Az NKE-n 2024-ben megjelent minőségi publikációk
Az alábbiakban megosztásra kerülnek a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem kutatóinak 2024. évi publikációi, amelyeket a világ két vezető multidiszciplináris hivatkozási adatbázisa a Scopus és a Web of Science valamelyike indexel. Ezek a tudományos közlemények azok, amelyek jelentős mértékben hozzájárulnak az egyetemi kutatások eredményeinek nemzetközi láthatóságához.
A publikációk listájával szeretnénk bemutatni és elismerni az egyetem kutatóinak munkáját, valamint a nemzetközi tudományos közösség által elismert további közlemények írására motiválni.
Az itt megjelenített publikációk a következő feltételeknek felelnek meg:
- legalább egy szerző NKE-s és ezt az affiliációjában feltüntette
- a Scopus vagy a Web of Science (SCI, SSCI, AHCI, ESCI) adatbázisok indexelik
- tudományos közlemény (nem editorial, corrigendum, book review, stb)
A publikációs listát az NKE Tudományos Ügyek Iroda és az Egyetemi Könyvtár gondozza, és negyedévente frissíti. Amennyiben hiányosságot, vagy hibát észlel, kérjük, jelezze a e-mail-címen, hogy mielőbb helyesbíteni tudjuk.
(Név, Kar/Kutató Központ, cikkek sorszáma)
- Ács Éva (VTK) 3 49
- Auer Ádám (ÁNTK) 207
- Bagoly Zsolt (HHK) 5 10
- Balla János (EJKK) 225
- Bányász Péter (ÁNTK) 123 140 192
- Bartóki-Gönczy Balázs (ÁNTK) 147 214
- Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) 83 107 122 197 198 205
- Belényesi Emese (ÁNTK) 149
- Bencsik Dániel (HHK) 86 119
- Bényi Beáta (VTK) 1 81 169
- Berek Tamás (HHK) 31 211
- Berényi László (ÁNTK) 40 124 130 144 195
- Berger Ádám (VTK) 145 185
- Besenyő János (HHK) 207
- Bíró Tibor (VTK) 49
- Boda Mihály (HHK) 89
- Bodnár László (RTK) 73 195
- Bói László (RTK) 76 125
- Boros Anita (ÁNTK) 34 99
- Bozsó Gábor (KTI) 135
- Budaházi Árpád (RTK) 174
- Christián László (RTK) 162 219
- Cimer Zsolt (VTK) 145 159
- Czeczeli Vivien (ÁNTK) 15 55
- Császár-Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) 176
- Csuhai Sándor (ÁNTK) 67
- Deák András György (EJKK) 235
- Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) 4 9 67 100 158 182 203 204 226
- Dobák Imre (RTK) 28 200
- Dobos Gábor (EJKK) 36 37 46 53 59
- Dominek Dalma Lilla (ÁNTK) 129 182
- Egedy Gergely (ÁNTK) 109
- Erdős Ákos (RTK) 85
- Falyuna Nóra (ÁNTK) 158 168
- Fantoly Zsanett (RTK) 174
- Fási Csaba (ÁNTK) 133 138
- Fehér Katalin (ÁNTK) 2 35 158 171 223
- Fekete Árpád (VTK) 179
- Formella Collins Nkapnwo (ÁNTK) 62
- Földi László (HHK) 80
- Fregán Beatrix (HHK) 63 111 177
- Gajdos Máté (HHK) 88
- Gambár Katalin (HHK) 26 74 139 212
- Ganczer Mónika (EJKK) 214
- Gellén Márton (ÁNTK) 92 227
- Ginelli Zoltán (RTK) 98
- Gulyás Adrienn (ÁNTK) 199
- Gulyás Attila (ÁNTK) 30
- Halász Iván (ÁNTK) 18 164
- Haller József (RTK) 12 102
- Halmai Péter (ÁNTK) 141
- Háló Gergő (ÁNTK) 9 45 226 236
- Hammas Attila (HHK) 96 104
- Hanka László (HHK) 6
- Hermann Zsombor (RTK) 95
- Hetesi Zsolt (VTK) 7 90 179
- Holányi Ákos (ÁNTK) 167
- Hornyák Gracza Veronika (HHK) 165
- Horváth Gábor (HHK) 185
- Horváth István (HHK) 5 10
- Horváth Klaudia Gabriella (ÁNTK) 11
- Horváth Zsuzsa (RTK) 5
- Hörcher Ferenc (EJKK) 77
- Huszár Viktor Dénes (HHK) 42 212
- Ivaskevics Krisztián (RTK) 95
- Jakusné Harnos Éva (HHK) 217
- Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK) 166
- Jójárt Krisztián (HHK) 209
- Kaiser Tamás (ÁNTK) 188
- Karches Tamás (VTK) 86 101 137
- Károly Krisztián (HHK) 88
- Kátai-Urbán Lajos (RTK) 75 145 185
- Kemény János (EJKK) 196
- Keve Gábor (VTK) 87 178 179
- Kis Bálint (RTK) 125
- Kis-Benedek József (HHK) 148
- Kiss Adrienn (HHK) 192
- Kiss Dávid (TÜI) 192
- Kiss Keve Tihamér (VTK) 3
- Kiss Tibor (RTK) 84 181
- Klotz Péter (ÁNTK) 127
- Koch Dániel (VTK) 216
- Koller Boglárka (ÁNTK) 142 228
- Kolozsi Pál Péter (ÁNTK) 55
- Koltay András (ÁNTK) 66 105 114
- Kóródi Gyula (RTK) 20
- Korponai János (VTK) 14 22 106 112 137
- Kovács Eszter (EJKK) 126
- Kovács Gábor (EJKK) 32 120
- Kovács Olivér (ÁNTK) 8 60 131
- Kovács Tamás (RTK) 39
- Krasznay Csaba (ÁNTK) 212
- Kutasi Gábor (ÁNTK) 15 55
- Kutasi Gábor(EJKK) 113
- Kutassy Emese (VTK) 97
- Laska Pál Károly (HHK) 140
- László Gábor (ÁNTK) 40 144 195
- Lendvai Gergely (ÁNTK) 213 234
- Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) 19 230
- Magyar Sándor (HHK) 28 192
- Majer Fruzsina (VTK) 216
- Makó Csaba (ÁNTK) 150
- Maróti Gergely (VTK) 13 17 51 155
- Marton Ádám (ÁNTK) 55 113
- Márton Balázs (RTK) 48
- Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) 57 65 69 76 94 103 125 193
- Mistar Oussama (ÁNTK) 150
- Molnár Anna (HHK) 165 189 217
- Mosavi Amir (EJKK) 16 41 50 52 56 64 68 70 71 72 108 110 118 152 153 206 210 221 222 232 233
- Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) 23 175 224
- Négyesi Imre (HHK) 27 212
- Németh András (HHK) 47 96 104 172
- Németh Gábor (RTK) 207
- Németh Zsolt (VTK) 145
- Nesterowicz Krzysztof (ÁNTK) 151
- Novák Attila (EJKK) 24
- Nyikos Györgyi (ÁNTK) 220
- Nyilas Laura (HHK) 196 194
- Nyirkos Tamás (EJKK) 163
- Ocskay Gyula (ÁNTK) 79
- Orbán Endre (ÁNTK) 207
- Orgoványi Péter (VTK) 101
- Padányi József (HHK) 205
- Paksi-Petró Csilla (ÁNTK) 211
- Pálvölgyi Tamás (VTK) 229
- Palló József (RTK) 173
- Pap Milán (EJKK) 204
- Papp Tekla (ÁNTK) 44
- Pásztor Szabolcs (ÁNTK) 78
- Pigozzi Pier Paolo (NRH) 218
- Pintér Sándor (HHK) 5 10
- Pócza Kálmán (EJKK) 25 36 37 38 46 53 54 59
- Rácz István (HHK) 5 10
- Rácz Sándor (RTK) 82
- Rada Péter (ÁNTK) 194
- Rauscher Judit (RTK) 82
- Restás Ágoston (RTK) 82 121 191 195
- Romero Torres Julián David (TSI) 201
- Rusanov Aleksandr (VTK) 49
- Sallai János (RTK) 156
- Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK) 149 170 206 190 202
- Sheikh Mosa Shrabony (ÁNTK) 130
- Siyum Berihu Asgele (ÁNTK) 117
- Sipos Attila (EJKK) 128 161 186
- Sulyok Gábor (EJKK) 214
- Syuhaini Abdul Wahi Nur (ÁNTK) 124
- Szádeczky Tamás (ÁNTK) 123 140 151 154
- Szám Dorottya (VTK) 179
- Szatmáry Balázs (HHK) 172
- Székely Gergely (HHK) 58 115
- Szenes Zoltán (HHK) 209
- Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) 21 116
- Szigeti Ákos (RTK) 84 181
- Szikora Tamás Attila (EJKK) 132
- Takács Lili (HHK) 134
- Tamás Enikő Anna (VTK) 43 87 97 183
- Tanács-Mandák Fanni (ÁNTK) 146
- Téglási András (ÁNTK) 180
- Tihanyi Miklós (RTK) 231
- Tóth Ágnes Nikolett (RTK) 69
- Tóth András (HHK) 29
- Tóth Nikolett Ágnes (RTK) 94
- Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK) 33 45 67 100 184 204
- Török Bernáth (EJKK) 100 160
- Tussay Ákos (ÁNTK) 136 187
- Ujházi Lóránd (HHK) 209
- Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) 93
- Váczi Kincső Boróka (EJKK) 123 140
- Vadász János Pál (EJKK) 215
- Vadkerti Edit (VTK) 49
- Varga Réka (ÁNTK) 157
- Vári Vince (RTK) 231
- Vas Tímea (HHK) 88
- Vásáry Viktória (ÁNTK) 91
- Vizi Balázs (ÁNTK) 175
- Vizi Dávid Béla (VTK) 61
- Zachar Péter Krisztián (ÁNTK) 143
- Zsigmond Csaba (RTK) 208
- Zsitnyányi Attila (RTK) 145
NKE publikációs kibocsátás a Scopus és a Web of Science adatbázisok adatai alapján
NKE Szerzők |
Közlemény |
Közlemény típusa |
Legjobb SJR besorolás |
Gold OA |
1 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Bényi, B., & Nkonkobe, S. (2024). Combinatorial approach of unified Apostol-type polynomials using α -distanced words. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 344, 23–31. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
2 |
Fehér Katalin (ÁNTK) |
Feher, K., Vicsek, L., & Deuze, M. (2024). Modeling AI Trust for 2050: Perspectives from media and info-communication experts. AI & SOCIETY. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
3 |
Ács Éva (VTK), Kiss Keve Tihamér (VTK) |
Görgényi, J., T-Krasznai, E., Lukács, Á., Kókai, Z., B-Béres, V., Várbíró, G., Ács, É., Kiss, K. T., Tóthmérész, B., & Borics, G. (2024). Functional properties of planktic microalgae determine their habitat selection. Hydrobiologia. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
4 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Blasco-Blasco, O., Demeter, M., & Goyanes, M. (2024). A contribution-based indicator of research productivity: Theoretical definition and empirical testing in the field of communication. Online Information Review. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
5 |
Horváth István (HHK), Bagoly Zsolt (HHK), Horváth Zsuzsa (RTK), Pintér Sándor (HHK), Rácz István (HHK) |
Horvath, I., Bagoly, Z., Balazs, L. G., Hakkila, J., Horvath, Z., Joo, A. P., Pinter, S., Tóth, L. V., Veres, P., & Racz, I. I. (2023). Mapping the Universe with gamma-ray bursts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(3), 7191–7202. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
6 |
Hanka László (HHK) |
Hanka, L. (2024). Application of the Theory of Absorbing Markov Processes, for Estimating the Load of Road Sections and Charging Stations, for Electric Car Transport. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 21(4), 87–104. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
7 |
Hetesi Zsolt (VTK) |
Kiss, V. M., Hetesi, Z., & Kiss, T. (2024). The effect of time resolution on energy system simulation in case of intermittent energies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 191, 114099. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
8 |
Kovács Olivér (ÁNTK) |
Kovacs, O. (2024). Exaptationary Industry 4.0: Graphene as pathfinder? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 200, 123183. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
9 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK), Háló Gergő (ÁNTK) |
