Az NKE-n 2023-ban megjelent minőségi publikációk
Az alábbiakban megosztásra kerülnek a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem kutatóinak 2023. évi publikációi, amelyeket a világ két vezető multidiszciplináris hivatkozási adatbázisa a Scopus és a Web of Science valamelyike indexel. Ezek a tudományos közlemények azok, amelyek jelentős mértékben hozzájárulnak az egyetemi kutatások eredményeinek nemzetközi láthatóságához.
A publikációk listájával szeretnénk bemutatni és elismerni az egyetem kutatóinak munkáját, valamint a nemzetközi tudományos közösség által elismert további közlemények írására motiválni.
Az itt megjelenített publikációk a következő feltételeknek felelnek meg:
- legalább egy szerző NKE-s és ezt az affiliációjában feltüntette
- a Scopus vagy a Web of Science (SCI, SSCI, AHCI, ESCI) adatbázisok indexelik
- tudományos közlemény (nem editorial, corrigendum, book review, stb)
A publikációs listát az NKE Tudományos Ügyek Iroda és az Egyetemi Könyvtár gondozza, és negyedévente frissíti. Amennyiben hiányosságot, vagy hibát észlel, kérjük, jelezze a e-mail-címen, hogy mielőbb helyesbíteni tudjuk.
(Név, Kar/Kutató Központ, cikkek sorszáma)
- Abdul Wahi Nur Syuhaini (ÁNTK) 118
- Ács Éva (VTK) 85 134
- Auer Ádám (ÁNTK) 103 135 173
- Bagoly Zsolt (HHK) 188
- Balogh Róbert (EJKK) 84 195
- Barnucz Nóra 142
- Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) 45 60 99 107 181 208
- Békési Bertold (HHK) 127
- Bényi Beáta (VTK) 3 150
- Berek Tamás (HHK) 211
- Berényi László (ÁNTK) 110 114
- Besenyő János (HHK) 207
- Bíró Tibor (VTK) 61 101 134
- Bódi Stafánia (ÁNTK) 91
- Bojtor András (KTI) 116
- Bolek Zoltán Róbert (HHK) 104
- Boros Anita (ÁNTK) 122
- Budai Balázs Benjámin (ÁNTK) 89
- Buskó Tibor László (ÁNTK) 117
- Christián László (RTK) 64 142 210
- Cimer Zsolt (VTK) 17 90 101 106
- Császár-Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) 4 25
- Csuhai Sándor (EJKK) 89
- Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) 7 12 47 53 65 125
- Demmel József Viktor (EJKK) 179
- Dominek Dalma (ÁNTK 142
- Dobos Gábor (EJKK) 9 166
- Dudás Zoltán (HHK) 192
- Duleba Mónika (VTK) 134 152
- Érces Gergő (RTK) 184
- Erdős Ákos (RTK) 83 142
- Fási Csaba (ÁNTK) 96 112
- Fehér Katalin (ÁNTK) 74
- Fejes Attila (RTK) 26
- Fekete Csaba (HHK) 194
- Feyer Tamás (RTK) 19
- Fliegauf Gergely (RTK) 133
- Gábor Szabolcs László (HHK) 20
- Gajdos Máté (HHK) 193
- Gambár Katalin (HHK) 80
- Gárdonyi Gergely (RTK) 183
- Gellán Márton (ÁNTK) 131
- Ginelli Zoltán 200
- Gulyás Adrienn (ÁNTK) 36
- Györki Gábor (VTK) 50
- Halász Iván (ÁNTK) 156
- Haller József (RTK) 63 64 130
- Halmai Péter (ÁNTK) 93
- Háló Gergő (ÁNTK) 56 76
- Hausner Gábor (HHK) 146
- Hegedűs Szilárd (ÁNTK) 71
- Hetesi Zsolt (VTK) 141
- Hettyey András (ÁNTK) 88 102
- Horváth Gábor (HHK) 191
- Horváth István (HHK) 188 189
- Horváth Kludia Gabriella (ÁNTK) 169
- Hörcher Ferenc (EJKK) 175 176 177
- Hőnich Henrik (EJKK) 174
- Huszár Viktor Dénes (HHK) 18 212
- Ivaskevics Krisztián (RTK) 63
- Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK) 61
- Jobbágy Zoltán (HHK) 154
- Jójárt Krisztián (HHK) 58 209
- Kaiser Tamás (ÁNTK) 5 34 65 96 108
- Karches Tamás (VTK) 35 147
- Kavas László (HHK) 197
- Károly Krisztián (HHK) 193
- Kátai Urbán Lajos (RTK) 43 90 101
- Kerekes Zsuzsanna (RTK) 67
- Kiss Keve Tihamér (VTK) 85 100 134 152
- Kiss Rebeka (ÁNTK) 37 54 132
- Kiss Tibor (RTK) 23 46
- Knisz Judit (VTK) 50 87
- Koltay András (ÁNTK) 198 202
- Korpics Fanni (ÁNTK) 148
- Korpics Márta Katalin (ÁNTK) 151
- Korponai János (VTK 144
- Kovács Éva Margit (ÁNTK) 52
- Krasznay Csaba (ÁNTK) 212
- Kurunczi Gábor (ÁNTK) 164
- Kutasi Gábor (ÁNTK) 159
- László Gábor (ÁNTK) 110
- Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) 22 32 71 105 138 170 186
- Makó Csaba (EJKK) 81 172
- Marlok Tamás (HHK) 193
- Maróti Gergely (VTK) 8 31 44 49 51 137
- Marsai Viktor (ÁNTK) 199
- Máthé Réka Zsuzsánna (EJKK) 182
- Mátis Réka (ÁNTK) 161
- Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) 86 190
- Mo Rang Kim (HKK) 180
- Mosavi Amir (EJKK) 1 2 6 11 16 24 29 30 41 55 57 59 62 68 69 70 123 153 157 158 160 162 163 171 203
- Mrekva László (VTK) 141
- Nagy Ágoston (EJKK) 174
- Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) 27 136 149213
- Nagyernyei-Szabó Ádám Sándor (ÁNTK) 124
- Nagyné Rózsa Erzsébet (ÁNTK) 199
- Négyesi Imre (HHK) 18 212
- Németh András (HHK) 20 82
- Nosratabadi Saeed (EJKK) 81
- Nyikos Györgyi (ÁNTK) 15
- Nyirkos Tamás (EJKK) 10
- Ocskay Gyula (ÁNTK) 21
- Olajosné Lakatos Boglárka (HHK) 61 141
- Orgoványi Péter (VTK) 134
- Padányi József (HHK) 146 205
- Palik Mátyás (HHK) 194
- Pap Milán (EJKK) 40 42 204
- Papp Tekla (ÁNTK) 103
- Pálné Szén Orsolya (VTK) 50 135
- Pálvölgyi Tamás (VTK) 135
- Petrétei Dávid (RTK) 155
- Pintér Sándor (HHK) 187 188
- Phoomsavarth Mittarvanh (ÁNTK) 109
- Pogácsás Imre (HHK) 196
- Pollák Kitti (ÁNTK) 72
- Rácz István (HHK) 185 189
- Rácz Sándor (RTK) 184
- Restás Ágoston (RTK) 33 66 98 119
- Sallai János (RTK) 86
- Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK) 38 93 96 113 115 206
- Sheikh Mosa Shrabony (ÁNTK) 114
- Sorbán Kinga (EJKK) 140
- Szabó Péter Imre (HHK) 39
- Szabó Zsolt (ÁNTK) 201
- Szappanyos Melinda (ÁNTK) 213
- Székely Gergely (HHK) 79
- Szegedi László (ÁNTK) 120
- Szenes Zoltán (HHK) 58 128 209
- Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) 167
- Szigeti Ákos (RTK) 23 46
- Szöllősi-Nagy András (VTK) 61
- Taksás Balázs (HHK) 168
- Tamás Enikő Anna (VTK) 28 48 95
- Tanács-Mandák Fanni (ÁNTK) 77
- Tankovsky Oleg (ÁNTK) 143
- Tárnok Balázs (EJKK) 165
- Tokodi Panna (RTK) 13
- Tóth Ágnes Nikolett (RTK) 92
- Tóth András (HHK) 94
- Tóth János (ÁNTK) 76
- Tóth József (HHK) 126
- Tóth Kálmán (EJKK) 175 177 178
- Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK) 7 65 75 78
- Tózsa István (ÁNTK) 89
- Tölgyesi Beatrix (HHK) 14
- Trábert Zsuzsa (VTK) 134
- Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) 113
- Vadász János Pál (EJKK) 121
- Vadkerti Edit (VTK) 134
- Varga Béla (HHK) 197
- Varga Ferenc (RTK) 101 184
- Vas Tímea (HHK) 194
- Vass Gyula (RTK) 43
- Veszelszky Ágnes (ÁNTK) 129
- Vizi Balázs (ÁNTK) 97 149
- Zakir Hossain (ÁNTK) 73 111
NKE publikációs kibocsátás a Scopus és a Web of Science adatbázisok adatai alapján
NKE Szerzők |
Közlemény |
Közlemény típusa |
Legjobb SJR besorolás |
Gold OA |
1 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Nadeem, M., Arshad, A., Riaz, S., Zahra, S., Rashid, M., S. Band, S., & Mosavi, A. (2023). Preventing Cloud Network from Spamming Attacks Using Cloudflare and KNN. Computers, Materials & Continua, 74(2), 2641–2659. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
2 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Nadeem, M., Arshad, A., Riaz, S., Wajiha Zahra, S., S. Band, S., & Mosavi, A. (2023). Two Layer Symmetric Cryptography Algorithm for Protecting Data from燗ttacks. Computers, Materials & Continua, 74(2), 2625–2640. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
3 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Bényi, B., Claesson, A., & Dukes, M. (2023). Weak ascent sequences and related combinatorial structures. European Journal of Combinatorics, 108, 103633. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
4 |
Császár-Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Császár-Nagy, N., & Bókkon, I. (2023). Hypnotherapy and IBS: Implicit, long-term stress memory in the ENS? Heliyon, 9(1), e12751. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
5 |
Kaiser Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Kaiser, T., & Gadár, L. (2023). Survey data on the attitudes towards digital technologies and the way of managing e-governmental tasks. Data in Brief, 46, 108871. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
6 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Safkhani, M., Bagheri, N., Ali, S., Hussain Malik, M., Hassan Ahmed, O., Hosseinzadeh, M., & Mosavi, A. H. (2022). Improvement and Cryptanalysis of a Physically Unclonable Functions Based Authentication Scheme for Smart Grids. Mathematics, 11(1), 48. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
7 |
Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK), Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Tóth, T., Goyanes, M., & Demeter, M. (2023). Extend the context! Measuring explicit and implicit populism on three different textual levels. Communications, 0(0). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
8 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Rani, V., & Maróti, G. (2022). Light-Dependent Nitrate Removal Capacity of Green Microalgae. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(1), 77. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
