2022). Kína a számok tükrében – komplex statisztikai elemzés a kínai társadalom, gazdaság és kormányzat átfogó értékelésére az első centenáriumi cél időszakában. Statisztikai Szemle, 100(10), 949–982. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
221 |
Kolozsi Pál Péter (EJKK), Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Kolozsi, P. P., Horváth, G., & Lentner, C. (2022). Interbank liquidity and short-term yields in an emerging market economy – the experience of Hungary in 2016–2020. Banks and Bank Systems, 17(4), 87–98. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
222 |
Bolek Zoltán Róbert (HHK) |
Bolek, Z. R. (2022). Bosnians in subcarpathian fights, against czechoslovakian soldiers and in the “Ragged guards”. Historijski Pogledi, 5(7), 183–192. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
223 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Bényi, B., & Matsusaka, T. (2023). Combinatorial aspects of poly-Bernoulli polynomials and poly-Euler numbers. Journal de Théorie Des Nombres de Bordeaux, 34(3), 917–939. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
224 |
Németh András (HHK), Gábor Szabolcs László (HHK) |
Brassai, S. T., NEMeth, A., Hammas, A., & GABor, S. L. (2022). Deep learning based object detection for agricultural machinery. 2022 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics and 8th IEEE International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Science and Robotics (CINTI-MACRo), 000089–000094. | konferencia tanulmány |
225 |
Töreki Milán (ÁNTK) |
Töreki, M. (2023). Anteroom to the Forint: Monetary Law Aspects of the Temporary Period of Issuing Money in Hungary under the Supervision of the Temporary National Government (1944–1945). PRÁVNĚHISTORICKÉ STUDIE, 52(3), 165–176. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
226 |
Bíró Tibor (VTK), Duleba Mónika (VTK), Orgoványi Péter (VTK), Trábert Zsuzsa (VTK), Vadkerti Edit (VTK), Ács Éva (VTK) |
Bíró, T., Duleba, M., Földi, A., Kiss, K. T., Orgoványi, P., Trábert, Z., Vadkerti, E., Wetzel, C. E., & Ács, É. (2022). Metabarcoding as an effective complement of microscopic studies in revealing the composition of the diatom community – a case study of an oxbow lake of Tisza River (Hungary) with the description of a new Mayamaea species. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics, 6, e87497. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
227 |
Karches Tamás (VTK) |
Karches, T. (2023). Large eddy simulation: Subgrid-scale modeling with neural network. In Handbook of Hydroinformatics (pp. 283–288). Elsevier. | könyvfejezet |
228 |
Deák András György (EJKK) |
Szabo, J., Weiner, C., & Deák, A. (2022). Energy Governance in Hungary. In M. Knodt & J. Kemmerzell (Eds.), Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe (pp. 737–768). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
229 |
Nogel Mónika (EJKK) |
Nogel, M. (2022). A precíziós medicina egyes jogi és társadalmi kihívásai a ,,big genomic data” korában. Információs Társadalom, 22(3), 39. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
230 |
Kovács Gábor (EJKK) |
Kovács, G. (2022). Felelősségi kérdések a telemedicina-szolgáltatásban. Információs Társadalom, 22(3), 61. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
231 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Demeter, M. (2022). The Rise and Fall of an Editor-In-Chief: A Field-Theoretic Autoethnography. In P. Habibie & A. K. Hultgren (Eds.), The Inner World of Gatekeeping in Scholarly Publication (pp. 123–142). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
232 |
Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Nagy, N., & Vizi, B. (2022). The European Parliament, the Council and the European Council. In Research Handbook on Minority Politics in the European Union (pp. 128–143). | könyvfejezet |
233 |
Tóth Norbert (ÁNTK) |
Tóth, N. (2022). European Union law and international minority rights law. In Research Handbook on Minority Politics in the European Union (pp. 112–126). | könyvfejezet |
234 |
Nyikos Györgyi (ÁNTK) |