Goyanes, M., Demeter, M., Háló, G., Arcila-Calderón, C., & Gil De Zúñiga, H. (2024). Geographical and gender inequalities in health sciences studies: Testing differences in research productivity, impact and visibility. Online Information Review. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
10 |
Pintér Sándor (HHK), Bagoly Zsolt (HHK), Rácz István (HHK), Horváth István (HHK) |
Pinter, S., Balazs, L. G., Bagoly, Z., Toth, L. V., Racz, I. I., & Horvath, I. (2023). Some statistical remarks on GRBs jointly detected by Fermi and Swift satellites. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(3), 8931–8940. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
11 |
Horváth Klaudia Gabriella (ÁNTK) |
Horvath, K. G. (2024). Riding the Innovation Wave Solo—Does Industry 5.0 in the Pharmaceutical Sector Make Companies More Independent Than Ever? In A. Visvizi, O. Troisi, & V. Corvello (Eds.), Research and Innovation Forum 2023 (pp. 489–499). Springer International Publishing. | konferencia tanulmány |
12 |
Haller József (RTK) |
Chaves, T., Török, B., Fazekas, C., Correia, P., Karailiev, P., Oravcova, H., Sipos, E., Biró, L., Haller, J., Jezova, D., & Zelena, D. (2024). The role of the GABAergic cells of the median raphe region in reinforcement-based learning. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1175. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
13 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Stirk, W. A., Bálint, P., Široká, J., Novák, O., Rétfalvi, T., Berzsenyi, Z., Notterpek, J., Varga, Z., Maróti, G., Van Staden, J., Strnad, M., & Ördög, V. (2024). Comparison of plant biostimulating properties of Chlorella sorokiniana biomass produced in batch and semi-continuous systems supplemented with pig manure or acetate. Journal of Biotechnology, 381, 27–35. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
14 |
Korponai János (VTK) |
Begy, R.-Cs., Savin, C.-F., Korponai, J., Magyari, E., & Kovács, T. (2024). Investigation of the last two centuries sedimentation dynamics in high-altitude lakes of Southern Carpathians, Romania. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1391. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
15 |
Czeczeli Vivien (ÁNTK), Kutasi Gábor (ÁNTK) |
Endrődi-Kovács, V., Czeczeli, V., & Kutasi, G. (2024). Drivers of household saving in East Central European countries. A push and pull model perspective. Post-Communist Economies, 1–23. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
16 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Barzegar, H., Eshghi, A., Maghsoodi, A. I., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Optimal Control for Economic Development During the Pandemic. IEEE Access, 12, 2445–2457. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
17 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Rani, V., Shetty, P., & Maróti, G. (2024). Comparative transcriptome study highlights the versatility of nitrogen metabolism in Chlamydomonas. Algal Research, 79, 103458. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
18 |
Halász Iván (ÁNTK) |
Halász, I. (2024). The Central European history in constitutional preambles: State narrative and governance implications. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 32(1), 131–148. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
19 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Hegedűs, S., & Lentner, C. (2023). Examining financial literacy and the financial aspects of Hofstede’s four-factor culture model in Hungary. Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas, 19(1), 1–20. | folyóiratcikk |
20 |
Kóródi Gyula (RTK) |
Kóródi, G., & Rikk, J. (2024). Effects of magnetotherapy in regeneration by static magnetic pulses after extreme physical activity in the Hungarian home defense sector. In Static Magnetic Fields and their Effects (pp. 131–140). | könyvfejezet |
21 |
Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) |
Szente-Varga, M. (2024). Hungarian coaches in Cold War Cuba. Sport in History, 1–21. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
22 |
Korponai János (VTK) |
Szabó, Z., Buczkó, K., Korponai, J. L., Luoto, T., Begy, R.-C., Haliuc, A., Veres, D., Hamerlík, L., Csorba, R., Zsigmond, A. R., Darabos, G., Méhes, N., Kövér, C., & Magyari, E. K. (2024). Two chironomid-inferred mean July air temperature reconstructions in the South Carpathian Mountains over the last 2000 years. The Holocene, 09596836241236353. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
23 |
Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Nagy, N. (2024). “Humanity’s new frontier”: Human rights implications of artificial intelligence and new technologies. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 64(2), 236–267. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
24 |
Novák Attila (EJKK) |
Novak, A. (2024). Pilgrimage and State-Security: Visiting the Tombs of Tzadikim in the Socialist Hungary—Before 1989. Contemporary Jewry. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
25 |
Pócza Kálmán (EJKK) |
Gyulai, A., & Pócza, K. (2024). From depoliticization to politicization: Three periods of thinking politically with Carl Schmitt in Hungary. Journal of Political Ideologies, 1–20. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
26 |
Gambár Katalin (HHK) |
Márkus, F., & Gambár, K. (2024a). Quantized Approach to Damped Transversal Mechanical Waves. Quantum Reports, 6(1), 120–133. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
27 |
Négyesi Imre (HHK) |
Négyesi, I. (2024). Social and Ethical Issues of the Military Use of Artificial Intelligence. In T. A. Kovács, Z. Nyikes, T. Berek, N. Daruka, & L. Tóth (Eds.), Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Light of the Armed Conflicts (pp. 421–430). Springer Nature Switzerland. | könyvfejezet |
28 |
Dobák Imre (RTK), Magyar Sándor (HHK) |
Dobak, I., & Magyar, S. (2024). Thoughts on the Place and Role of Cybersecurity Awareness. In T. A. Kovács, Z. Nyikes, T. Berek, N. Daruka, & L. Tóth (Eds.), Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Light of the Armed Conflicts (pp. 411–419). Springer Nature Switzerland. | könyvfejezet |
29 |
Tóth András (HHK) |
Toth, A. (2024). Industrial IoT and 5G in Critical Information Infrastructures. In T. A. Kovács, Z. Nyikes, T. Berek, N. Daruka, & L. Tóth (Eds.), Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Light of the Armed Conflicts (pp. 173–187). Springer Nature Switzerland. | könyvfejezet |
30 |
Gulyás Attila (ÁNTK) |
Gulyás, A. (2024). Connections Enabling Command and Control. In T. A. Kovács, Z. Nyikes, T. Berek, N. Daruka, & L. Tóth (Eds.), Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Light of the Armed Conflicts (pp. 385–396). Springer Nature Switzerland. | könyvfejezet |
31 |
Berek Tamás (HHK) |
Berek, T. (2024). Integrated Physical Protection of Emergency Water Production Facilities. In T. A. Kovács, Z. Nyikes, T. Berek, N. Daruka, & L. Tóth (Eds.), Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Light of the Armed Conflicts (pp. 329–340). Springer Nature Switzerland. | könyvfejezet |
32 |
Kovács Gábor (EJKK) |
Hollósi, J., Ballagi, Á., Kovács, G., Fischer, S., & Nagy, V. (2024). Bus Driver Head Position Detection Using Capsule Networks under Dynamic Driving Conditions. Computers, 13(3), 66. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
33 |
Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Bene, M., Tóth, T., & Goyanes, M. (2024). Teflonic social media behavior: Why users refrain from participating in political discussions and why it matters. In Research Handbook on Social Media and Society (pp. 148–160). | könyvfejezet |
34 |
Boros Anita (ÁNTK) |
Tőzsér, D., Lakner, Z., Sudibyo, N. A., & Boros, A. (2024). Disclosure Compliance with Different ESG Reporting Guidelines: The Sustainability Ranking of Selected European and Hungarian Banks in the Socio-Economic Crisis Period. Administrative Sciences, 14(3), 58. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
35 |
Fehér Katalin (ÁNTK) |
Feher, K. (2024). Exploring AI media. Definitions, conceptual model, research agenda. Journal of Media Business Studies, 1–24. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
36 |
Pócza Kálmán (EJKK), Dobos Gábor (EJKK) |
Pócza, K., Csapodi, M., Dobos, G., & Gyulai, A. (2024b). Western European constitutional courts in comparative perspective 1990–2020. In K. Pócza, Constitutional Review in Western Europe (1st ed., pp. 313–338). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
37 |
Pócza Kálmán (EJKK), Dobos Gábor (EJKK) |
Pócza, K., Csapodi, M., Dobos, G., & Gyulai, A. (2024a). Constitutional review and judicial-legislative relations in established democracies. In K. Pócza, Constitutional Review in Western Europe (1st ed., pp. 1–25). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
38 |
Pócza Kálmán (EJKK) |
Pócza, K. (2024). Constitutional Review in Western Europe: Judicial-Legislative Relations in Comparative Perspective (1st ed.). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
39 |
Kovács Tamás (RTK) |
Kovács, T. (2024). Police officers at a crossroads: Life-stories of Hungarian police officers after the German occupation of Hungary. Istorija 20. Veka, 42(1/2024), 123–142. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
40 |
László Gábor (ÁNTK), Berényi László (ÁNTK) |
László, G., Deutsch, N., & Berényi, L. (2024). Teachers’ Perception of Some Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown: The Case Study of Ludovika University of Public Service. Social Sciences, 13(2), 111. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