9 |
Dobos Gábor (EJKK) |
Kovarek, D., & Dobos, G. (2023). Masking the Strangulation of Opposition Parties as Pandemic Response: Austerity Measures Targeting the Local Level in Hungary. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, rsac044. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
10 |
Nyirkos Tamás (EJKK) |
Nyirkos, T. (2023). Patriotism as a Political Religion: Its History, Its Ambiguities, and the Case of Hungary. Religions, 14(1), 116. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
11 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Hai, T., Theruvil Sayed, B., Majdi, A., Zhou, J., Sagban, R., Band, S. S., & Mosavi, A. (2023). An integrated GIS-based multivariate adaptive regression splines-cat swarm optimization for improving the accuracy of wildfire susceptibility mapping. Geocarto International, 2167005. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
12 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Rajkó, A., Herendy, C., Goyanes, M., & Demeter, M. (2023). The Matilda Effect in Communication Research: The Effects of Gender and Geography on Usage and Citations Across 11 Countries. Communication Research, 009365022211243. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
13 |
Tokodi Panna (RTK) |
Tokodi, P. (2023). A turizmus félelemföldrajza – a belföldi turisták biztonságérzetének dimenziói. Statisztikai Szemle, 101(1), 53–74. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
14 |
Tölgyesi Beatrix (HHK) |
Tölgyesi, B. (2023). The Lithuanian Translation and Reception of Mór Jókai’s novel And Yet It Moves. Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 66(2), 441–454. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
15 |
Nyikos Györgyi (ÁNTK) |
Výrostová, E., & Nyikos, G. (2023). Administrative capacity and EU funds management systems performance: The cases of Hungary and Slovakia. Regional Studies, 1–15. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
16 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Rabiee, A. H., Farahani, S. D., & Mosavi, A. (2023). Thermal and vibratory response of sprung square cylinder with four nature-inspired fin-shaped bumps. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 14(7), 102010. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
17 |
Cimer Zsolt (VTK) |
Lublóy, É., Mészáros, D. T., Takács, L. G., Cimer, Z., & Norbert, H. (2023). Examination of the fire performance of wood materials treated with different precautions. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 148(10), 4129–4140. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
18 |
Huszár Viktor Dénes (HHK), Négyesi Imre (HHK) |
Huszár, V. D., Adhikarla, V. K., Négyesi, I., & Krasznay, C. (2023). Toward Fast and Accurate Violence Detection for Automated Video Surveillance Applications. IEEE Access, 11, 18772–18793. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
19 |
Feyer Tamás (RTK) |
Czont, A., Freyer, T., Bodor, Z., Mara, G., Sandor, J., & Miklossy, I. (2023). Position-based anthropometric characteristics and general physiological performance of national level, U18 ice hockey players. Sportis. Scientific Journal of School Sport, Physical Education and Psychomotricity, 9(1), 81–97. | folyóiratcikk |
20 |
Németh András (HHK), Gábor Szabolcs László (HHK) |
Hammas, A., Tihamer Brassai, S., Nemeth, A., & Laszlo Gabor, S. (2023). Training YOLO v4 on DOTA dataset. 2023 IEEE 21st World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 000109–000114. | konferencia tanulmány |
21 |
Ocskay Gyula (ÁNTK) |
Ocskay, G., & Scott, J. W. (2023). Cross-Territorial Governance via EGTCs for Territorial Cohesion. In E. Medeiros (Ed.), Public Policies for Territorial Cohesion (pp. 191–209). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
22 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Boros, A., Lentner, C., Nagy, V., & Tőzsér, D. (2023). Perspectives by green financial instruments – a case study in the Hungarian banking sector during COVID-19. Banks and Bank Systems, 18(1), 116–126. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
23 |
Szigeti Ákos (RTK), Kiss Tibor (RTK) |
Szigeti, Á., Frank, R., & Kiss, T. (2023). Trust Factors in the Social Figuration of Online Drug Trafficking: A Qualitative Content Analysis on a Darknet Market. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 39(2), 167–184. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
24 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mirhashemi, H., Heydari, M., Karami, O., Ahmadi, K., & Mosavi, A. (2023). Modeling Climate Change Effects on the Distribution of Oak Forests with Machine Learning. Forests, 14(3), 469. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
25 |
Császár-Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Nagy, Z., Szigedi, E., Takács, S., & Császár-Nagy, N. (2023). The Effectiveness of Psychological Interventions for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Life, 13(3), 849. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
26 |
Fejes Attila (RTK) |
Sztahó, D., & Fejes, A. (2023). Effects of language mismatch in automatic forensic voice comparison using deep learning embeddings. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 68(3), 871–883. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
27 |
Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Nagy, N. (2023). The Case of David vs. Goliath?: Reflections on the International Regulation of the Use of Force in Relation to the Russia–Ukraine Conflict. In J. Cayón Peña & J. M. Ramírez (Eds.), Threats to Peace and International Security: Asia versus West (pp. 47–61). Springer Nature Switzerland. | könyvfejezet |
Q4 |
28 |
Tamás Enikő Anna (VTK) |
Keve, G., Csörgő, T., Benke, A., Huber, A., Mórocz, A., Németh, Á., Kalocsa, B., Tamás, E. A., Gyurácz, J., Kiss, O., Kováts, D., Sándor, A. D., Karcza, Z., & Hornok, S. (2023). Ornithological and molecular evidence of a reproducing Hyalomma rufipes population under continental climate in Europe. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 10, 1147186. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
29 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Safaie Ghamsary, E., Karimimoshaver, M., Akhavan, A., Afzali Goruh, Z., Aram, F., & Mosavi, A. (2023). Locating pocket parks: Assessing the effects of land use and accessibility on the public presence. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 18, 100253. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
30 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Hosseinzadeh, M., Malik, M. H., Safkhani, M., Bagheri, N., Le, Q. H., Tightiz, L., & Mosavi, A. H. (2023). Toward Designing a Secure Authentication Protocol for IoT Environments. Sustainability, 15(7), 5934. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
31 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Gitau, M. M., Shetty, P., & Maróti, G. (2023). Transcriptional analysis reveals induction of systemic resistance in tomato treated with Chlorella microalgae. Algal Research, 72, 103106. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
32 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Toth, R., Kasa, R., & Lentner, C. (2023). Validating the Financial Literacy Index of Hungarian SMEs during the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Russian–Ukrainian War. Risks, 11(4), 69. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
33 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Restas, A. (2023). Disaster Management with Resource Optimization Supported by Drone Applications. In P. Daponte & F. Paladi (Eds.), NATO Science for Peace and Security Series—D: Information and Communication Security. IOS Press. | könyvfejezet |
34 |
Kaiser Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Kaiser, T. (2023). Understanding Narratives in Governance: Naming and Framing Regional Inequality in the United Kingdom. Social Sciences, 12(4), 246. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
35 |
Karches Tamás (VTK) |
Karches, T. (2023). Towards a Dynamic Compartmental Model of a Lamellar Settler. Symmetry, 15(4), 864. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
36 |
Gulyás Adrienn (ÁNTK) |
Gulyás, A. (2023). Retranslation and retranslators in Hungary between 2000 and 2020. Parallèles, 35, 28–46. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
37 |
Kiss Rebeka (ÁNTK) |
Sebők, M., Kiss, R., & Járay, I. (2023). Introducing HUNCOURT: A New Open Legal Database Covering the Decisions of the Hungarian Constitutional Court for Between 1990 and 2021. Journal of the Knowledge Economy. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