Nyikos, G. (2023). Regional Policy in Hungary: Effects of EU Membership and National Priorities. In E. Bos & A. Lorenz (Eds.), Politics and Society in Hungary (pp. 225–244). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. | könyvfejezet |
235 |
Christián László (RTK), Molnár István Jenő (RTK) |
Christian, L., & Molnar, I. J. (2022). Crime Prevention and Complementary Law Enforcement in Hungary. In J. F. Albrecht & G. Den Heyer (Eds.), Understanding and Preventing Community Violence (pp. 219–233). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
236 |
Erdélyi Katalin (RTK) |
Kovács, G., Erdélyi, K., Pádár, Z., Zenke, P., & Nogel, M. (2022). Contamination of forensic DNA evidence in the light of Hungarian court decisions – A review of 25 years. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, 8, 242–244. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
237 |
Korponai János (VTK), Ács Éva (VTK) |
Buczkó, K., Korponai, J., Máthé, I., Jakab, G., Tóth, M., Braun, M., Ács, É., Karátson, D., & Magyari, E. K. (2022). Limnological Changes in Lake Sf. Ana. In D. Karátson, D. Veres, R. Gertisser, E. K. Magyari, C. Jánosi, & U. Hambach (Eds.), Ciomadul (Csomád), The Youngest Volcano in the Carpathians (pp. 159–174). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
238 |
Hettyey András (ÁNTK) |
Hettyey, A. (2023). Hungarian Foreign Policy 1990 to 2018: Europeanization without Conviction. In E. Bos & A. Lorenz (Eds.), Politics and Society in Hungary (pp. 157–172). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. | könyvfejezet |
239 |
Kiss Rebeka (ÁNTK) |
Kiss, R., & Sebők, M. (2022). Creating an Enhanced Infrastructure of Parliamentary Archives for Better Democratic Transparency and Legislative Research: Report on the OPTED forum in the European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium, 15 June 2022). International Journal of Parliamentary Studies, 2(2), 278–284. | folyóiratcikk |
240 |
Kiss Rebeka (ÁNTK) |
Konrath, C., & Kiss, R. (2022). Exploring the Expanding Universe of Parliaments: Report on the Global Conference on Parliamentary Studies (Budapest, Hungary, 12-13 May 2022). International Journal of Parliamentary Studies, 2(2), 274–277. | folyóiratcikk |
241 |
Koller Boglárka (ÁNTK) |
Koller, B. (2022). Re-nationalization or de-europeanization collective identities and identity politics in contemporary Hungary. In The Rise of Populism in Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 67–82). | könyvfejezet |
242 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Demeter, M., Goyanes, M., Navarro, F., Mihalik, J., & Mellado, C. (2022). Rethinking De-Westernization in Communication Studies: The Ibero-American Movement in International Publishing. International Journal of Communication, 16, 3027–3046. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
243 |
Vadász Pál (EJKK) |
Csáki, C., Homoki, P., Görög, G., & Vadász, P. (2022). NLP in the Legal Profession: How about Small Languages? International Conference on IFIP WG 8.5 Electronic Government, E-Democracy and Open Government and IFIP WG 8.5 IFIP Electronic Participation, EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2022, 3399. | konferencia tanulmány |
244 |
Makó Csaba (EJKK) |
Makó, C., Illéssy, M., Pap, J., & Nosratabadi, S. (2022). Emerging Platform Work in the Context of the Regulatory Loophole (The Uber Fiasco in Hungary). Journal of Labor and Society, 26(4), 533–554. | folyóiratcikk |
245 |
Kerezsi Klára (RTK) |
Kerezsi, K., & Szabó, J. (2022). From Need-Based to Control-Based Rehabilitation: The Hungarian Case. In M. Vanstone & P. Priestley (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Rehabilitation in Criminal Justice (pp. 237–256). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
246 |
Bíró Tibor(VTK) |
Takács, S., Pék, Z., Bíró, T., Szuvandzsiev, P., Palotás, G., Czinkoczki, E., & Helyes, L. (2022). Detection and simulation of water stress in processing tomato. Acta Horticulturae, 1351, 39–46. | konferencia tanulmány |
247 |
Gergi-Horgos Mátyás (ÁNTK) |
Gergi-Horgos, M. (2022). Framing COVID-19: Political Discourse of the SNP, ERC and Junts during the 2021 Scottish and Catalan Regional Elections. Scottish Affairs, 31(3), 281–301. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