41 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Maleki, P., Ramazani, A., Khotanlou, H., Ojaghi, S., Mousavi, M., Kalinin, A., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Object Detection for Vehicles with Yolo. 2024 IEEE 22nd World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 000343–000350. | konferencia tanulmány |
42 |
Huszár Viktor Dénes (HHK) |
Huszár, V. D., & Adhikarla, V. K. (2024). Securing Phygital Gameplay: Strategies for Video-Replay Spoofing Detection. IEEE Access, 12, 52282–52301. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
43 |
Tamás Enikő Anna (VTK) |
Cano-Alonso, L. S., Sellis, U., Tamás, E. A., Kalocsa, B., Janic, B., Pieniak, D., Carbonell, I., Torés, A., & Zieliński, P. (2024). Filial cannibalism in the Black Stork ( Ciconia nigra ). The European Zoological Journal, 91(1), 245–251. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
44 |
Papp Tekla (ÁNTK) |
Papp, T. (2024). Legal Dogmatic Questions about the Impact of the European Union’s Digital Legislation on Hungarian Contract Law. Juridical Tribune, 14(1), 47–59. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
45 |
Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK), Háló Gergő (ÁNTK) |
Goyanes, M., Tóth, T., & Háló, G. (2024). Gender differences in google scholar representation and impact: An empirical analysis of political communication, journalism, health communication, and media psychology. Scientometrics, 129(3), 1719–1737. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
46 |
Pócza Kálmán (EJKK), Dobos Gábor (EJKK) |
Gyulai, A., Pócza, K., & Dobos, G. (2023). The Hungarian Constitutional Court. In K. Pócza, Constitutional Review in Central and Eastern Europe (1st ed., pp. 114–141). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
47 |
Németh András (HHK) |
Krasnyánszki, B., Brassai, S. T., & Németh, A. (2024). UAV weaknesses against deauthentication based hijacking attacks. 2024 IEEE 22nd World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 000493–000498. | konferencia tanulmány |
48 |
Márton Balázs (RTK) |
Márton, B. (2024). Independence of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office in the context of the appointment procedures. New Journal of European Criminal Law, 20322844241228721. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
49 |
Rusanov Aleksandr (VTK), Bíró Tibor (VTK), Vadkerti Edit (VTK) Ács Éva (VTK) |
Rusanov, A. G., Kurashov, E. A., Rasulova, A. M., Bíró, T., Vadkerti, E., & Ács, É. (2024). Diatom metacommunity structuring in a large lake: Geomorphic, water chemistry and dispersal effects on diatom guilds in Lake Ladoga (north-western Russia). Aquatic Sciences, 86(2), 39. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
50 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Rezaei, M. A., Fathollahi, A., Akbari, E., Saki, M., Khorgami, E., Teimouri, A. R., Chronopoulos, A. T., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Reliability Calculation Improvement of Electrolytic Capacitor Banks Used in Energy Storage Applications Based on Internal Capacitor Faults and Degradation. IEEE Access, 12, 13146–13164. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
51 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Papp, M., Tóth, A. G., Békési, L., Farkas, R., Makrai, L., Maróti, G., & Solymosi, N. (2024). Apis mellifera filamentous virus from a honey bee gut microbiome survey in Hungary. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 5803. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
52 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Yousefi, S., Najjar-Ghabel, S., Danehchin, R., Band, S. S., Hsu, C.-C., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Automatic melanoma detection using discrete cosine transform features and metadata on dermoscopic images. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 36(2), 101944. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
53 |
Pócza Kálmán (EJKK), Dobos Gábor (EJKK) |
Pócza, K., Csapodi, M., Dobos, G., & Gyulai, A. (2023b). Constitutional review and judicial-legislative relations in new democracies. In K. Pócza, Constitutional Review in Central and Eastern Europe (1st ed., pp. 1–27). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
54 |
Pócza Kálmán (EJKK) |
Pócza, K. (2023). Constitutional Review in Central and Eastern Europe: Judicial-Legislative Relations in Comparative Perspective (1st ed.). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
55 |
Czeczeli Vivien (ÁNTK), Kolozsi Pál Péter (ÁNTK), Kutasi Gábor (ÁNTK), Marton Ádám (ÁNTK) |
Czeczeli, V., Kolozsi, P. P., Kutasi, G., & Marton, Á. (2024). Exposure and preparedness for wartime inflation in the EU: Retrospective cluster analysis. Society and Economy. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
56 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Taromideh, F., Fazloula, R., Choubin, B., Masoodi, M., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Ensemble Machine Learning for Urban Flood Hazard Assessment. 2024 IEEE 22nd World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 000525–000530. | konferencia tanulmány |
57 |
Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) |
Mátyás, S., Radics, Z., Balogh, A., Keller, K., Dávid, D. L., & Harman, E. (2024). Types and spatial characteristics of traffic offences committed by road hauliers and carriers in the North Great Plain region, Hungary. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(3). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
58 |
Székely Gergely (HHK) |
Khaled, M., & Székely, G. (2024). Conceptual distance and algebras of concepts. The Review of Symbolic Logic, 1–16. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
59 |
Pócza Kálmán (EJKK), Dobos Gábor (EJKK) |
Pócza, K., Csapodi, M., Dobos, G., & Gyulai, A. (2023a). Central and Eastern European constitutional courts in comparative perspective 1990–2020. In K. Pócza, Constitutional Review in Central and Eastern Europe (1st ed., pp. 294–323). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
60 |
Kovács Olivér (ÁNTK) |
Kovacs, O., & Domonkos, E. (2024). Deindustrialisation and reindustrialisation patterns in V4 countries – industry 4.0 as a way forward? Post-Communist Economies, 36(4), 432–463. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
61 |
Vizi Dávid Béla (VTK) |
Somodi, I., Konrád, K. D., Vizi, D. B., Tallósi, B., Samu, A., Kajner, P., & Bede-Fazekas, Á. (2024). Modelling of potential vegetation identifies diverging expectable outcomes of river floodplain widening. Global Ecology and Conservation, 50, e02859. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
62 |
Formella Collins Nkapnwo (ÁNTK) |
Fon, N. N. A., Achu, N. N., & Formella, C. N. (2024). Whose Right Is Right? The Dialectics of Remedial Secession and Territorial Sovereignty in the Cameroon Anglophone Crisis. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 1–21. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
63 |
Fregán Beatrix (HHK) |
Altaleb, H., Beatrix, F., Azemi, F., & Zoltán, R. (2024). 5G Evolution and Supply Chain Security in MENA Region: Challenges and Opportunities. 2024 IEEE 22nd World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 000149–000156. | konferencia tanulmány |
64 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Kulikov, A., Kaverin, V., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Simulation of an electric conveyor drive using Simulink Matlab. 2024 IEEE 22nd World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 000513–000518. | konferencia tanulmány |
65 |
Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) |
Mátyás, S., Radics, Z., & Harman, E. (2024). Közúti áruszállítással kapcsolatos ellenőrzések és közigazgatási bírságok Észak-Alföld vármegyéiben, 2017-2021. Területi Statisztika, 64(1), 96–120. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
66 |
Koltay András (ÁNTK) |
Wragg, P., & Koltay, A. (2024). Global Perspectives on Press Regulation, Volume 2: Asia, Africa, the Americas and Oceania (Vol. 2, p. 348). | könyvfejezet |
67 |
Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK), Demeter Márton (ÁNTK), Csuhai Sándor (ÁNTK) |
Tóth, T., Demeter, M., Csuhai, S., & Major, Z. B. (2024). When career-boosting is on the line: Equity and inequality in grant evaluation, productivity, and the educational backgrounds of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions individual fellows in social sciences and humanities. Journal of Informetrics, 18(2), 101516. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
68 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mahmoudzadeh, H., Abedini, A., Aram, F., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Evaluating urban environmental quality using multi criteria decision making. Heliyon, 10(3), e24921. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
69 |
Tóth Ágnes Nikolett (RTK), Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) |
Ágnes, T. N., Szabolcs, M., Zoltán, B., Dénes, D. L., József, T. G., & Gábor, M. (2024). Innovation, infocommunication and digital transformation in sport policing and certain aspects of sports. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(3). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