38 |
Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK) |
Dobos, I., & Sasvári, P. (2023). A 2021. Évi sanghaji egyetemi rangsor statisztikai vizsgálata a Scopus/SciVal adatbázisok segítségével. Területi Statisztika, 63(2), 157–178. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
39 |
Szabó Péter Imre (HHK) |
Szabó, P. I., Ugi, D., Gilicze, B., Dankházi, Z., Lipcsei, S., Homik, Z., & Tóth, Z. (2023). Micromachining using the high energy flat-top beam of a femtosecond pulse UV laser system: Micropillar prefabrication. Applied Physics A, 129(6), 403. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
40 |
Pap Milán (EJKK) |
Pap, M. (2023a). Socialist Democracy: Directed Democracy and Social Vision in Socialist Hungary, 1956–1989. Democratic Theory, 10(1), 19–35. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
41 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Sheeraz, M., Paracha, M. A., Haque, M. U., Durad, M. H., Mohsin, S. M., Band, S. S., & Mosavi, A. (2023). Effective Security Monitoring using Efficient SIEM Architecture. Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences, 13(0), 16–30. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
42 |
Pap Milán (EJKK) |
Pap, M. (2023b). ‘The True Love of the People and the Motherland’: The concept of socialist patriotism, socialist nation and anti‐nationalism in Hungary in the 1960s and 1970s. Nations and Nationalism, 29(3), 992–1006. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
43 |
Kátai-Urbán Lajos (RTK), Vass Gyula (RTK) |
Petrányi, J., Zsitnyányi, A., Jónás, J., Garai, Z., Kátai-Urbán, L., & Vass, G. (2023). Assessing the radiation contamination of large areas using advanced technologies. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 199(8–9), 915–921. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
44 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Hupp, B., Huszár, G., Farkas, A., & Maróti, G. (2023). Algal Hydrogen Production and Exopolysaccharide Patterns in Chlorella–Bacillus Inter-Kingdom Co-Cultures. Fermentation, 9(5), 424. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
45 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2023a). Preaching Muslim Loyalty in France: Rhetoric and Counter-Discourse. Religions, 14(5), 562. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
46 |
Kiss Tibor (RTK), Szigeti Ákos (RTK) |
Kiss, T., & Szigeti, Á. (2023). Ranking Trust Factors Affecting Risk Perception in Illicit Drug Purchase on the Darknet: A Large-Scale Survey Study in Hungary. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
47 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Demeter, M., Vozab, D., & Boj, F. J. S. (2023). From Westernization to Internationalization: Research Collaboration Networks of Communication Scholars From Central and Eastern Europe. International Journal of Communication, 17(0), Article 0. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
48 |
Tamás Enikő Anna (VTK) |
Vas, L., & Tamás, E. A. (2023). Surrogate Method for Suspended Sediment Concentration Monitoring on the Alluvial Reach of the River Danube (Baja, Hungary). Applied Sciences, 13(10), 5826. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
49 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Farkas, A., Pap, B., Zsíros, O., Patai, R., Shetty, P., Garab, G., Bíró, T., Ördög, V., & Maróti, G. (2023). Salinity stress provokes diverse physiological responses of eukaryotic unicellular microalgae. Algal Research, 73, 103155. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
50 |
Györki Gábor (VTK), Pálné Szén Orsolya (VTK), Knisz Judit (VTK) |
Györki, G., Pálné Szén, O., & Knisz, J. (2023). Impact of maintenance on domestic wastewater treatment systems. Pollack Periodica, 18(2), 60–65. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
51 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Wirth, R., Bagi, Z., Shetty, P., Szuhaj, M., Cheung, T. T. S., Kovács, K. L., & Maróti, G. (2023). Inter-kingdom interactions and stability of methanogens revealed by machine-learning guided multi-omics analysis of industrial-scale biogas plants. The ISME Journal, 17(8), 1326–1339. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
52 |
Kovács Éva Margit (ÁNTK) |
Plaček, M., Němec, J., Svidroňová, M. M., Mikołajczak, P., & Kovacs, E. (2023). Civil Society Versus Local Self‐Governments and Central Government in V4 Countries: The Case of Co‐Creation. Politics and Governance, 11(2). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
53 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Cañedo, A., Demeter, M., & Goyanes, M. (2023). The nonpartisan, the equidistant and the allied: How journalists negotiate their digital selves on social media. Journalism, 14648849231183246. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
54 |
Kiss Rebeka (ÁNTK) |
Sebők, M., Kiss, R., & Kovács, Á. (2023). The Concept and Measurement of Legislative Backsliding. Parliamentary Affairs, gsad014. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
55 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Janizadeh, S., Bateni, S. M., Jun, C., Pal, S. C., Band, S. S., Chowdhuri, I., Saha, A., Tiefenbacher, J. P., & Mosavi, A. (2023). Potential impacts of future climate on the spatio-temporal variability of landslide susceptibility in Iran using machine learning algorithms and CMIP6 climate-change scenarios. Gondwana Research, 124, 1–17. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
56 |
Háló Gergő (ÁNTK) |
Háló, G., Campos Rueda, M., & Goyanes, M. (2023). Consumers’ Paying Intent for Public Service Media in Spain: The Effect of RTVE Service Quality, Citizens’ Expenditure, and the Moderating Role of Age. Journalism Studies, 1–20. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
57 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mangeli, M., Aram, F., Balderlu, S. A., Babayi, S., & Mosavi, A. (2023). Assessing indoor thermal comfort of rock-cut architecture in Meymand world heritage site during winter and summer. Energy Reports, 10, 439–450. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
58 |
Jójárt Krisztián (HHK), Szenes Zoltán (HHK) |
Procházka, J., Vinkler, P., Jójárt, K., Szenes, Z., Gruszczak, A., & Kandrík, M. (2023). One Threat – Multiple Responses. Obrana a Strategie (Defence and Strategy), 23(1), 049–073. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
59 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Naveed Akhtar, M., Rasheed Qureshi, K., Hanif Durad, M., Usman, A., Muhammad Mohsin, S., Shahab, B., & Mosavi, A. (2023). Computationally efficient GPU based NS solver for two dimensional high-speed inviscid and viscous compressible flows. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 17(1), 2210196. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
60 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2023b). Who Defines Islam? Critical Perspectives on Islamic Studies. Religions, 14(6), 753. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
61 |
Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK), Olajosné Lakatos Boglárka (HHK), Bíró Tibor(VTK), Szöllősi-Nagy András (VTK) |
Jánosi, I. M., Bíró, T., Lakatos, B. O., Gallas, J. A. C., & Szöllosi-Nagy, A. (2023). Changing Water Cycle under a Warming Climate: Tendencies in the Carpathian Basin. Climate, 11(6), 118. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
62 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Hashemi-Nejhad, A., Najafi, B., Ardabili, S., Jafari, G., & Mosavi, A. (2023). The Effect of Biodiesel, Ethanol, and Water on the Performance and Emissions of a Dual-Fuel Diesel Engine with Natural Gas: Sustainable Energy Production through a Life Cycle Assessment Approach. International Journal of Energy Research, 2023, 1–24. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
63 |
Haller József (RTK), Ivaskevics Krisztián (RTK) |
Farkas, I., Végh, J., Ivaskevics, K., Szabó, E. M., & Haller, J. (2023). The effects of expected and unexpected stress on inappropriate aggression in simulated police interventions. Heliyon, 9(7), e17871. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
64 |
Haller József (RTK), Christián László (RTK) |
Haller, J., Rompos, É., Szabó, Í., Humli, V., & Christián, L. (2023). Drug regulations and trafficking: Synthetic cannabinoids and cathinones in Hungary. Forensic Science International, 349, 111778. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
65 |