248 |
Zakir Hossain (ÁNTK) |
Zakir Hossain, A. N. M. (2022). Recent Development and Emerging Trends of Research on Rohingya Refugee Crisis (1993-2020): A Bibliometric Analysis. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 17(3), 849–862. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
249 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Demeter, M. (2022). Özséb Horányi and the Participation Theory of Communication. In Y. Miike & J. Yin, The Handbook of Global Interventions in Communication Theory (1st ed., pp. 393–406). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
250 |
Szappanyos Melinda (ÁNTK) |
Haász, V., & Szappanyos, M. (2022). Derogations from the ICCPR and Guide to the Duty of Notification: Apropos the COVID-19 Pandemic. Austrian Review of International and European Law, 25, 37–64. | folyóiratcikk |
251 |
Pócza Kálmán (EJKK) |
Pócza, K. (2023). Judicial Review and Politics in Hungary 1990–2018. In E. Bos & A. Lorenz (Eds.), Politics and Society in Hungary (pp. 67–82). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. | könyvfejezet |
252 |
Répás József (HHK), Schmidt Miklós (HHK), Berek Lajos (HHK) |
Répás, J., Schmidt, M., & Berek, L. (2022). Downloading modern vehicles data for Forensics examination—A case study. 2022 IEEE 1st International Conference on Cognitive Mobility (CogMob), 000029–000030. | konferencia tanulmány |
253 |
Répás József (HHK), Schmidt Miklós (HHK), Berek Lajos (HHK) |
Répás, J., Berek, L., & Schmidt, M. (2022). Autonomous Vehicles Forensics-The next step of the Digital Vehicles Forensics. 2022 IEEE 1st International Conference on Cognitive Mobility (CogMob), 000067–000072. | konferencia tanulmány |
254 |
Kiss Rebeka (ÁNTK) |
Kiss, R. (2022). Parliament v. Courts: Who has the Final Word?: Conference on the justiciability of parliamentary procedures hosted by Ludovika – University of Public Service, Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies (online), 29 November 2021. International Journal of Parliamentary Studies, 2(1), 87–98. | folyóiratcikk |
255 |
Madai Sándor (ÁNTK) |
Madai, S. (2022). Some Issues Regarding Fraud in the First Hungarian Criminal Code. Journal on European History of Law, 13(2), 143–149. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
256 |
Bajnok Andrea (ÁNTK), Kriskó Edina (ÁNTK), Tari András (ÁNTK), Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Bajnok, A., Kriskó, E., Tari, A., & Demeter, M. (2022). Habitus formation and perceived academic norms of Hungarian communication scholars. KOME, 10(1), 59–79. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
257 |
Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) |
Dobos, I., Sasvári, P., & Urbanovics, A. (2022). The predictability of QS ranking based on Scopus and SciVal data. KOME, 10(1). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
258 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Hupp, B., Pap, B., Farkas, A., & Maróti, G. (2022). Development of a Microalgae-Based Continuous Starch-to-Hydrogen Conversion Approach. Fermentation, 8(7), 294. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
259 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Sandhu, J. K., Lilhore, U. K., M, P., Kaur, N., Band, S. S., Hamdi, M., Iwendi, C., Simaiya, S., Kamruzzaman, M. M., & Mosavi, A. (2022). Predicting the Risk of Heart Failure Based on Clinical Data. Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences, 12(0), 788–807. |
folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
A cikkek sorrendje az indexekbe (Scopus és Web of Science) való bekerülést tükrözik.
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A legjobb SJR besorolás a Scimago Journal Ranking folyóiratértékelő indexben a közleményt publikáló folyóirat legmagasabb kvartilis besorolását jelenti (Q1-Q4 között). Ahol hiányzik ott nem folyóiratcikkről van szó, vagy nem indexeli a folyóiratot a Scimago adatbázis.
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Az adatok frissítve: 2024. augusztus 1.