70 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Tarighi, J., Azad, M., Ardabili, S., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Investigating the Essential Factors for Thresher Losses and Waste in Peanut Harvester Considering Several Varieties of Crop. Acta Technologica Agriculturae, 27(1), 52–59. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
71 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Karimi, S., Heidari, M., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Machine Learning for Modeling Vegetation Restoration of Forests Using Satellite Images. 2024 IEEE 22nd World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 000531–000538. | konferencia tanulmány |
72 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Jalili, A., Tabrizchi, H., Razmara, J., & Mosavi, A. (2024). BiLSTM for Resume Classification. 2024 IEEE 22nd World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 000519–000524. | konferencia tanulmány |
73 |
Bodnár László (RTK) |
Major, Z., Bodnár, L., Merczel, D. B., Szép, J., & Lublóy, É. (2024). Analysis of the Heating of Steel Structures During Fire Load. Emerging Science Journal, 8(1), 1–16. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
74 |
Gambár Katalin (HHK) |
Márkus, F., & Gambár, K. (2024b). Symmetry Breaking and Dynamic Transition in the Negative Mass Term Klein–Gordon Equations. Symmetry, 16(2), 144. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
75 |
Kátai-Urbán Lajos (RTK) |
Zsitnyányi, A., Petrányi, J., Jónás, J., Garai, Z., Kátai-Urbán, L., Zádori, I., & Kobolka, I. (2024). Applicability of an Ionising Radiation Measuring System for Real-Time Effective-Dose-Optimised Route Finding Solution during Nuclear Accidents. Fire, 7(4), 142. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
76 |
Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK), Bói László (RTK) |
Mátyás, S., Keller, K., & Bói, L. (2024). Impacts of settlement structure and urban development on crime types and distribution. Ecocycles, 10(1), 49–57. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
77 |
Hörcher Ferenc (EJKK) |
Hörcher, F. (2024). “Beyond the Window That Can Never Be Opened”—Roger Scruton on “Moments of Revelation” in Human Life. Religions, 15(4), 485. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
78 |
Pásztor Szabolcs (ÁNTK) |
Pásztor, S. (2024). Terrorist Financing from North Africa to the Sahel Region: Exhaustible or Inexhaustible Stream? In J. Besenyő, L. Issaev, & A. Korotayev (Eds.), Terrorism and Political Contention (pp. 43–61). Springer Nature Switzerland. | könyvfejezet |
79 |
Ocskay Gyula (ÁNTK) |
Ocskay, G. (2024). Improved cross-border relevance through integrated interventions: The TAPE tool of the INTERREG V-A Slovakia-Hungary Programme. European Planning Studies, 32(8), 1752–1772. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
80 |
Földi László (HHK) |
Kuti, R., Könczöl, F., Csapó, L., Papp, Cs., Földi, L., & Tóth, Á. D. (2024). Selection of engine oils with tribological examinations applicable to specially operated diesel engines. FME Transactions, 52(2), 335–342. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
81 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Adell, J. A., & Bényi, B. (2024). Probabilistic Stirling numbers and applications. Aequationes Mathematicae. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
82 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK), Rácz Sándor (RTK), Rauscher Judit (RTK) |
Wang, D., Luo, B., Deng, J., Feng, Q., Zhang, W., Deng, C., Mensah, R. A., Restas, A., Racz, S., Rauscher, J., & Das, O. (2024). Optimized fire resistance of alkali-activated high-performance concrete by steel fiber. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
83 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2024b). Secularism as an Anti-Religious Conspiracy: Salafi Challenges to French laïcité. Religions, 15(5), 546. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
84 |
Szigeti Ákos (RTK), Kiss Tibor (RTK) |
Szigeti, Á., Frank, R., & Kiss, T. (2024). Contribution to the harm assessment of darknet markets: Topic modelling drug reviews on Dark0de Reborn. Crime Science, 13(1), 13. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
85 |
Erdős Ákos (RTK) |
Erdős, Á. (2024). A fiatal rendőrök alkoholfogyasztása és az alkoholhasználat motivációja. Szociológiai Szemle, 34(1), 28–47. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
86 |
Bencsik Dániel (HHK), Karches Tamás (VTK) |
Bencsik, D., Wadhawan, T., Házi, F., & Karches, T. (2024). Plant-Wide Models for Optimizing the Operation and Maintenance of BTEX-Contaminated Wastewater Treatment and Reuse. Environments, 11(5), 88. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
87 |
Tamás Enikő Anna (VTK), Keve Gábor (VTK) |
Keve, G., Csörgő, T., Kováts, D., Benke, A., Bende, A. T., Ágoston, H., Mórocz, A., Németh, Á., Tamás, E. A., Huber, A., Gyurácz, J., Keve, G., Kontschán, J., Németh, A., & Hornok, S. (2024). Contributions to our knowledge on avian louse flies (Hippoboscidae: Ornithomyinae) with the first European record of the African species Ornithoctona laticornis. Parasites & Vectors, 17(1), 237. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
88 |
Vas Tímea (HHK), Károly Krisztián (HHK), Gajdos Máté (HHK) |
Kovács, B., Vörös, F., Vas, T., Károly, K., Gajdos, M., & Varga, Z. (2024). Safety and Security-Specific Application of Multiple Drone Sensors at Movement Areas of an Aerodrome. Drones, 8(6), 231. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
89 |
Boda Mihály (HHK) |
Boda, M. (2024). The Warfare Ideology of Ordeal: Another Form of Just War Thinking? Theory and Practice from the Early Middle Ages. Journal of Military Ethics, 23(1), 53–66. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
90 |
Hetesi Zsolt (VTK) |
Kiss, T., Hetesi, Z., & Kiss, V. (2024). Ecological design of a production plant. Ecological Economics, 224, 108290. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
91 |
Vásáry Viktória (ÁNTK) |
Lendvay, E., Szabó, D., & Vásáry, V. (2024). A kisebb területegységek helyi gazdaságfejlesztését megalapozó statisztikai vizsgálat—A Marcal-völgy esete, 2022. Területi Statisztika, 64(3), 308–337. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
92 |
Gellén Márton (ÁNTK) |
Gellén, M. (2024). Can Public Procurements Contribute to Fighting Trading in Persons? Public Organization Review. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
93 |
Urbanovics Anna (ÁNTK) |
Urbanovics, A., Márkusz, I., Palla, G., Pollner, P., & Sasvári, P. (2024). Path of excellence: A co-authorship network analysis of European Research Council grant winners in social sciences. Heliyon, 10(12), e32403. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
94 |
Tóth Nikolett Ágnes (RTK), Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) |
Tóth, N. Á., Mátyás, S., Tóth, G. J., Bujdosó, Z., Mátrai, G., Gajić, T., & Dávid, L. D. (2024). Leveraging Digital Platforms for Responsible Sports Tourism: Budapest’s Role in the 2020 European Football Championship. In Y. El Archi, B. Benbba, L. D. Dávid, & L. Cardoso (Eds.), Advances in Hospitality, Tourism, and the Services Industry (pp. 148–167). IGI Global. | könyvfejezet |
95 |
Hermann Zsombor (RTK), Ivaskevics Krisztián (RTK) |
Bőthe, B., Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P., Bergeron, S., Hermann, Z., Ivaskevics, K., Kraus, S. W., Grubbs, J. B., & Problematic Pornography Use Machine Learning Study Consortium. (2024). Uncovering the most robust predictors of problematic pornography use: A large-scale machine learning study across 16 countries. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. | folyóiratcikk |
96 |
Hammas Attila (HHK), Németh András (HHK) |
Brassai, S. T., Ambarus, R. B., Hammas, A., & Németh, A. (2024). Experiments on Detecting and Monitoring Objects based on Thermal Imaging. 2024 25th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC), 1–6. | konferencia tanulmány |
97 |
Kutassy Emese (VTK), Tamás Enikő Anna (VTK) |
Füstös, V., Baranya, S., Kutassy, E., Tamás, E. A., Erős, T., & Józsa, J. (2024). Validating a Two-dimensional Sediment Transport Model on a Large Danubian Floodplain. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 68(3), 812–820. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
98 |
Ginelli Zoltán (RTK) |
Ginelli, Z. (2024). ‘Hungarian Indians’: Race and colonialism in Hungarian ‘Indian play’. In Off white: Central and Eastern Europe and the Global History of Race (pp. 113–137). | könyvfejezet |
99 |
Boros Anita (ÁNTK) |
Boros, A., Gordos, B., & Tőzsér, D. (2024). A bibliometric analysis-based literature review of the relationship between sustainable water management and green innovations in the agricultural sector. Heliyon, 10(12), e33364. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
100 |
Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK), Demeter Márton (ÁNTK), Török Bernáth (EJKK) |
Tóth, T., Demeter, M., Szabó, L. P., & Török, B. (2024). Populist Cues in Media Framing: Exploring How Populism by the Media Emerges in Western News Coverage of Protests. KOME, 12(1). | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
101 |
Orgoványi Péter (VTK), Karches Tamás (VTK) |
Orgoványi, P., & Karches, T. (2024). GIS-Based Model Parameter Enhancement for Urban Water Utility Networks. Urban Science, 8(2), 35. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
102 |
Haller József (RTK) |
Haller, J. (2024). Herbal Cannabis and Depression: A Review of Findings Published over the Last Three Years. Pharmaceuticals, 17(6), 689. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
103 |
Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) |
Keller, K., Mátyás, S., Hegedűs, M., Kaszás, N., Rahmat, A. F., & Dávid, L. D. (2024). Updating the tourism organizational assessment scale. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(6), 3811. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
104 |
Németh András (HHK), Hammas Attila (HHK) |
Brassai, S. T., Szántó, N., Bajka, A., Bárdi, O., Németh, A., & Hammas, A. (2024). Simulation Environment Implementation for Generation of Training Samples. 2024 25th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC), 1–6. | konferencia tanulmány |
105 |
Koltay András (ÁNTK) |
Koltay, A. (2024a). Conclusions. In Global Perspectives on Press Regulation, Volume 2: Asia, Africa, the Americas and Oceania (Vol. 2, pp. 329–334). | könyvfejezet |
106 |
Korponai János (VTK) |
Koleszár, G., Lukács, B. A., Coetzee, J., Korponai, J., & Szabó, S. (2024). Warming induced shade tolerance to become a key trait in invasion success of free-floating plant Pistia stratiotes over the native Hydrocharis morsus-ranae. Aquatic Botany, 194, 103786. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
107 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2024a). Political Loyalty in Contemporary Islamic Ethics: Sunni and Shii Perspectives. Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf Dan Pemikiran Islam, 14(1), 52–72. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
108 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mosavi, A., Imre, F., & Hung, V. T. (2024). ChatGPT and Large Language Models in Healthcare; a Bibliometrics Analysis and Review. 2024 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics and Cyber-Medical Systems (ICCC), 1–6. | konferencia tanulmány |
109 |
Egedy Gergely (ÁNTK) |
Egedy, G. (2024). The civilization state in the war against Ukraine. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 1–14. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
110 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Jamil, S., Jamil, S., Farooq, W., Ardabili, S., Khan, A. D., Khalil, U. K., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Ensemble Learning for Modeling Luminance in Plasmonic Nanoellipse for Tunable Spaser. 2024 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics and Cyber-Medical Systems (ICCC), 1–6. | konferencia tanulmány |
111 |
Fregán Beatrix (HHK) |
Salvador, L. R., Fregan, B., & Rajnai, Z. (2024). ICT and Telecommunications Supply Chain: Threat Landscape and Countermeasures. 2024 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics and Cyber-Medical Systems (ICCC), 1–6. | konferencia tanulmány |
112 |
Korponai János (VTK) |
Magyari, E. K., Szabó, Z., Falus, Gy., Móra, A., Szalai, Z., Hamerlik, L., Tóth, M., Farkas, Á., Pomogyi, P., Somogyi, B., Vörös, L., & Korponai, J. (2024). Large shallow lake response to anthropogenic stressors and climate change: Missing macroinvertebrate recovery after oligotrophication (Lake Balaton, East-Central Europe). Science of The Total Environment, 946, 174191. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
113 |
Kutasi Gábor(EJKK), Marton Ádám (ÁNTK) |
Kutasi, G., & Marton, Á. (2024). The Optimal Tax Structure from GDP-growth Perspective. Revista Finanzas y Política Económica, 16(1), 121–143. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
114 |
Koltay András (ÁNTK) |
Koltay, A. (2024b). Media Freedom and the Law: The Regulation of a Common European Idea (1st ed.). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
115 |
Székely Gergely (HHK) |
Aslan, T., Khaled, M., & Székely, G. (2024). On the networks of large embeddings. Algebra Universalis, 85(3), 33. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
116 |
Szente-Varga Mónika (HHK) |
Szente-Varga, M. (2024). For a bright future. Cuban nuclear engineers studying in late socialist Hungary. History of Education Review, 53(1), 28–44. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
117 |
Siyum Berihu Asgele (ÁNTK) |
Siyum, B. A. (2024). Service quality gap in Ethiopia: Expected and perceived services in the public sector. Cogent Social Sciences, 10(1), 2359269. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
118 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mudabbiruddin, M., Mosavi, A., & Imre, F. (2024). From Deep Learning to ChatGPT for Materials Design. 2024 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics and Cyber-Medical Systems (ICCC), 1–8. | konferencia tanulmány |
119 |
Bencsik Dániel (HHK) |
Dehghani Tafti, A., Houweling, D., Perron, J.-M., Bencsik, D., Johnson, T., Vanrolleghem, P. A., & Comeau, Y. (2024). Towards a modelling framework for nature-based solutions in wastewater treatment. Water Science & Technology, wst2024235. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
120 |
Kovács Gábor (EJKK) |
Hollósi, J., Ballagi, Á., Kovács, G., Fischer, S., & Nagy, V. (2024). Detection of Bus Driver Mobile Phone Usage Using Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks. Computers, 13(9), 218. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
121 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Okolie, C. C., Ogunleye, O. T., Danso-Abbeam, G., Ogundeji, A. A., & Restás, Á. (2024). Smallholder farmers’ coping and adaptation strategies to climate change: Evidence from a bibliometric analysis. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 23, 100451. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
122 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2024). Political Loyalty, Justice, and Trust: A Thematic Study of the Concept of Betrayal (kh-w-n) in the Qur’ān. Islamic Studies, 63(2), 147–165. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
123 |
Bányász Péter (ÁNTK), Szádeczky Tamás (ÁNTK), Váczi Kincső Boróka (EJKK) |
Banyasz, P., Szadeczky, T., & Vaczi, K. B. (2024). The relationship between generative artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 209–215. | konferencia tanulmány |
124 |
Syuhaini Abdul Wahi Nur (ÁNTK), Berényi László (ÁNTK) |
Abdul Wahi, N. S., & Berenyi, L. (2024). Examining the Effect of Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions on E-government Adoption by Employees in Mandatory Condition. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 104–110. | konferencia tanulmány |
125 |
Bói László (RTK), Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK), Kis Bálint (RTK) |
Boi, L., Podor, A., Matyas, S., & Kis, B. (2024). Communicating crimes with maps to citizens. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 187–194. | konferencia tanulmány |
126 |
Kovács Eszter (EJKK) |
Kovács, E. (2024). From Freedom to the Mysteries of State: Diderot’s Political Discussion With Catherine the Great. History of Political Thought, 45(3), 513–528. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
127 |
Klotz Péter (ÁNTK) |
Klotz, P. (2024). From Captured States to Freed States using ICT. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 223–225. | konferencia tanulmány |
128 |
Sipos Attila (EJKK) |
Sipos, A. (2024). Dealing with registrations and jurisdiction in aircraft financing. Uniform Law Review, 29(1), 30–43. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
129 |
Dominek Dalma Lilla (ÁNTK) |
Dominek, D. L. (2024). Forms of international criminal cooperation: Especially for joint investigative teams in relation to transparency. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 274–281. | konferencia tanulmány |
130 |
Sheikh, Mosa Shrabony (ÁNTK), Berényi László (ÁNTK) |
Sheikh, M. S., & Berenyi, L. (2024). Digital Farming: A Framework to Reduce Gender Divides in Agriculture. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 13–19. | konferencia tanulmány |
131 |
Kovács Olivér (ÁNTK) |
Kovács, O. (2024). Toward qualitative growth: Exaptations, graphene and Industry 4.0. Acta Oeconomica, 74(3), 277–298. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
132 |
Szikora Tamás Attila (EJKK) |
Lendvai, G. F., Papp, J. T., & Szikora, T. A. (2024). Overview of EU legislation on political campaigning in the light of the European court of human rights case law. Lawyer Quarterly, 14(3), 328–342. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
133 |
Fási Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Fasi, C. (2024b). The Future of Cohesion Policy. How the 9th Cohesion Report was prepared. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 159–165. | konferencia tanulmány |
134 |
Takács Lili (HHK) |
Takacs, L. (2024). The Use of Analytic Hierarchy Process for Measuring National Interests: Demonstrating the Case Study of the Changing Relevance of Libya for Italian Foreign Policy between 2011–2021. International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, 17(1), 63–85. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
135 |
Bozsó Gábor (KTI) |
Bozsó, G. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Digitization in Eastern European Public Sectors: Insights from International E-Government Indicators. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 111–118. | konferencia tanulmány |
136 |
Tussay Ákos (ÁNTK) |
Tussay, Á. (2024a). Natural law and unwritten law in Classical Greek thought. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 65(1), 114–134. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
137 |
Korponai János (VTK), Karches Tamás (VTK) |
Gyulai, I., Korponai, J., Wamugi, S. M. A., Jakab, J., Kawu, U. A., Soltész, A. G., Karches, T., & Tumurtogoo, U. (2024). Cladocera and Geochemical Variables from Core Sediments Show Different Conditions of Hungarian Lakes. Water, 16(9), 1310. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