Kaiser Tamás (ÁNTK), Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK), Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Kaiser, T., Tóth, T., & Demeter, M. (2023). Publishing Trends in Political Science: How Publishing Houses, Geographical Positions, and International Collaboration Shapes Academic Knowledge Production. Publishing Research Quarterly. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
66 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Öhrn, O., Sykam, K., Gawusu, S., Mensah, R. A., Försth, M., Shanmugam, V., Karthik Babu, N. B., Sas, G., Jiang, L., Xu, Q., Restás, Á., & Das, O. (2023). Surface coated ZnO powder as flame retardant for wood: A short communication. Science of The Total Environment, 897, 165290. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
67 |
Kerekes Zsuzsanna (RTK) |
Benke, I., Papp, C., Kerekes, Z., & Kuti, R. (2023). Investigation of combustion gases of Li-ion, Ni–Cd and Pbq batteries. Pollack Periodica, 18(2), 101–106. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
68 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Ardabili, S., Mosavi, A., & Felde, I. (2023a). Deep learning for 5G and 6G. 2023 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), 000711–000720. | konferencia tanulmány |
69 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Ardabili, S., Mosavi, A., & Felde, I. (2023b). Machine Learning in Heat Transfer: Taxonomy, Review and Evaluation. 2023 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), 000433–000442. | konferencia tanulmány |
70 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Manshadi, M. D., Mousavi, M., Golzarian, A., Soltani, M., & Mosavi, A. (2023). Colorectal Polyp Localization: From Image Restoration to Real-time Detection with Deep Learning. 2023 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), 739–744. | konferencia tanulmány |
71 |
Hegedűs Szilárd (ÁNTK), Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Hegedűs, S., & Lentner, C. (2023). Evolution of Debt, Revenue and Budget Balance in the Hungarian Local Government System between 2012 and 2021. 2023 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), 000303–000310. | konferencia tanulmány |
72 |
Pollák Kitti (ÁNTK) |
Brezovar, N., & Pollák, K. (2023). Regulating Public Sector Wages in Times of Inflation and Constitutional Restraints. Central European Public Administration Review, 21(1), 85–103. | folyóiratcikk |
73 |
Zakir Hossain (ÁNTK) |
Hossain, A. N. M. Z. (2023). Educational crisis of Rohingya refugee children in Bangladesh: Access, obstacles, and prospects to formal and non-formal education. Heliyon, 9(7), e18346. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
74 |
Fehér Katalin (ÁNTK) |
Fehér, K., & Katona, A. I. (2023). How Do Social Media Machines Affect Self-Concept Research?: Systematic Literature Review of the Latest Trends. KOME, 11(1), 2–27. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
75 |
Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Köves, A., Tóth, T., & Vicsek, L. (2023). A torn generation: Dichotomies and dissonances on sustainability and technological change in in-depth interviews with university students. Society and Economy. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
76 |
Tóth János (ÁNTK), Háló Gergő (ÁNTK) |
Tóth, J. J., Háló, G., & Goyanes, M. (2023). Beyond views, productivity, and citations: Measuring geopolitical differences of scientific impact in communication research. Scientometrics, 128(10), 5705–5729. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
77 |
Tanács-Mandák Fanni (ÁNTK) |
Erdős, C., & Tanács-Mandák, F. (2023). The Hungarian Constitutional Court’s practice on restrictions of fundamental rights during the special legal order (2020–2023). European Politics and Society, 1–18. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
78 |
Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Vicsek, L., & Tóth, T. (2023). Visions of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. In M. Filimowicz, Algorithmic Ethics (1st ed., pp. 1–21). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
79 |
Székely Gergely (HHK) |
Andréka, H., Madarász, J., Németi, I., & Székely, G. (2023). TESTING DEFINITIONAL EQUIVALENCE OF THEORIES VIA AUTOMORPHISM GROUPS. The Review of Symbolic Logic, 1–22. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
80 |
Gambár Katalin (HHK) |
Gambár, K., & Márkus, F. (2023). Poisson Bracket Filter for the Effective Lagrangians. Axioms, 12(7), 706. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
81 |
Makó Csaba (EJKK), Nosratabadi Saeed (EJKK) |
Makó, C., Illéssy, M., & Saeed. (2022). Is it Possible to Improve Simultaneously Firm Performance and Workplace Well-Being?1. In B. Dallago & S. Casagrande, The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Economic Systems (1st ed., pp. 378–391). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
82 |
Németh András (HHK) |
Brassai, S. T., Németh, A., Hammas, A., & Sagyebó, I. D. (2023). Comparation of Rotational Deep Learning based Methods. 2023 24th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC), 65–70. | konferencia tanulmány |
83 |
Erdős Ákos (RTK) |
Erdős, Á. (2023). Coffee, Energy Drinks Consumption and Caffeine Use Disorder Among Law Enforcement College Students in Hungary. European Journal of Mental Health, 18, 1–12. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
84 |
Balogh Róbert (EJKK) |
Balogh, R., & Homor, P. (2023). Professionalization, State-building and the Language Question in Forestry: The Case of the 19th Century Kingdom of Hungary. Historica. Revue pro Historii a Příbuzné Vědy, 14(1), 23–40. | folyóiratcikk |
85 |
Ács Éva (VTK), Kiss Keve Tihamér (VTK) |
Görgényi, J., Krasznai, E., Ács, É., Kiss, K. T., Botta-Dukát, Z., Végvári, Z., Lukács, Á., Várbíró, G., B-Béres, V., Kókai, Z., Tóthmérész, B., & Borics, G. (2023). Rarity of microalgae in macro, meso, and microhabitats. Inland Waters, 13(2), 231–246. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
86 |
Sallai János (RTK), Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) |
Sallai, J., & Szabolcs, M. (2023). Finnish-Hungarian International Law Enforcement Cooperation between the Two World Wars. PRÁVNĚHISTORICKÉ STUDIE, 53(1), 35–45. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
87 |
Knisz Judit (VTK) |
Knisz, J., Eckert, R., Gieg, L. M., Koerdt, A., Lee, J. S., Silva, E. R., Skovhus, T. L., An Stepec, B. A., & Wade, S. A. (2023). Microbiologically influenced corrosion—More than just microorganisms. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 47(5), fuad041. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
88 |
Hettyey András (ÁNTK) |
Hettyey, A. (2023a). Collective Narcissism and Hungary’s Kin-State Policy after 2010. Nationalities Papers, 1–17. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
89 |
Budai Balázs Benjámin (ÁNTK), Csuhai Sándor (EJKK), Tózsa István (ÁNTK) |
Budai, B. B., Csuhai, S., & Tózsa, I. (2023). Digital Competence Development in Public Administration Higher Education. Sustainability, 15(16), 12462. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
90 |
Kátai-Urbán Lajos (RTK), Cimer Zsolt (VTK) |
Kátai-Urbán, L., Cimer, Z., & Lublóy, É. E. (2023). Examination of the Fire Resistance of Construction Materials from Beams in Chemical Warehouses Dealing with Flammable Dangerous Substances. Fire, 6(8), 293. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
91 |
Bódi Stefánia (ÁNTK) |
Bódi, S. (2023). Presentation of the Fundamental Law of Hungary. Lawyer Quarterly, 13(3), 296–307. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
92 |
Tóth Ágnes Nikolett (RTK) |
Tóth, N. Á., & Mátrai, G. (2023). The system of Hungarian sport financing, with special regard to public finance aspects. Pénzügyi Szemle = Public Finance Quarterly, 69(2). | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
93 |
Halmai Péter (ÁNTK), Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK) |
Dobos, I., Halmai, P., & Sasvári, P. (2023). Compilation of an International Journal List in the HAS IX. Section of the Doctoral Committee for Economics and Management. Pénzügyi Szemle = Public Finance Quarterly, 69(2). | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
94 |
Tóth Andras (HHK) |
Erdőháti-Kiss, A., Janik, H., Tóth, A., Tóth-Naár, Z., & Erdei-Gally, S. (2023). The Effectiveness of Russian Import Sanction on the International Apple Trade: Network Theory Approach. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 10(5), 712–726 | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
95 |
Tamás Enikő Anna (VTK) |
Đorđević, D., Tamás, E. A., Mihajlović, L., Abonyi, C., Vujanović, A., & Kalocsa, B. (2023). Estimation of Changes in Sediment Transport along the Free-Flowing Middle Danube River Reach. Applied Sciences, 13(18), 10513. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