138 |
Fási Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Fasi, C. (2024a). Human-Oriented Economy: Economic Transformation in the European Union and Hungary. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 226–233. | konferencia tanulmány |
139 |
Gambár Katalin (HHK) |
Márkus, F., & Gambár, K. (2024). Wilberforce-like Larmor Magnetic Moment and Spin Precession. Entropy, 26(9), 736. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
140 |
Bányász Péter (ÁNTK), Laska Pál Károly (HHK), Szádeczky Tamás (ÁNTK), Váczi Kincső Boróka (EJKK) |
Banyasz, P., Laska, P. K., Szadeczky, T., & Vaczi, K. B. (2024). The relationship between the dark triad personality and cybersecurity. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 195–202. | konferencia tanulmány |
141 |
Halmai Péter (ÁNTK) |
Halmai, P. (2024). War shock and the economy: Some economic impacts of Russian aggression in Ukraine. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 64(4), 545–559. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
142 |
Koller Boglárka (ÁNTK) |
Koller, B. (2024). Subsidiarity as the Magic Key to Europe’s Future: Conceptual and Theoretical Interpretations of Subsidiarity in the Context of the Current Debates on the Future of the European Union. In M. Schlag & B. Koller (Eds.), Rethinking Subsidiarity (pp. 165–181). | könyvfejezet |
143 |
Zachar Péter Krisztián (ÁNTK) |
Zachar, P. K. (2024). Inspired by Differing Traditions—Views on Christian Democracy in Two Governments of Hungary After 1989. In M. Schlag & B. Koller (Eds.), Rethinking Subsidiarity (pp. 151–163). Springer Nature Switzerland. | könyvfejezet |
144 |
Berényi László (ÁNTK), László Gábor (ÁNTK) |
Berenyi, L., & Laszlo, G. (2024). Ranking the importance of personal competencies for public servants. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 173–179. | konferencia tanulmány |
145 |
Berger Ádám (VTK), Kátai-Urbán Lajos (RTK), Németh Zsolt (VTK), Zsitnyányi Attila (RTK), Cimer Zsolt (VTK) |
Berger, Á., Kátai-Urbán, L., Németh, Z., Zsitnyányi, A., Kátai-Urbán, M., & Cimer, Z. (2024). Applicability of Design Methodology for the Remediation Bund of Flammable Dangerous Liquid Storage Tanks. Fire, 7(7), 246. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
146 |
Tanács-Mandák Fanni (ÁNTK) |
Tanacs-Mandak, F. (2024). The Hungarian Parliament in the Shadow of Crisis (2015-2023). Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 266–273. | konferencia tanulmány |
147 |
Bartóki-Gönczy Balázs (ÁNTK) |
Dr. Bartóki-Gönczy, B. (2024). National Space Law—European best practices for an effective and competitive national regulatory environment. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 42–50. | konferencia tanulmány |
148 |
Kis-Benedek József (HHK) |
Kis-Benedek, J. (2024). The security and military context of the Russia–Ukraine war. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 64(4), 560–567. | konferencia tanulmány |
Q3 |
149 |
Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK), Belényesi Emese (ÁNTK) |
Sasvari, P. L., & Belenyesi, E. (2024). Classification of Journals in the Scimago Database Related to Subfields of Public Administration Science. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 25–37. | konferencia tanulmány |
150 |
Makó Csaba (ÁNTK), Mistar Oussama (ÁNTK) |
Mistar, O., & Makó, C. (2024). Roles of Social Actors in Creating Responsible Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 252–257. | konferencia tanulmány |
151 |
Nesterowicz Krzysztof (ÁNTK), Szádeczky Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Nesterowicz, K., Bayramova, U., & Szádeczky, T. (2024). Gamification in Massive Open Online Courses After the Pandemic: In L. A. Tomei & D. D. Carbonara (Eds.), Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design (pp. 489–513). | könyvfejezet |
152 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Band, S. S., Qasem, S. N., Ameri, R., Pai, H.-T., Gupta, B. B., Mehdizadeh, S., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Deep learning hybrid models with multivariate variational mode decomposition for estimating daily solar radiation. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 105, 613–625. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
153 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Rasekh, M., Ardabili, S., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Environmental assessment of soluble solids contents and pH of orange using hyperspectral method and machine learning. Smart Agricultural Technology, 9, 100544. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
154 |
Szádeczky Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Stoelczer, K., & Szadeczky, T. (2024). The current state and challenges of the cybersecurity legal framework in the context of EU financial entities. Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2024, 203–208. | konferencia tanulmány |
155 |
Maróti Gergely (VTK) |
Stirk, W. A., Pap, B., Maróti, G., Van Staden, J., & Ördög, V. (2024). Cyanobacteria-Fungi Co-Cultures: Which Partner Contributes to Antifungal Activity? Current Microbiology, 81(11), 401. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
156 |
Sallai János (RTK) |
Sallai, J. (2024). Border control on the Romanian-Hungarian border in the Socialist era. In Frontières en mouvement (Frontem): Which Models of Cross-Border Cooperation for the EU?: A comparative analysis from a Euro-Atlantic perspective (pp. 455–470). | könyvfejezet |
157 |
Varga Réka (ÁNTK) |
Varga, R. (2024). The Russian–Ukrainian war: The possibilities of ensuring accountability. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 64(4), 580–588. | konferencia tanulmány |
Q3 |
158 |
Falyuna Nóra (ÁNTK), Fehér Katalin (ÁNTK), Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Falyuna, N., Feher, K., Demeter, M., Szüdi, G., & Uscinski, J. E. (2024). Against Disinformation: Bridging Science and Public Discourse. Információs Társadalom, 24(2), 68. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
159 |
Cimer Zsolt (VTK) |
Csorba, K., Kapitány, K., Cimer, Z., Hlavička, V., Biró, A., & Lublóy, É. (2024). Monitoring of historical structural materials with computed tomography. Structural Concrete, suco.202400149. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
160 |
Török Bernát (EJKK) |
Török, B. (2024). Free Speech Principles to Consider when Restricting Disinformation. Információs Társadalom, 24(2), 115. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
161 |
Sipos Attila (EJKK) |
Alketbi, K., & Sipos, A. (2024). The role of smart technology in airport facilitation and security control (ICAO Annex 9 and 17 requirements). Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(8), 5444. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
162 |
Christián László (RTK) |
Christián, L., & Namgung, H. (2024). An Analysis of Complementary Law Enforcement: Comparing the Hungarian and South Korean Models for More Effective Police Service Delivery. In J. F. Albrecht & G. Den Heyer (Eds.), Special Topics in Policing (pp. 269–286). | könyvfejezet |
163 |
Nyirkos Tamás (EJKK) |
Nyirkos, T. (2024). Secular Religions: The Key Concepts (1st ed.). | könyv |
164 |
Halász Iván (ÁNTK) |
Halász, I. (2024). Anton Vavrinec Ottmayer – administrácia, advokácia, správa a vzdelávanie. PRÁVNĚHISTORICKÉ STUDIE, 54(2), 11–23. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
165 |
Molnár Anna (HHK), Hornyák Gracza Veronika (HHK) |
Molnár, A., & Hornyák Gracza, V. (2024). Women, Peace and Security in EU Interventions: Analysing EULEX and Operation Irini. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 1–20. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
166 |
Jánosi Imre Miklós (VTK) |
Drótos, G., Herein, M., Haszpra, T., & Jánosi, I. M. (2024). Converged ensemble simulations of climate: Possible trends in total solar irradiance cannot explain global warming alone. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12, 1240784. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
167 |
Holányi Ákos (ÁNTK) |
Ludovika University of Public Service, & Holányi, Á. (2024). Regional Cooperation in Central Europe:a Systematic Review. On-Line Journal Modelling the New Europe, 45, 118–149. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
168 |
Falyuna Nóra (ÁNTK) |
Dodé, R., & Falyuna, N. (2024). The language and motivations of expertise in political discourse. Információs Társadalom, 24(2), 48. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
169 |
Bényi Beáta (VTK) |
Bényi, B., Mansour, T., & Ramírez, J. L. (2024). Pattern Avoidance in Weak Ascent Sequences. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 26:1, Permutation...(Special issues), 12273. | konferencia tanulmány |
Q2 |
170 |
Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK) |
Dobos, I., & Sasvári, P. (2024). Statistical analysis of QS World University Rankings 2021 university rankings using Scopus/SciVal databases. Regional Statistics, 14(4), 768–792. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
171 |
Fehér Katalin (ÁNTK) |
Köves, A., Feher, K., Vicsek, L., & Fischer, M. (2024). Entangled AI: Artificial intelligence that serves the future. AI & SOCIETY. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
172 |
Németh András (HHK), Szatmári Balázs (HHK) |