96 |
Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK), Kaiser Tamás (ÁNTK), Fási Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Sasvári, P., Kaiser, T., Várföldi, K., & Fási, C. (2023). Scientific Excellence and Publication Patterns: The Winning Applicants of the Bolyai János Research Scholarship in Hungary in 2021. Publications, 11(3), 43. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
97 |
Vizi Balázs (ÁNTK) |
Vizi, B. (2023). NTA and International Minority Rights. In M. Andeva, B. Dobos, L. Djordjević, B. Kuzmany, & T. H. Malloy (Eds.), Non-Territorial Autonomy (pp. 49–64). Springer Nature Switzerland. | könyvfejezet |
98 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Restas, A. (2023). Examining the Effectiveness of Aerial Firefighting with the Components of Firebreak Requirements and Footprint Geometry—Critics of the Present Practice. Fire, 6(9), 351. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
99 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2023a). Abū Yaʿrub al-Marzūqī and His Critique of the maqāṣid Theory. Religions, 14(9), 1212. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
100 |
Kiss Keve Tihamér (VTK) |
Stanković, I., Hanžek, N., Mischke, U., Krisa, H., Velická, Z., T-Krasznai, E., Kiss, K. T., Belkinova, D., Bălan, M., Amăriucăi, V., Diaconu, I., & Borics, G. (2023). Phytoplankton biomass and functional composition in the Danube River and selected tributaries: A case study Joint Danube Survey 4. Hydrobiologia. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
101 |
Kátai-Urbán Lajos (RTK), Bíró Tibor (VTK), Varga Ferenc (RTK), Cimer Zsolt (VTK) |
Kátai-Urbán, M., Bíró, T., Kátai-Urbán, L., Varga, F., & Cimer, Z. (2023). Identification Methodology for Chemical Warehouses Dealing with Flammable Substances Capable of Causing Firewater Pollution. Fire, 6(9), 345. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
102 |
Hettyey András (ÁNTK) |
Hettyey, A. (2023b). From Respect to Nazi Allusions: The Changing Emotional Climates of Fidesz Towards Germany after 1990. Politics in Central Europe, 19(3), 489–516. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
103 |
Auer Ádám (ÁNTK), Papp Tekla (ÁNTK) |
Auer, Á., & Papp, T. (2023). The Mandatory and Default Regulation in Hungarian Company Law – A Decade of Experience. European Company and Financial Law Review, 20(2), 314–335. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
104 |
Bolek Zoltán Róbert (HHK) |
University of Public Service, Ludovika, Hungary Chairman (Hungarian Islamic Community, & Bolek, Z. (2023). Bosniaks in the 1921 Uprising in West Hungary. Historijski Pogledi, 6(9), 56–68. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
105 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Lentner, C., & Horbulák, Z. (2023). Pokusy o dosiahnutie hospodárskej nezávislosti Uhorska v 19. Storočí. Studia Historica Nitriensia, 27(1), 243–256. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
106 |
Cimer Zsolt (VTK) |
Éva, L., Viktor, H., Olivér, C., András, B., & Zsolt, C. (2023). Bridges after the fire – Experiences, tests and repair methods. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 14(11), 102519. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
107 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2023b). Spiritual but Not Religious? French Muslim Discourses on Spirituality. Religions, 14(10), 1222. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
108 |
Kaiser Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Dr.Kaiser, T. (2023). Reshaping travel behaviour: How to overcome the “commuting paradox”? Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2023, 70–77. | konferencia tanulmány |
109 |
Phoomsavarth Mittarvanh (ÁNTK) |
Phoomsavarth, M. (2023). The Potential of European Green Deal Taxation as a New Approach for Promoting Environmental Sustainability and Economic Development in the European Union. Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2023, 198–203. | konferencia tanulmány |
110 |
Berényi László (ÁNTK), László Gábor (ÁNTK) |
Berenyi, L., & Laszlo, G. (2023). Lecturers’ Evaluation of Moodle at the University of Public Service. Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2023, 178–184. | konferencia tanulmány |
111 |
Zakir Hossain (ÁNTK) |
Hossain, A. N. M. Z. (2023). E-Democracy in Bangladesh—A Framework for Crisis Management. Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2023, 53–61. | konferencia tanulmány |
112 |
Fási Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Fasi, C. (2023). Sustainability aspects and indicators in mobility. Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2023, 62–69. | konferencia tanulmány |
113 |
Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK), Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) |
Sasvari, P., & Urbanovics, A. (2023). The Current Situation of MDPI Publications ? Findings from the EU-27 Member States. Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2023, 191–197. | konferencia tanulmány |
114 |
Berényi László (ÁNTK), Sheikh Mosa Shrabony (ÁNTK) |
Sheikh, M. S., & Berenyi, L. (2023). E-Governance in Agriculture: A Framework on Digital Technology Adaptation by Smallholder Farmers. Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2023, 78–83. | konferencia tanulmány |
115 |
Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK) |
Bereczk, A., Hodine, B. H., & Sasvari, P. (2023). Prevalence of the Sustainable Cities and Communities Goal (SDG-11) in the Research Activity of V4 Countries. Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2023, 125–131. | konferencia tanulmány |
116 |
Bojtor András (KTI) |
Bojtor, A. (2023). The use of Quality Function Deployment in case of smart village developments. Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2023, 218–221. | konferencia tanulmány |
117 |
Buskó Tibor László (ÁNTK) |
Busko, T. L. (2023). Institutionalization of the Smart City Concept in Hungary: Results of a Discourse Analysis of Development Policy. Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2023, 209–217. | konferencia tanulmány |
118 |
Abdul Wahi Nur Syuhaini (ÁNTK) |
Abdul Wahi, N. S., & Berenyi, L. (2023). Systematic Literature Review on Adoption of E-government among Employees in the Public Sector. Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2023, 21–28. | konferencia tanulmány |
119 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Madondo, R., Tandlich, R., Stoch, E. T., Restás, Á., & Shwababa, S. (2023). Quantitative and Qualitative Data in Disaster Risk Management of Fires: A Case Study from South Africa at Various Geographical Level. Geographia Technica, 18(2/2023). | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
120 |
Szegedi László (ÁNTK) |
Szegedi, L. (2023). EU Cities Fighting for Cleaner Air with Low-Emission Zones within the EU’s Single Market: Future Green Actors or ‘Victims’ of Procedural Constraints? ELTE Law Journal, 1, 41–54. | folyóiratcikk |
121 |
Vadász János Pál (EJKK) |
Csányi, G. M., Vági, R., Megyeri, A., Fülöp, A., Nagy, D., Vadász, J. P., & Üveges, I. (2023). Can Triplet Loss Be Used for Multi-Label Few-Shot Classification? A Case Study. Information, 14(10), 520. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
122 |
Boros Anita (ÁNTK) |
Boros, A., & Tőzsér, D. (2023). The Emerging Role of Plant-Based Building Materials in the Construction Industry—A Bibliometric Analysis. Resources, 12(10), 124. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
123 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Habibi, S. S., Nedae Tousi, S., Aram, F., & Mosavi, A. (2023). Spatial preferences of small and medium knowledge based enterprises in Tehran new business area. Journal of Urban Management, S2226585623000699. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
124 |
Nagyernyei-Szabó Ádám Sándor (ÁNTK) |
Szabó, Á. (2023). Public-Law Phenomena in Transylvania in the Antiquity. In E. Veress (Ed.), Constitutional History of Transylvania (Vol. 25, pp. 1–57). Springer International Publishing. | könyvfejezet |
125 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Gulyás, A., Demeter, M., & Besenyő, J. (2023). The Lernaean Hydra on the internet: Deplatformization-resistant media ecosystem of the Islamic State. Media, War & Conflict, 17506352231206306. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
126 |
Tóth József (HHK) |
Tóth, J. (2023). Network Model-Based Optimization of the Supply Chain of Alternative Jet Fuels. Transport Means - Proceedings of the International Conference, 890–893. | konferencia tanulmány |