Baross, M. T., Németh, A., Szatmári, B. G., Ágoston, T., & Varga, P. J. (2024). Implemented University Practical Course for 5G Stand Alone System with Augmented Reality. 2024 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), 000371–000376. | konferencia tanulmány |
173 |
Palló József (RTK) |
Pallo, J. (2024). Military Criminal Sanctions and the Peculiarities Related to their Execution in Hungary (1930 – 1948). Journal on European History of Law, 15(1), 158–165. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
174 |
Budaházi Árpád (RTK), Fantoly Zsanett (RTK) |
Budaházi, Á., & Fantoly, Z. (2024). Negotiated Agreements as an Alternative to Criminal Trials: Policy Lessons from the Hungarian Example. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 32(2), 105–125. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
175 |
Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK), Vizi Balázs (ÁNTK) |
Nagy, N., & Vizi, B. (2024). Conceptualisation and operationalisation of minorities in international law: Past experiences and new avenues. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
176 |
Császár-Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Noemi, C.-N., Bob, P., & Bókkon, I. (2024). Long-Term Implicit Epigenetic Stress Information in the Enteric NervousSystem and its Contribution to Developing and Perpetuating IBS. Current Neuropharmacology, 22(13), 2100–2112. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
177 |
Fregán Beatrix (HHK) |
Altaleb, H., Fregan, B., & Rajnai, Z. (2024). Fortifying Decentralized Governance: Introducing Decentralized Autonomous Verification (DAVe) for Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAOs) Security. 2024 IEEE 28th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), 000049–000054. | konferencia tanulmány |
178 |
Keve Gábor (VTK) |
Keve, G., L. Márkus, Z., Szántó, G., Szkaliczki, T., Veres, M., & Weisz, Z. (2024). Water Management Digital Knowledge Repository as an Online Tool to Preserve, Maintain and Develop Technical Heritage of Water Sciences. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 14, 83–94. | konferencia tanulmány |
179 |
Szám Dorottya (VTK), Hetesi Zsolt (VTK), Keve Gábor (VTK), Fekete Árpád (VTK) |
Szám, D., Hetesi, Zs., Takács, A. P., Keve, G., Balling, P., & Fekete, Á. (2024). Study of drought periods in the Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region. Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
180 |
Téglási András (ÁNTK) |
Historical Development of the Constitutional Social Rights in the Hungarian Constitutional System in the 20th Century. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
181 |
Szigeti Ákos (RTK), Kiss Tibor (RTK) |
Parti, K., Dearden, T., Foriest, W., Hawdon, J., Räsänen, P., Szigeti, A., & Kiss, T. (2024). Cross-country comparison analysis of individual and institutional factors of anomie and online offending. European Journal of Criminology, 14773708241276944. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
182 |
Dominek Dalma Lilla (ÁNTK), Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Dominek, D. L., Demeter, M., & Ceglédi, S. (2024). Flow Measurement in Cultural Institutions in the Framework of an Elective Subject at a Hungarian University. Journal of Museum Education, 49(2), 248–259. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
183 |
Tamás Enikő Anna (VTK) |
Tamás, E. A., & Tadić, L. (2024). Changes in the flow processes in the rivers of the Mura-Drava-Danube transboundary biosphere reserve. In A. M. Ferreira Da Silva, C. Rennie, S. Gaskin, J. Lacey, & B. MacVicar, River Flow 2022 (1st ed., pp. 955–959). | konferencia tanulmány |
184 |
Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Tóth, T., & Lantos, D. (2024). When Crisis Unfolds: Relative Deprivation and Populist Attitudes in Hungary. Populism, 7(2), 197–225. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
185 |
Kátai-Urbán Lajos (RTK), Horváth Gábor (HHK), Berger Ádám (VTK) |
Institute of Disaster Management of National University of Public Service, Kátai-Urbán, L., Horváth, G., Institute of Disaster Management of National University of Public Service, Berger, A., National University of Public Service, Cimer, Z., & National University of Public Service. (2024). Analysis of Changes in the Durability of Concrete Structures in the Industry under Chemical Exposure, Considering Potential Risks for Workers and the Environment. Occupational Safety in Industry, 9, 57–65. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
186 |
Sipos Attila (EJKK) |
Abdouli, J. A., & Sipos, A. (2024). An overview of the dynamic and complex regulatory landscape of cargo transportation in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(9), 6586. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
187 |
Tussay Ákos (ÁNTK) |
Tussay, Á. (2024b). Nomos Empsychos: Towards a Historiography of the Greek Living Law Idea. Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought, 41(3), 456–478. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
188 |
Kaiser Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Kaiser, T. (2024). Smart development in the making: Links between commuting, digital technologies and the demand for e-government applications in Hungary. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(9), 7042. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
189 |
Molnár Anna (HHK) |
Conte, M. M., Roman, F., Sacchet, M., Spinello, E., Molnár, A., Attias, S., Tudorache, P., Kompan, J., & Dolan, A. (2024). Students’ Perception of International Collaboration and Cultural Understanding in Digitally Driven Education. 145–153. | konferencia tanulmány |
190 |
Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK) |
Sasvári, P., & Lendvai, G. F. (2024). On the Periphery of the European Social Sciences—A Scientometric Analysis of Publication Performance, Excellence, and Internal Bias in Social Sciences in the Visegrad Countries. Social Sciences, 13(10), 537. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
191 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK) |
Restás, Á. (2024). Drone Swarm Technology as an Option to Suppress Forest Fires. In L. Makovická Osvaldová, L. E. Hasburgh, & O. Das (Eds.), Wood & Fire Safety 2024 (pp. 411–418). Springer Nature Switzerland. | konferencia tanulmány |
192 |
Bányász Péter (ÁNTK), Kiss Adrienn (HHK), Magyar Sándor (HHK), Kiss Dávid (TÜI) |
Bányász, P., Kiss, A., Magyar, S., & Kiss, D. (2024). Empirical analysis of the cyberattacks of the Russian–Ukrainian war. Információs Társadalom, 24(2), 9. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
193 |
Mátyás Szabolcs (RTK) |
Mátyás, S., Birtók, V., Vasvári, M., & Kovács, T. (2024). Talentumföldrajzi kutatások egy belső perifériás magyar régióban – nagykunsági esettanulmány. Tér És Társadalom, 38(3), 118–139. | folyóiratcikk |
194 |
Rada Péter (ÁNTK), Nyilas Laura (HHK) |
Budapest Metropolitan University, Rada, P., Nyilas, L., & University of Public Service, Ludovika. (2024). The Future of Liberal World Order from a Central and Eastern European Perspective. UNISCI Journal, 22(66), 27–39. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
195 |
Restás Ágoston (RTK), Bodnár László (RTK) |
Restás, Á., Kristóf, A., Süli, Á., & Bodnár, L. (2024). Water Source from Under Our Feet – Case Study at Homokhátság Area, Hungary. In L. Makovická Osvaldová, L. E. Hasburgh, & O. Das (Eds.), Wood & Fire Safety 2024 (pp. 419–427). | konferencia tanulmány |
196 |
Kemény János (EJKK) |
Kemény, J. (2024). A politikai konfliktusok jellegzetességei: A politikai erőszak jellemzői és következményei. Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle, 79(2), 397–401. | konferencia tanulmány |
Q4 |
197 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2024b). Political Loyalty in Reformist Islamic Ethics: Resources and Limits. Islamic Quarterly, 68(2), 137–160. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
198 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2024a). Contesting Power as Political Theology: Traditionalist Islamic Preaching and Post-Secularism in the West. Religions, 15(10), 1197. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
199 |
Gulyás Adrienn (ÁNTK) |
Gulyás, A. (2024). Capital symbolique, consécration et marché des retraductions de littérature française en langue hongroise entre 2000 et 2020. Romanica Wratislaviensia, 71, 87–105. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
200 |
Dobák Imre (RTK) |
Dobák, I. (2024). The Warsaw coordination centre – international radio counterintelligence cooperation of the former European socialist countries. Journal of Intelligence History, 1–11. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
201 |
Romero Torres Julián David (TSI) |
Romero Torres, J. D. (2024). Prolegomena for any Future Narrative Literaturemetrics. KOME, 12(2), 3–27. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
202 |
Sasvári Péter (ÁNTK) |
Sasvári, P., & Lendvai, G. F. (2024). A visegrádi országok társadalomtudományi publikációs teljesítménye, 2019-2023. Területi Statisztika, 64(5), 636–660. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
203 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK), Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK) |
Goyanes, M., Scheffauer, R., Tóth, T., Demeter, M., & Gil De Zúñiga, H. (2024). Online News Paying Intent Antecedents: The Culture of Free, Fairness of Having to Pay for News, and the Moderating Role of Political Interest. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 10776990241296458. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
204 |
Tóth Tamás (ÁNTK), Demeter Márton (ÁNTK) |
Bozdağ, U., Tóth, T., & Demeter, M. (2024). When Articulating Populist Dichotomies is Paramount: Exploring the Effects of Explicit and Implicit Populist Styles on User Engagement in Turkish Election Tweets. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 10776990241284579. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
205 |
Belhaj Abdessamad (EJKK) |
Belhaj, A. (2024). Pope Francis, Islam, and the Ethics of Recognition: Openings and Muslim Responses. Religions, 15(12), 1547. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
206 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mansourialam, A., Rasekh, M., Ardabili, S., Dadkhah, M., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Hyperspectral Method Integrated with Machine Learning to Predict the Acidity and Soluble Solid Content Values of Kiwi Fruit During the Storage Period. Acta Technologica Agriculturae, 27(4), 187–193. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
207 |
Auer Ádám (ÁNTK), Németh Gábor (RTK), Orbán Endre (ÁNTK) |
Auer, Á., Németh, G., University of Public Service Ludovika, Budapest, Hungary, Orbán, E., University of Public Service Ludovika, Budapest, Hungary, Pollner, P., & Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary. (2024). Constitutional Court Decisions as a Network of Precedents? A Network Theory-Based Analysis of the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of Hungary. Juridical Tribune - Review of Comparative and International Law, 14(4), 652–669. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
208 |
Zsigmond Csaba (RTK) |
Sziebig, J., & Zsigmond, C. (2024). The Changes of The Hungarian Money-Laundering Legislation in the Light of the International and EU Tendencies. Balkan Social Science Review, 24, 85–111. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
209 |
Ujházi Lóránd (HHK) |
Ujházi, L. (2024). The Involvement of the Catholic Laity in the Promotion of Peace. Religions, 15(11), 1336. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
210 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Jalili, A., Tabrizchi, H., Mosavi, A., & Varkonyi-Koczy, A. R. (2024). Enhancing Language Model Performance with a Novel Text Preprocessing Method. Acta Physica Polonica A, 146(4), 542–552. | konferencia tanulmány |
Q4 |
211 |
Paksi-Petró Csilla (ÁNTK) |
Paksi-Petró, C. (2024). Attractions and Repulsions: How Competitive is the Hungarian Civil Service Today? Central European Public Administration Review, 22(2), 35–53. | folyóiratcikk |
212 |
Gambár Katalin (HHK) |
Márkus, F., & Gambár, K. (2024). Lagrangian Coupling of Dissipative Electrodynamic Waves with the Thermal Absorption and Emission. Symmetry, 16(12), 1559. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
213 |
Lendvai Gergely (ÁNTK) |
Gosztonyi, G., & Lendvai, G. F. (2024). Politicians’ liability for Facebook comments: A critical assessment of the Sanchez v. France judgment of the European Court of Human Rights. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 65(2), 241–259. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
214 |
Bartóki-Gönczy Balázs (EJKK), Ganczer Mónika (EJKK), Sulyok Gábor (EJKK) |
Bartóki-Gönczy, B., Ganczer, M., & Sulyok, G. (2024). Space sustainability: Current regulatory challenges. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 65(2), 260–281. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
215 |
Vadász János Pál (EJKK) |
Csányi, G. M., Lakatos, D., Üveges, I., Megyeri, A., Vadász, J. P., Nagy, D., & Vági, R. (2024). From Fact Drafts to Operational Systems: Semantic Search in Legal Decisions Using Fact Drafts. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 8(12), 185. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
216 |
Majer Fruzsina (VTK), Koch Dániel (VTK) |
Horvat, M., Horvat, Z., Majer, F., & Koch, D. (2024). Hydrological Modeling of Stream Drainage Basins: A Case Study on the Magyaregregy Experimental Catchment in Hungary. Water, 16(24), 3629. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
217 |
Molnár Anna (HHK), Jakusné Harnos Éva (HHK) |
Jakusné Harnos, É., & Molnár, A. (2024). From Quasi-Sovereignty to Full Sovereignty? The Interpretations of Strategic Autonomy and Sovereignty in the European Union. Anali Hrvatskog Politološkog Društva, 21(1), 95–116. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
218 |
Pigozzi Pier Paolo (NRH) |
Pigozzi, P. P. (2024). Constitutional Tradition in Latin America and the Caribbean. In Constitutional Reasoning in Latin America and the Caribbean (pp. 23–45). | könyvfejezet |
219 |
Christián László (RTK) |
Christián, L. (2024). Addressing the challenges of law enforcement higher education in Hungary 1. In V. Riccio, D. Jia, & D. K. Das, Challenges of Contemporary Policing (1st ed., pp. 35–46). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
220 |
Nyikos Györgyi (ÁNTK) |
Ermasova, N., Nemec, J., & Nyikos, G. (2024). Governance Reforms in Visegrád Countries (The Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia). In A. Farazmand (Ed.), Comparative Governance Reforms (Vol. 52, pp. 129–148). Springer Nature Switzerland. | könyvfejezet |
221 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Jalili, A., Sajedi, H., Tabrizchi, H., & Mosavi, A. (2024). Skin Cancer Classification Using DenseNet. 2024 IEEE 22nd Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), 000333–000340. | konferencia tanulmány |
222 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Shakhatova, A., Tolkyn, M., Gulnara, Z., Ozhigin, S., Amir, M., & Kozhanov, M. (2024). Applied Machine Learning in Geophysics Taxonomy Review Bibliometrics and Trends in Generative AI. 2024 IEEE 22nd Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), 000251–000258. | konferencia tanulmány |
223 |
Fehér Katalin (ÁNTK) |
Winiarska-Brodowska, M., & Feher, K. (2024). Socio-cultural Artificial Intelligence (SCAI) and Journalism. In D. Brzeziński, K. Filipek, K. Piwowar, & M. Winiarska-Brodowska, Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Beyond (1st ed., pp. 105–120). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
224 |
Nagy Noémi (ÁNTK) |
Chronowski, N., & Nagy, N. (2024). Minority identity in the making? Conceptualization and operationalization of national and ethnic minorities in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
225 |
Balla János (EJKK) |
Balla, J. (2025). Joseph II’s Reforms of the Piarist Order with Particular Regard to the Hungarian Province. PRÁVNĚHISTORICKÉ STUDIE, 54(3), 77–91. | folyóiratcikk |
Q4 |
226 |
Demeter Márton (ÁNTK), Háló Gergő (ÁNTK) |
Demeter, M., Goyanes, M., Háló, G., & Xu, X. (2024). The internationalization of Chinese social sciences research: Publication, collaboration, and citation patterns in economics, education, and political science. Policy Reviews in Higher Education, 1–27. | folyóiratcikk |
D1 |
227 |
Gellén Márton (ÁNTK) |
Gellén, M. (2024). From One Union to Another Union: The Development Path of the Hungarian Public Administration from the Regime Change to the New Era of Crises. In A. Farazmand (Ed.), Comparative Governance Reforms (Vol. 52, pp. 105–127). Springer Nature Switzerland. | könyvfejezet |
228 |
Koller Boglárka (ÁNTK) |
Schlag, M., & Koller, B. (Eds.). (2024). Rethinking Subsidiarity: Multidisciplinary Reflections on the Catholic Social Tradition. Springer Nature Switzerland. | könyv |
229 |
Pálvölgyi Tamás (VTK) |
Erőss, V., & Pálvölgyi, T. (2024). A Covid19-járvány következményei és tanulságai az energiafelhasználás és a hazai termelő ágazatok karbonlábnyomának alakulása terén. Statisztikai Szemle, 102(11), 1149–1168. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
230 |
Lentner Csaba (ÁNTK) |
Lentner, C., Lencses, E., Hegedűs, S., & Nagy, V. (2024). Analysis of the crisis resilience of utilities in the ownership of municipalities in Hungary between 2006 and 2022. Public and Municipal Finance, 13(2), 182–194. | folyóiratcikk |
Q3 |
231 |
Tihanyi Miklós (RTK), Vári Vince (RTK) |
Tihanyi, M., Vári, V., & Krasnova, K. A. (2024). Ethics of Sin and Punishment. Kutafin Law Review, 11(4), 741. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
232 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Ghanbari, S. S., Mousavi, M., Pouria, M., Amir, M., & Choubin, B. (2024). Flood Risk Analysis with Deep Learning. 2024 IEEE 22nd Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), 000341–000346. | konferencia tanulmány |
233 |
Mosavi Amir (EJKK) |
Mudabbiruddin, M., Imre, F., Amir, M., & Perez, H. (2024). Deep Learning for Detecting Building Defects. 2024 IEEE 22nd Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), 000289–000296. | konferencia tanulmány |
234 |
Lendvai Gergely (ÁNTK) |
Lendvai, G. F. (2024). Taming the Titans? – Digital Constitutionalism and the Digital Services Act. | folyóiratcikk |
Q2 |
235 |
Deák András György (EJKK) |
Deák, A., Szabo, J., & Weiner, C. (2024). Russia’s gas weapon in Central and Eastern Europe. In M. Mišík & A. Figulová, EU Energy and Climate Policy after COVID-19 and the Invasion of Ukraine (1st ed., pp. 119–137). Routledge. | könyvfejezet |
236 |
Háló Gergő (ÁNTK) |
Goyanes, M., Jordá, B., & Háló, G. (2024). The Impact of Methodological Diversity on Productivity, Views, and Citations: An Empirical Examination of Communication and its Most Productive Scholars. International Journal of Communication, 18(0), Article 0. | folyóiratcikk |
Q1 |
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Az adatok frissítve: 2025. február 1.