127 |
Békési Bertold (HHK) |
Békési, B. (2023). Propulsion Systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Transport Means - Proceedings of the International Conference, 859–864. | konferencia tanulmány |
128 |
Szenes Zoltán (HHK) |
Szenes, Z. (2023). Reinforcing deterrence: Assessing NATO’s 2022 Strategic Concept. Defense & Security Analysis, 39(4), 539–560. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
129 |
Veszelszky Ágnes (ÁNTK) |
Kárpáti, A., Veszelszki, Á., Kovács, L., Rétvári, M., & Deli, E. (2023). Cultural empowerment through social media The Roma Cultural Influencer Project. In A. Kárpáti, Arts-Based Interventions and Social Change in Europe (1st ed., pp. 161–170). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
130 |
Haller József (RTK) |
Haller, J. (2023). Anxiety Modulation by Cannabinoids—The Role of Stress Responses and Coping. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(21), 15777. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
131 |
Gellén Márton (ÁNTK) |
Gellen, M. (2023). Crisis management experience in Hungary. Global Public Policy and Governance, 3(3), 334–353. | folyóiratcikk |
132 |
Kiss Rebeka (ÁNTK) |
Sebők, M., Gárdos-Orosz, F., Kiss, R., & Járay, I. (2023). The Transparency of Constitutional Reasoning: A Text Mining Analysis of the Hungarian Constitutional Court’s Jurisprudence. Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 32(3), 11–44. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
133 |
Fliegauf Gergely (RTK) |
Sófi, G., Törő, K., Csikós, G., & Fliegauf, G. (2023). Perceiving violence against healthcare workers in a child and adolescent emergency psychiatric ward in Hungary: A qualitative pilot study. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1220183. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
134 |
Ács Éva (VTK), Bíró Tibor (VTK), Duleba Mónika (VTK), Kiss Keve Tihamér (VTK), Orgoványi Péter (VTK), Pálné Szén Orsolya (VTK), Trábert Zsuzsa (VTK), Vadkerti Edit (VTK) |
Ács, É., Bíró, T., Boros, E., Dobosy, P., Duleba, M., Földi, A., Kiss, K. T., Levkov, Z., Orgoványi, P., Szén, O. P., Trábert, Z., Vadkerti, E., & Grigorszky, I. (2023). Halamphora taxa in Hungarian soda pans and shallow soda lakes detected via metabarcoding and microscopic analyses. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics, 7, e111679. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
135 |
Pálvölgyi Tamás (VTK) |
Princz-Jakovics, T., Csigéné Nagypál, N., & Pálvölgyi, T. (2023). Comprehensive assessment of the carbon neutrality actions from the automotive sector. Environment, Development and Sustainability. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
136 |
Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Korhecz, T., & Nagy, N. (2023). The Achilles Heel of Constitutional Jurisprudence: Conceptualization of Minority Rights by Constitutional Courts in Central and Eastern Europe. Nationalities Papers, 1–24. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
137 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Tóth, A. G., Farkas, R., Papp, M., Kilim, O., Yun, H., Makrai, L., Maróti, G., Gyurkovszky, M., Krikó, E., & Solymosi, N. (2023). Ixodes ricinus tick bacteriome alterations based on a climatically representative survey in Hungary. Microbiology Spectrum, 11(6), e01243-23. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
138 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Csiszarik-Kocsir, A., & Lentner, C. (2023). Financial Exclusion from the Perspective of Financial Literacy in the Digital World of the 21st Century Through the Example of Hungary. Transformations in Business and Economics, 22(3), 266–280. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
139 |
Erdős Ákos (RTK) |
Erdős, Á. (2023). Motivations for Smoking Among Hungarian Police Students. European Journal of Mental Health, 18, 1–11. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
140 |
Sorbán Kinga (EJKK) |
Sorbán, K. (2023). An elephant in the room—EU policy gaps in the regulation of moderating illegal sexual content on video-sharing platforms. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 31(3), 171–185. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
141 |
Olajosné Lakatos Boglárka (HHK), Hetesi Zsolt (VTK), Mrekva László (VTK) |
Birinyi, E., O. Lakatos, B., Belényesi, M., Kristóf, D., Hetesi, Z., Mrekva, L., & Mikus, G. (2023). Contribution of data-driven methods to risk reduction and climate change adaptation in Hungary and beyond. Időjárás, 127(4), 421–446. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
142 |
Dominek Dalma Lilla (ÁNTK), Barnucz Nóra (RTK), Christián László (RTK) |
Dominek, D. L., Barnucz, N., Uricska, E., & Christián, L. (2023). Experiences of digital education from the students’ perspective. Információs Társadalom, 23(2), 9. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
143 |
Tankovsky Oleg (ÁNTK) |
Endrődi-Kovács, V., & Tankovsky, O. (2023a). A composite indicator to evaluate EU membership: The case of Central and Eastern European member states, 2004-2021. Regional Statistics, 13(5), 899–924. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
144 |
Korponai János (VTK) |
Al-Imari, T. J. K., Lengyel, E., Korponai, J., Padisák, J., & Stenger-Kovács, C. (2023). Lake morphology as an important constraint for benthic diatoms in temperate, humic forest ponds. Ecological Indicators, 155, 110939. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
145 |
Auer Ádám (ÁNTK) |
Auer, Á. (2024). Illegal contract as a general clause—European trends and new Hungarian judicial practice. Juridical Tribune, 13(4). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
146 |
Padányi József (HHK), Hausner Gábor (HHK) |
Padányi, J., & Hausner, G. (2023). Firearms with the Zrínyi Coat of Arms. Podravina, 22(43), 62–75. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
147 |
Karches Tamás (VTK) |
Totubaeva, N., Batykova, A., Karches, T., Osmonaliev, A., & Sultanalieva, V. (2023). Ecological aspects in the use of soil enzymes as indicators of anthropogenic soil pollution. Scientific Horizons, 26(12), 88–98. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
148 |
Korpics Fanni (ÁNTK) |
Korpics, F. (2023). Jurisdictional decentralisation in favour of minority languages. Language Problems and Language Planning, 47(2), 160–181. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
149 |
Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK), Vizi Balázs (ÁNTK) |
Wickström, B.-A., Nagy, N., Rieger-Roschitz, A., & Vizi, B. (2023). Language (re)vitalization: What characterizes a sensible policy? Language Problems and Language Planning, 47(2), 113–135. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
150 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Bényi, B., & Matsusaka, T. (2023). Remarkable Relations Between the Central Binomial Series, Eulerian Polynomials, and Poly-Bernoulli Numbers, Leading to Stephan’s Observation. Kyushu Journal of Mathematics, 77(1), 149–158. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
151 |
Korpics Márta Katalin (ÁNTK) |
Korpics, M. K., Béres, I. J., & Hommer, A. V. (2023). Tradition-Driven Religiosity on the Internet. Religions, 14(11), 1430. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
152 |
Duleba Mónika (VTK), Kiss Keve Tihamér (VTK) |
Rusanov, A. G., Gololobova, M. A., Kolobov, M. Y., Duleba, M., Georgiev, A. A., Grigorszky, I., Kiss, K. T., Ács, É., & Somlyai, I. (2023). Quantitative Morphometric Analysis of Morphologically Similar Species of Fragilaria (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) Allows Detection of Non-Indigenous Taxa: A Case Study from Lake Ladoga (North of European Russia). Water, 15(22), 3994. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
153 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Karimimoshaver, M., Sadathosseini, M., Aram, F., Ahmadi, J., & Mosavi, A. (2023). The effect of geometry and location of balconies on single-sided natural ventilation in high-rise buildings. Energy Reports, 10, 2174–2193. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
154 |
Jobbágy Zoltán (HHK) |
Tudorache, P., Bârsan, G., Jobbágy, Z., Cîrdei, A., & Gligorea, I. (2023). An innovative conceptual model for education and training on hybrid warfare. Management & Marketing, 18(3), 234–250. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
155 |
Petrétei Dávid (RTK) |
Angyal, M., Petrétei, D., Bukovecz, T., Tóth, D., & Simon, G. (2023). Műtéti implantátumok tételszáma alapján történő igazságügyi célú személyazonosítás. Orvosi Hetilap, 164(23), 911–918. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
156 |
Halász Iván (ÁNTK) |
Florczak-Wator, M., Szentgáli-Tóth, B., & Halász, I. (2023). Popular Sovereignty during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons from the Visegrád Countries. National and Local Elections in the Shadow of the Coronavirus. Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 32(5), 305–332. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
157 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Taheri, D., Shahgholian, G., Mirtalaei, M. M., Mosavi, A., Fathollahi, A., & Varkonyi-Koczy, A. (2023). Design and Implementation of Charging Circuit for Energy Storage System in Multi-Input Non-Isolated Converter with High Gain. 2023 IEEE 27th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), 000083–000087. | konferencia tanulmány |
158 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mudabbir, M., & Mosavi, A. (2023). Machine Learning for Modeling Service Life: Comprehensive Review, Bibliometrics Analysis and Taxonomy. 2023 IEEE 27th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), 000235–000244. | konferencia tanulmány |
159 |
Kutasi Gábor (ÁNTK) |
Kutasi, G., & Ivanov, D. (2023). Macroeconomic populism in the Baltics. In I. Benczes, Economic Policies of Populist Leaders (1st ed., pp. 194–213). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
160 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Rituraj, R., Varkonyi, D. T., Mosavi, A., & Koczy, A. V. (2023). 5G for Smart Grids: Review, Taxonomy, Bibliometrics, Applications and Future Trends. 2023 IEEE 27th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), 000275–000284. | konferencia tanulmány |
161 |
Mátis Réka (ÁNTK) |
Folyovich, A., Mátis, R., Biczó, D., Pálosi, M., Béres-Molnár, A. K., Al-Muhanna, N., Jarecsny, T., Dudás, E., Jánoska, D., Toldi, G., & Páldy, A. (2023). High average daily temperature in summer and the incidence of thrombolytic treatment for acute ischemic stroke. L’Encéphale, S0013700623002026. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
162 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mosavi, A., & Ardabili, S. (2023). Machine Learning for Drought Prediction; Review, Bibliometric Analysis, and Models Evaluation. 2023 IEEE 27th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), 000095–000104. | konferencia tanulmány |
163 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Masoomi, M., Rezanejad, K., & Mosavi, A. H. (2023). Numerical study of a novel ventilation system added to the structure of a catamaran for different slamming conditions using OpenFOAM. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 15, 100512. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
164 |
Kurunczi Gábor (ÁNTK) |
Kurunczi, G. (2023). An Attempt to Achieve a Noble Aim through Inadequate Means: Analysis of the ECtHR Judgment in Bakirdzi and E.C. versus Hungary. Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law, 11(1), 361–375. | folyóiratcikk |
165 |
Tárnok Balázs (EJKK) |
Tárnok, B. (2023). The First Ten Years of the European Citizens’ Initiative: Is it an Instrument for Enhancing Democracy or Advocacy? Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law, 11(1), 87–98. | folyóiratcikk |
166 |
Dobos Gábor (EJKK) |
Bene, M., & Dobos, G. (2023). In the Web of the Parties: Local Politicians on Facebook in Hungary. Media and Communication, 11(3). | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
167 |
Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) |
Szente-Varga, M. (2023). Constructing the future: Solidarity action in Nicaragua. Third World Quarterly, 44(12), 2423–2440. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
168 |
Taksás Balázs (HHK) |
Pernica, B., Dvorak, J., Lazar, Z., Taksás, B., & Maskalík, A. (2023). Defense industrial bases (DIB) in six small NATO post-communist countries. The Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 18(1). | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
169 |
Horváth Kludia Gabriella (ÁNTK) |
Horváth, K. G., & Pongrácz, F. (2023). Challenges of Agricultural Innovation Ecosystems—The Case Study of Central Europe’s First R&D Purpose Vertical Farm. In A. Visvizi, O. Troisi, & M. Grimaldi (Eds.), Research and Innovation Forum 2022 (pp. 605–616). Springer International Publishing. | konferencia tanulmány |
170 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Tóth, R., Kasa, R., & Lentner, C. (2023). Corporate Financial Literacy at the Hungarian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Across Pandemic Times. 2023 IEEE 21st Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), 000121–000126. | konferencia tanulmány |
171 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Shahgholian, G., Fathollahi, A., & Mosavi, A. (2023). Dynamic Load Frequency Control for Small Signal Stability Analysis in Steam Plant with Reheater. 2023 IEEE 21st Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), 000369–000376. | konferencia tanulmány |
172 |
Makó Csaba (EJKK) |
Kail, E., Banati, A., Fleiner, R., Mosavi, A., & Mako, C. (2023). Machine Learning Methods for Cybersecurity: Review and Bibliometric Analysis. 2023 IEEE 21st Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), 000527–000536. | konferencia tanulmány |
173 |
Auer Ádám (ÁNTK) |
Pap, T., & Auer, Á. (2023). Changes and Reactions in the Fundamental Issues of Hungarian Company Law – Contributions to International Trends in Legal Regulation, Liability and Corporate Governance1. European Business Law Review, 34(7).\EULR\EULR2023055.pdf | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
174 |
Hőnich Henrik (EJKK), Nagy Ágoston (EJKK) |
Hőnich, H., & Nagy, Á. (2023). Hungarian constitutional thought between tradition and innovation in the age of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. In 19th-Century Hungarian Political thought and Culture: Towards Settlement with Austria, 1790–1867 (pp. 65–86). | könyvfejezet |
175 |
Hörcher Ferenc (EJKK), Tóth Kálmán (EJKK) |
Hörcher, F., Sr., Tóth, K., & Lorman, T. (2023). 19th-Century Hungarian Political Thought and Culture: Towards Settlement with Austria, 1790–1867 (p. 250). | könyvfejezet |
176 |
Hörcher Ferenc (EJKK) |
Hörcher, F., Sr. (2023). Baron Zsigmond Kemény (1814‒75). In 19th-Century Hungarian Political thought and Culture: Towards Settlement with Austria, 1790–1867 (pp. 203–219). | könyvfejezet |
177 |
Hörcher Ferenc (EJKK), Tóth Kálmán (EJKK) |
Hörcher, F., Sr., & Tóth, K. (2023). Historical and European context. In 19th-Century Hungarian Political thought and Culture: Towards Settlement with Austria, 1790–1867 (pp. 3–12). | könyvfejezet |
178 |
Tóth Kálmán (EJKK) |
Tóth, K. (2023). Ferenc Kazinczy (1759‒1831) and his age. In 19th-Century Hungarian Political thought and Culture: Towards Settlement with Austria, 1790–1867 (pp. 87–104). | könyvfejezet |
179 |
Demmel József Viktor (EJKK) |
Demmel, J., Sr. (2023). Non-Hungarian political thought in the context of ethnic conflicts in nineteenth-century Hungary. In 19th-Century Hungarian Political thought and Culture: Towards Settlement with Austria, 1790–1867 (pp. 45–62). | könyvfejezet |
180 |
Mo Rang Kim (HHK) |
Kim, M. R. (2023). North Korea and South Korea Space Policies Affected by Technological Similarities Between Space Launch Vehicles (SLVs) and Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). 2023-October. | konferencia tanulmány |
181 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2023). The Rupture or Noah in the Qur’ān: A Semiotic Interpretation. Islamic Studies, 62(4), 439–452. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
182 |
Máthé Réka Zsuzsánna (EJKK) |
Erdei Jávorné, R., Nagy, M., Molnár, E., Máthé, R. Z., Tóth-Batizán, E. E., Konečná, M., Zahatňanská, M., Mydlárová Blaščáková, M., Poráčová, J., Sedlák, V., & Sántha, Á. (2023). Health literacy and patient rights awareness in ethnic Hungarian mothers in Eastern Europe. Central European Journal of Public Health, 31(Suppl 1), S31–S39. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
183 |
Gárdonyi Gergely (RTK) |
Ujvári, Z., Metzger, M., & Gárdonyi, G. (2023). A consistent methodology for forensic photogrammetry scanning of human remains using a single handheld DSLR camera. Forensic Sciences Research, 8(4), 295–307. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
184 |
Érces Gergő (RTK), Rácz Sándor (RTK), Vass Gyula (RTK), Varga Ferenc (RTK) |
Érces, G., Rácz, S., Vass, G., & Varga, F. (2023). Fire Safety in Smart Cities in Hungary With Regard to Urban Planning. IDRiM Journal, 13(2). | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
185 |
Rácz István (HHK) |
Racz, I. I. (2023). Estimating GRBs’ cosmological distances. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 53(4). | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
186 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Szijártó, B., Lentner, C., & Tóth, R. (2023). The Challenges of Cost Accounting of Hungarian Higher Education – especially Competitiveness Aspect. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 20(3), 251–268. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
187 |
Pintér Sándor (HHK) |
Koncz, B., Joó, A. P., & Pintér, S. (2023). Investigating star formation in Illustris TNG galaxy mergers. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 53(4). | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
188 |
Pintér Sándor (HHK), Bagoly Zsolt (HHK), Horváth István (HHK) |
Pinter, S., Balazs, L. G., Bagoly, Z., & Horvath, I. (2023). Gamma-Ray Bursts’ redshift distribution’s dependence on their duration. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 53(4). | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
189 |
Rácz István (HHK), Horváth István (HHK) |
Racz, I. I., Balazs, L. G., & Horvath, I. (2023). Redshift dependence of GRBs’ observed parameters. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 53(4). | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
190 |
Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) |
Mátyás, S., Kaszás, N., & Keller, K. (2023). A külföldi állampolgárok/turisták viktimizációjának térbeli sajátosságai Budapesten, 2017-2021. Területi Statisztika, 63(4), 425–444. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
191 |
Horváth Gábor (HHK) |
Horvath, G. (2023). Securing the Digital Sky: A scenario-driven study on the enhancement of cybersecurity in location-independent aerodrome control systems. 2023 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), 112–116. | konferencia tanulmány |
192 |
Dudás Zoltán (HHK) |
Dudás, Z. (2023). Seeing and avoiding drones. 2023 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), 52–55. | konferencia tanulmány |
193 |
Károly Krisztián (HHK), Marlok Tamás (HHK), Gajdos Máté (HHK) |
Károly, K., Marlok, T., Juhász, J., Gajdos, M., Ágoston, T., & Németh, A. (2023). Extended Reality possibilities in Air Traffic Management. 2023 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), 134–138. | konferencia tanulmány |
194 |
Vas Tímea (HHK), Fekete Csaba (HHK), Palik Mátyás (HHK) |
Vas, T., Kelemen, M., Rozenberg, R., Fekete, C., Antoško, M., & Palik, M. (2023). Aerodrome Controller’s decision support for the approval of UAS operations. 2023 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), 275–279. | konferencia tanulmány |
195 |
Balogh Róbert (EJKK) |
Balogh, R. (2023). A tejhiány politikai és társadalmi környezete Magyarországon, 1916-1930: Vas vármegye esete és jelentősége. Ethnographia, 134(1), 126–152. Balogh, R. (2023). A tejhiány politikai és társadalmi környezete Magyarországon, 1916-1930: Vas vármegye esete és jelentősége. Ethnographia, 134(1), 126–152. Scopus. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
196 |
Pogácsás Imre (HHK) |
Pogacsas, I. (2023). Environmental impacts of aviation and opportunities for “green” energy solutions. 2023 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), 188–192. | konferencia tanulmány |
197 |
Kavas László (HHK), Varga Béla (HHK) |
Schrötter, M., Kavas, L., & Varga, B. (2023). Alternative Fuels for Small-scale Turbojet Engines: A Review. 2023 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), 211–216. | konferencia tanulmány |
198 |
Koltay András (ÁNTK) |
Koltay, A. (2023). HUNGARY: Due Satisfaction in Hungarian Law. European Review of Private Law, 31(Issue 5), 1059–1066. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
199 |
Marsai Viktor (ÁNTK), Nagyné Rózsa Erzsébet (ÁNTK) |
Marsai, V., & Rózsa, E. N. (2023). The Late-comer Friend: Iranian Interests on the Horn of Africa. Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 17(4), 356–370. | folyóiratcikk |
200 |
Ginelli Zoltán (RTK) |
Burton, E., Ginelli, Z., Mark, J., & Radonjić, N. (2023). The Travelogue: Imagining Spaces of Encounter-Travel Writing Between the Colonial and the Anti-Colonial in Socialist Eastern Europe, 1949-1989. In Socialist Internationalism and the Gritty Politics of the Particular: Second-Third World Spaces in the Cold War (pp. 237–259). | könyvfejezet |
201 |
Szabó Zsolt (ÁNTK) |
Szabo, Z. (2023). Hungary’s Parliamentary Administration. In T. Christiansen, E. Griglio, & N. Lupo, The Routledge Handbook of Parliamentary Administrations (1st ed., pp. 281–290). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
202 |
Koltay András (ÁNTK) |
Koltay, A. (2023). On European Press Freedom: An Introduction. In Global Perspectives on Press Regulation: Europe: Volume 1 (Vol. 1, pp. 1–26). | könyvfejezet |
203 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Zamani, M., Shahgholian, G., Fathollahi, A., Mosavi, A., & Felde, I. (2023). Improving Interarea Mode Oscillation Damping in Multi-Machine Energy Systems through a Coordinated PSS and FACTS Controller Framework. Sustainability, 15(22), 16070. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
204 |
Pap Milán (EJKK) |
Pap, M. (2023). ‘The True Love of the People and the Motherland’: The concept of socialist patriotism, socialist nation and anti‐nationalism in Hungary in the 1960s and 1970s. Nations and Nationalism, 29(3), 992–1006. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
205 |
Padányi József (HHK) |
Padányi, J. (2023). Redefining the Defence of Novi Zrin. Podravina, 22(44), 17–32. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
206 |
Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK) |
Dobos, I., & Sasvári, P. (2023). A Comparative Analysis of Business and Economics Researchers in the Visegrad Group of Countries, Austria and Romania Based on the Data Obtained from SciVal and Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal, 103(3), 324–341. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
207 |
Besenyő János (HHK) |
Sinkó, G., & Besenyő, J. (2023). Comparison of the Secret Service of al-Shabaab, the Amniyat, and the National Intelligence and Security Agency (Somalia). International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 36(1), 220–240. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
208 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2023). Abū Yaʿrub al-Marzūqī and His Critique of the maqāṣid Theory. Religions, 14(9), 1212. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
209 |
Jójárt Krisztián (HHK), Szenes Zoltán (HHK) |
Procházka, J., Vinkler, P., Jójárt, K., Szenes, Z., Gruszczak, A., & Kandrík, M. (2023). One Threat – Multiple Responses. Obrana a Strategie (Defence and Strategy), 23(1), 049–073. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
210 |
Christián László (RTK) |
Lobnikar, B., Christián, L., Balla, J., Kalmár, Á., Mraović, I. C., Borovec, K., & Sotlar, A. (2023). Police and Other Plural Policing Institutions in Central and Eastern Europe Facing COVID-19 Pandemic. In M. Den Boer, E. Bervoets, & L. Hak (Eds.), Plural Policing, Security and the COVID Crisis (pp. 107–138). | könyvfejezet |
211 |
Berek Tamás (HHK) |
Lőrincz, L. (2023). The Role of Closed Circuit Television in Institutional Artwork Protection as a Subsystem of Smart City. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 21(4), 390–398. | folyóiratcikk |
212 |
Huszár Viktor Dénes (HHK), Négyesi Imre (HHK), Krasznay Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Huszár, V. D., Adhikarla, V. K., Négyesi, I., & Krasznay, C. (2023). Toward Fast and Accurate Violence Detection for Automated Video Surveillance Applications. IEEE Access, 11, 18772–18793. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
213 |
Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK), Szappanyos Melinda (ÁNTK) |
Nagy, N., & Szappanyos, M. (2021). The Rights of European Minorities: Justice, Public Administration, Participation, Transfrontier Exchanges and Citizenship – International Developments in 2021. European Yearbook of Minority Issues Online, 20(1), 129–160. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
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A legjobb SJR besorolás a Scimago Journal Ranking folyóiratértékelő indexben a közleményt publikáló folyóirat legmagasabb kvartilis besorolását jelenti (Q1-Q4 között). Ahol hiányzik ott nem folyóiratcikkről van szó, vagy nem indexeli a folyóiratot a Scimago adatbázis.
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Az adatok frissítve: 2025. február 2.